

Alex, a young man from the modern world, is mysteriously transported to the unpredictable seas of the One Piece universe. Awakening on a pirate ship, he finds himself caught between legendary pirates and formidable Marines. Gifted with strange new abilities and a destiny intertwined with the world's greatest treasure, Alex joins forces with Monkey D. Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirates on their epic quest. As dark forces conspire against him Alex must navigate a world where dreams and danger are boundless. With the One Piece within his reach, can Alex unlock the full potential of what this world has to offer, or will he be lost to its depths?

piratepenman · Komik
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15 Chs


Fists and kicks became a whirlwind of motion as Alex engaged with the pirates. His movements were a symphony of agility and power, each strike executed with surgical precision. His mastery of Rokushiki techniques lent him an almost supernatural speed, allowing him to weave through the melee with grace, dodging every attack effortlessly.

The pirates, accustomed to overwhelming their opponents with sheer numbers, found themselves outmatched. Their strikes met only air or were deflected by Alex's swift defenses. Each counterattack he unleashed was like a thunderbolt, sending pirates crashing to the deck with bone-jarring impacts.

"He's too fast!"

"Don't let him overpower us!"

Their voices echoed over the tumult of battle, filled with frustration and fear as they struggled to keep pace with Alex's relentless assault. Some tried to circle around him, seeking a vulnerable spot, but Alex anticipated their moves, turning their aggression against them with calculated efficiency.

"He's taking them down one by one!"

"Where's Captain Krieg?"

The pirates, disoriented and losing hope, looked for their leader amidst the chaos. But Alex's focus remained unbroken. With each opponent he dispatched, his confidence swelled, a testament to his unwavering resolve amidst overwhelming odds.

The scene on the deck was a dance of combat, where every movement, every strike, told a story of skill and determination. Alex's eyes burned with intensity, his breath measured and steady despite the adrenaline coursing through his veins. Each encounter reaffirmed his belief in his abilities and his readiness to face even greater challenges ahead in the treacherous waters of the Grand Line.

The battle unfolded like a tempest at sea, with Alex at its heart—a lone figure amidst the chaos of Don Krieg's dwindling fleet. His punches and kicks reverberated through the air, each strike a testament to his strength and unwavering skill. The pirates, initially brimming with confidence, now hesitated as they faced this relentless warrior who seemed to defy their every expectation.

"Don't let him escape!" one pirate bellowed, rallying his comrades to action. "Surround him! We outnumber him!"

But Alex was a force to be reckoned with. His movements were a blur of calculated precision, each strike finding its mark with lethal accuracy. As pirates lunged at him, he evaded effortlessly, using their own momentum against them with expertly timed counters. His Rokushiki techniques, honed through countless battles in the East Blue, now shone brilliantly in the heart of this conflict.

On the decks of the enemy ships, chaos erupted as Alex leaped from one vessel to the next, his Geppo allowing him to traverse the turbulent battlefield with unmatched agility. Pirates scrambled to defend their ships, but Alex was relentless. With each landing, he unleashed devastating Rankyaku strikes that cleaved through wood and flesh alike, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake.

The clash of steel and the cries of battle echoed across the sea, marking Alex's relentless pursuit of victory. His determination was palpable, his resolve unyielding as he faced wave after wave of adversaries. Every move he made was fueled by a fierce determination to dismantle Don Krieg's fleet and secure his place in the annals of the Grand Line's legends.

As the battle wore on, the sea around them became littered with the wreckage of shattered ships and defeated pirates. Despite the odds stacked against him, Alex fought on, his spirit undaunted by the enormity of the challenge. Each opponent he dispatched only fueled his determination further, a testament to his unwavering courage amidst the chaos of battle.

The setting sun cast a crimson hue upon the scene, its light reflecting off the turbulent waters as Alex pressed forward, his eyes locked on the horizon where the remnants of Don Krieg's fleet struggled to regroup. In this moment of conflict and turmoil, Alex stood as a solitary beacon of strength and resilience, his every action a declaration of his unyielding pursuit of victory in the perilous waters of the Grand Line.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a crimson glow across the sea, Alex continued his assault. The clash of steel and the cries of battle echoed into the night, marking his relentless pursuit of justice and strength in the perilous waters of the Grand Line.

As the battle wore on into the night, Alex's initial momentum began to wane under the relentless assault of Don Krieg's pirates. The once clear sky now dimmed by the haze of battle, echoed with the clash of steel and the shouts of combatants. Despite his unparalleled skill and determination, the sheer number of adversaries began to take its toll. Fatigue crept into his muscles, and his movements, once fluid and precise, became increasingly labored.

From all sides, pirates swarmed him with coordinated attacks, their determination fueled by the sight of their captain observing from a distance. "He's slowing down!" one pirate shouted triumphantly amidst the chaos. "Don't let him escape! Keep pushing!" others echoed, their voices mingling with the din of battle.

Amidst the tumult, Don Krieg stood stoically on the deck of his flagship, his eyes narrowed in intense focus. He had underestimated Alex's resilience and skill, but his confidence in his fleet's overwhelming numbers remained unshaken. "Finish him off! Bring him down!" he bellowed, his voice cutting through the chaos, urging his men onward.

Alex defended himself with everything he had left, utilizing his mastery of Rokushiki to evade and counter the torrent of blows. Each strike he delivered was a testament to his determination, but the relentless onslaught drained his stamina with every passing moment. His breath came in ragged gasps as he fought on, his mind racing with strategies to turn the tide once more.

As the battle stretched into its fifth hour, exhaustion weighed heavily upon him. The once calm sea now churned beneath the conflict, its surface reflecting sporadic flashes of cannon fire and the glow of lanterns on the ships. With every ounce of strength, Alex pushed back against the overwhelming force of Don Krieg's fleet, unleashing a final flurry of strikes that momentarily staggered his opponents.

But the toll was evident. "Take him down! He's weakening!" the pirates cried out, closing in with renewed vigor. Alex knew he needed to create space between himself and the relentless attackers. With a decisive leap, he propelled himself off the deck of the nearest ship, soaring into the air with Geppo.

From his elevated vantage point, Alex surveyed the chaotic scene below, breathing heavily as he assessed his next move. Despite the weariness that still gnawed at his limbs, he felt a subtle shift within him—the effects of the serum he had consumed earlier beginning to bolster his stamina and clarity of mind.

Determined not to let this opportunity slip away, Alex steadied himself. The fatigue that had weighed him down was slowly receding, replaced by a renewed sense of purpose and strength. With a steely resolve, he prepared to finish what he had started—to face the onslaught with renewed vigor and determination, ready to overcome the odds stacked against him in the perilous waters of the Grand Line.

Using Shigan and Rankyaku, Alex launched precise strikes from a distance, targeting pirates who attempted to flee or regroup. The speed and precision of his attacks were enhanced by his mastery of Rokushiki, each strike finding its mark with deadly accuracy.

"Stay sharp!"

"Don't let him pick us off!"

The remaining pirates scrambled to avoid Alex's relentless barrage, their morale wavering as they realized their numbers were dwindling rapidly. Some attempted to retreat to other ships, only to be intercepted by Alex's swift and decisive attacks.

"We can't escape!"

"He's too fast!"

Don Krieg's fleet descended into chaos as Alex systematically dismantled their remaining forces. His movements were swift and calculated, a testament to his growing mastery of combat techniques and his strategic prowess.

As the battle raged on into the night, the sea churned with the remnants of shattered ships and defeated pirates. Alex's determination burned bright amidst the darkness, his resolve unyielding in the face of overwhelming odds. With each strike, he pushed himself further, driven by the need to prove his strength and resolve in the perilous waters of the Grand Line.

High above the chaotic battlefield, Alex continued to rain down precise Shigan strikes from his aerial vantage point. With each flick of his fingers, compressed air bullets shot forth, puncturing sails and masts, and disabling the pirates' attempts to escape. His movements were swift and deliberate, enhanced by the recovery brought on by his superior physique and the focus granted by Kami-e.

Below, Don Krieg, seething with frustration, spotted Alex's aerial assault but was helpless to intervene. His own fleet, now in disarray, bore the brunt of Alex's relentless attacks. He bellowed orders in fury, directing his remaining crewmates to regroup and counterattack, but their morale had plummeted.

"We can't let him escape!"

"Fight back, you cowards!"

But despite Krieg's commands, the pirates were filled with agony and despair. They could only watch in horror as Alex systematically picked off their ships one by one. Some tried to fight back, launching cannon fire and desperate attacks, but Alex's agility and precise movements rendered their efforts futile.

"He's too fast!"

"We're being picked off!"

The cries of desperation echoed across the sea, mingling with the sounds of battle and the crashing waves. The once proud fleet of Don Krieg now faced defeat at the hands of a single man whose strength and skill surpassed their wildest nightmares.

As time passed, the pirates' hope dwindled further. The realization that they were no match for Alex's prowess sank in, leaving them paralyzed with fear and regret. Krieg's anger turned inward, lashing out at his crewmates who could offer no viable solutions.

"You fools! Get it together!"

"Don't just stand there! Do something!"

But it was too late. The once formidable fleet now lay scattered and broken, their captain's rage unable to halt their inevitable demise. Alex's relentless pursuit of strength had turned the tide of battle decisively in his favor, leaving Don Krieg and his pirates to face the bitter consequences of their failed ambitions in the unforgiving waters of the Grand Line.

After the relentless battle and the scattering of Don Krieg's fleet, Alex stood amidst the wreckage and remnants of the defeated pirates. His breath came in heavy gasps, his muscles ached from the prolonged fight, but a sense of accomplishment surged through him. He had prevailed against overwhelming odds, proving his strength in the crucible of battle.

As he scanned the debris-strewn waters, his eyes caught a glimpse of a small boat on the distant horizon. A chill ran down his spine as he recognized it instantly. It was Mihawk's boat, unmistakable in its sleek and ominous design. The very sight of it sent a mix of anticipation and apprehension through Alex's veins.

"Mihawk..." he murmured to himself, his thoughts racing. The legendary swordsman was known to appear unexpectedly and without warning, seeking worthy opponents to test his skills against. Alex knew that encountering Mihawk meant facing one of the most formidable adversaries in the Grand Line.

Despite the fatigue and the bruises from his recent battle, a spark of excitement ignited within Alex. This was an opportunity he couldn't ignore—an opportunity to measure his own abilities against a true master of the blade, to test the limits of his newfound strength and techniques.