

Alex, a young man from the modern world, is mysteriously transported to the unpredictable seas of the One Piece universe. Awakening on a pirate ship, he finds himself caught between legendary pirates and formidable Marines. Gifted with strange new abilities and a destiny intertwined with the world's greatest treasure, Alex joins forces with Monkey D. Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirates on their epic quest. As dark forces conspire against him Alex must navigate a world where dreams and danger are boundless. With the One Piece within his reach, can Alex unlock the full potential of what this world has to offer, or will he be lost to its depths?

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15 Chs


As Alex soared through the sky using Geppo, the wind rushing past him, he couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement and anticipation. The vast expanse of the ocean stretched out beneath him, its azure waters shimmering in the sunlight. He glanced down at the sea below, marveling at the beauty and vastness of the world he was now a part of.

His mind raced with thoughts of the skillbooks he had acquired—Rokushiki and Navigation. With these new abilities, he felt more prepared than ever to face the challenges that lay ahead, especially as he aimed to uncover the mysteries of the Grand Line.

As he neared the entrance to the Grand Line, Alex adjusted his trajectory, focusing his thoughts on a topic that had intrigued him since childhood—the Void Century. Legends and myths surrounded this enigmatic period in history, rumored to hold secrets that could reshape the world.

*"If there's anywhere I can find clues about the Void Century, it's here in the Grand Line,"* Alex thought, his determination growing stronger.

However, as he delved deeper into his thoughts, Alex soon realized a harsh truth—the history of the Void Century was deeply intertwined with the legendary treasure known as the One Piece itself. The very nature of this era's secrets was shrouded in mystery, protected by the veils of time and the grandeur of the world's most elusive treasure.

Disappointed but undeterred, Alex refocused his attention on navigating through the Grand Line. The challenges ahead were daunting, yet he knew that each step he took brought him closer to understanding more about this vast and intricate world.

With resolve burning in his heart, Alex continued his journey, his eyes set on the horizon where the mysteries of the Grand Line awaited him, ready to reveal their secrets to those bold enough to seek them.

As Alex sailed further into the Grand Line, the sight of the Red Line and Reverse Mountain filled him with awe. The sheer magnitude of these natural wonders, etched into the world's geography like ancient monuments, left him speechless. The Red Line stretched endlessly across the horizon, its imposing presence dividing the world's seas into distinct oceans. Its sheer cliff faces and impenetrable height spoke of a geological history that spanned millennia.

*"Wow,"* Alex thought, his eyes scanning the colossal barrier that marked the intersection of the world's four seas. *"To think that this single structure determines so much of the world's geography..."*

As he navigated closer to Reverse Mountain, Alex marveled at its unique design—a towering mountain that defied the ocean's currents, allowing ships to climb its slopes and descend into the Grand Line. The dynamics of ocean currents and weather patterns seemed to bend around this monumental landmark, creating a gateway that beckoned adventurous souls into the unpredictable waters of the Grand Line.

*"If I wanted to explore, now would be a good time,"* Alex mused, considering the possibilities. *"I could head to Marijoa or visit Crocus..."*

But reality soon tempered his adventurous spirit. *"Marijoa is on the other side of the world,"* he reminded himself, recalling the vast distances and treacherous seas that lay between him and the Holy Land of the World Government. *"Maybe another time."*

Instead, Alex focused on the immediate challenges and wonders that lay before him. The Grand Line, with its mysterious islands, unpredictable weather, and powerful adversaries, promised both danger and discovery. With each passing moment, his resolve deepened, driven by a thirst for knowledge and a desire to uncover the secrets of this extraordinary world.

As Alex sailed deeper into the Grand Line, the sky above him painted in hues of crimson and gold as the sun began its descent, he spotted something ominous on the horizon—a massive fleet of ships approaching with ominous intent. Even from a distance, he recognized the distinctive flags adorned with skull and crossbones, marking them as the fleet of Don Krieg, a notorious pirate known for his ruthless tactics and insatiable lust for power.

Alex's mind raced with calculations. *"Don Krieg..."* he thought, recalling the rumors he had heard of this formidable pirate and his expansive fleet. *"If they reach the Grand Line, they could wreak havoc on innocent islands and disrupt the delicate balance here."*

But another thought pierced his mind with urgency. *"Mihawk..."* The name resonated like a warning bell in his thoughts. Dracule Mihawk, the legendary swordsman known as the greatest swordsman in the world, was rumored to roam these seas. *"If I'm to face him, I can't afford distractions like Don Krieg. I need to deal with this threat swiftly."*

With resolve hardening in his heart, Alex made his decision. *"I can't let them continue. I have to stop them here and now, before Mihawk arrives and complicates things further."*

As Alex hovered high above the turbulent waters of the Grand Line, his gaze fixed on the approaching fleet of Don Krieg. Below, the sea churned with anticipation, mirroring the storm brewing within him. The wind whipped around him, tousling his hair and carrying distant echoes of battle from the ships below.

*"I can't let them slip through,"* Alex muttered, eyes narrowing with determination.

*"Not with Mihawk possibly nearby. This is my chance to test these new powers and gain more points before he intervenes."*

As Alex descended onto the deck of Don Krieg's flagship, the pirates on board froze in shock and disbelief. They had heard rumors of powerful individuals in the Grand Line, but none had expected someone to descend from the sky with such grace and purpose.

The deck fell silent, save for the creaking of the ship and the distant sounds of battle echoing across the waters. Pirates, hardened by years of plunder and combat, exchanged uneasy glances as they sized up the lone figure standing before them.

Alex's presence loomed over them, his eyes sharp and his posture confident. He knew that appearing alone on the enemy's ship was a risky move, but he needed to act swiftly before Mihawk's potential arrival complicated matters further.

The pirates hesitated, unsure how to respond to this unexpected challenge. Some gripped their weapons tighter, eyeing Alex warily, while others glanced nervously at their comrades for guidance.

A burly pirate stepped forward, his expression a mix of defiance and fear. "Who the hell are you, coming here alone ?"

Alex's gaze hardened, his resolve unshaken. "Someone who won't hesitate to kill you " he replied coolly. "Now, tell me where your captain is."

The pirate hesitated, weighing his options. Behind him, the crew murmured anxiously, sensing the tension escalating. Don Krieg's reputation for cruelty and strength was well known, but this lone intruder exuded a presence that hinted at something greater.

Before the pirate could reply, a voice echoed from the shadows of the ship's bridge. "You dare trespass on my ship, demanding my surrender?"

The air grew heavy as Don Krieg emerged, his imposing figure clad in ornate armor adorned with spikes. His eyes narrowed as he assessed the situation, his hand resting casually on the hilt of his sword.

"I don't know who you are, boy," Don Krieg growled, his voice tinged with disdain, "but you've made a grave mistake challenging me here."

Alex stood his ground, meeting Don Krieg's gaze with unwavering determination. "Your fleet won't pass through here. Surrender now, or face the consequences."

Don Krieg chuckled darkly, his confidence unshaken. "I've faced countless challengers in these seas, and none have lived to boast about it. Prepare to meet your end, fool!"

With a thunderous roar, Don Krieg drew his sword, signaling his crew to attack. Pirates surged forward, their weapons raised, ready to defend their captain and their honor.

Alex braced himself, his senses heightened as he prepared to face the onslaught alone. His heart raced with anticipation, adrenaline surging through his veins.

*(This is it. Show them what you're capable of.)*