

Alex, a young man from the modern world, is mysteriously transported to the unpredictable seas of the One Piece universe. Awakening on a pirate ship, he finds himself caught between legendary pirates and formidable Marines. Gifted with strange new abilities and a destiny intertwined with the world's greatest treasure, Alex joins forces with Monkey D. Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirates on their epic quest. As dark forces conspire against him Alex must navigate a world where dreams and danger are boundless. With the One Piece within his reach, can Alex unlock the full potential of what this world has to offer, or will he be lost to its depths?

piratepenman · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
15 Chs


### Chapter 10: Unlocking New Powers and Planning Ahead

As Alex pondered over what to buy from the shop, his eyes landed on an item he had been hoping to find:


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**(Why is this also discounted? Its original value is around 20,000. That means it's not worse than most low-level Devil Fruits.)**

**(It's a skillbook, so I guess I don't have to train it. And since I have a good physique, it will be better than I expected.)**

Without hesitation, Alex proceeded to BUY the skillbook. A not-so-thick book materialized in his hands. The cover was simple, adorned with the emblem of the Marines and the title "Rokushiki" in bold letters. He could feel the weight of the knowledge it contained, almost as if it was pulsating with energy.

**(How do I activate this?)** he wondered. As if in response, the book began to glow faintly. Trusting his instincts, Alex placed his hand on the cover. The book suddenly dissolved into particles of light, which flowed into his body, merging with his very being.

A rush of energy coursed through him, intense and overwhelming. Alex staggered, gripping the edge of a table to steady himself. His muscles twitched and flexed involuntarily as his body adapted to the sudden influx of power and knowledge. His mind was flooded with detailed instructions and experiences of the Six Styles—Rokushiki. 

Each technique unfolded vividly in his mind:

**Soru:** Alex saw himself moving at incredible speeds, faster than the eye could follow. His body tingled as if every cell was vibrating with energy, primed for explosive bursts of motion.

**Geppo:** Images of him stepping on the air, propelling himself upward as if the sky were a solid ground, filled his mind. He felt a lightness in his legs, a sense of buoyancy he had never experienced before.

**Tekkai:** His muscles tensed and hardened as he envisioned turning his body into an impenetrable fortress, able to withstand the fiercest attacks. A sensation of steel-like rigidity enveloped his limbs.

**Shigan:** The knowledge of how to pierce targets with his fingers, as though they were bullets, came to him. His fingertips tingled, feeling strangely dense and powerful.

**Rankyaku:** He imagined creating cutting air blades with his kicks. His legs felt unusually flexible and strong, as if capable of slicing through the very air itself.

**Kami-e:** His body relaxed, becoming extraordinarily supple and agile. He felt as though he could flow like water, dodging any attack with effortless grace.

Each new sensation was a revelation, transforming his understanding of his own physical limits. He could feel his muscles growing denser, his reflexes sharpening, and his endurance increasing. The knowledge didn't just sit in his mind; it integrated seamlessly, as if it had always been a part of him.

As the final strands of information settled, Alex took a deep breath. He felt invigorated, every fiber of his being alive with power. Tentatively, he decided to test his newfound abilities. Focusing on Soru, he concentrated on the mechanics that had been imprinted in his mind. In a blink, he shot across the room, colliding with the opposite wall before he could fully process the movement.

Stunned but exhilarated, Alex rubbed his shoulder where he had hit the wall. **(Definitely need to work on control,)** he thought, grinning.

Next, he attempted Geppo. With a light step, he pushed off the ground and then again from the air. He rose higher with each step, laughing as he "walked" above the floor. The sensation was surreal, like being weightless.

He landed softly and decided to try Tekkai. He tensed his muscles, feeling them harden like steel. He struck his arm against the table, the wood cracking while he felt no pain. **(Incredible!)**

The other techniques would require more practice, but the initial results were promising. Alex knew he had just scratched the surface of what he could achieve with Rokushiki. 

As he calmed down, he reflected on his new abilities. With Rokushiki in his arsenal, he was now a force to be reckoned with. The seas ahead promised even greater challenges, but Alex felt more ready than ever to face them. The journey to uncover the world's greatest treasure had become even more thrilling.

(I'm really happy with this Rokushiki skillbook. It's way cheaper than I thought it'd be, it's just as amazing as I'd hoped.)

( There doesn't seem to be a limit to how many people I can defeat or recruit, so I should just focus on getting more points and finally get my hands on that treasure. )

(maybe I can give this skillbook to other people? It'd be cool if I could.)

As Alex contemplated the best strategy to accumulate more points, a sudden flash of insight struck him, as if a distant memory had just resurfaced. **(That guy should be at the entrance of the Grand Line right now...)**

Alex's mind raced, recalling the formidable figure known to command a staggering 5,000 crew members on his colossal pirate fleet .The memory was vivid, almost tangible

. **(If I can take on him and his crew, the points I'll earn will be immense. That will surely allow me to unlock more powerful abilities and treasures.)**

Fueled by determination, Alex began to meticulously plan his next move, his thoughts sharp and focused. He walked along the island's shore, the salty breeze invigorating him, while his eyes remained fixed on the horizon. His crewmates' laughter and chatter became a distant background noise as his mind zeroed in on the task ahead.

"Hey, what took you so long? Did you eat something without us?" Luffy asked, waving enthusiastically.

Alex jogged over, slightly out of breath. "Sorry about that, guys. I didn't mean to keep you waiting."

Luffy grinned. "We thought you found some tasty food and didn't share!"

Alex laughed. "No, nothing like that. But listen, I have something important to tell you."

"Important?" Zoro raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms. "What's going on?"

Nami and luffy joined the circle, curiosity evident on their faces. "Yeah, what's the deal?" Nami asked.

Alex took a deep breath. "I'm going for some shopping right now. There are a few things I need to get. You guys continue ahead, and I'll meet you at the sea restaurant in a few days."

Luffy's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Shopping? Are you getting something cool?"

Alex grinned and nodded. "Something like that." He reached into his bag and tossed a pair of weight lifts toward Zoro and Luffy. "Here, these are for you two. You can adjust the weight to suit your training needs., use this to increase your physical strength until i come back " 

Zoro caught the weights effortlessly, examining them. "Not bad. These will be useful."

Luffy laughed, already trying to lift the weights. "These are awesome!"

Alex then handed a book to Nami titled **<Advanced Navigation>**

 "And this is for you, Nami."

Nami looked at the book, then back at Alex with a puzzled expression. "What's this for?"

"You can't navigate the Grand Line with your current skills," Alex explained gently. "The East Blue is like a 'calm belt' compared to the Grand Line. You'll need advanced knowledge to get us through safely."

Nami's eyes widened as she flipped through the pages. "This... this is amazing! Thank you, Alex."

Alex smiled. "No problem. I know you can handle it."

" I'll see you soon."

With that, Alex used Geppo to launch himself into the air, leaving his crewmates behind as they waved him off, their trust and camaraderie unshaken. As he soared above the town, Alex marveled at how quickly he had adapted to using Rokushiki techniques like Geppo. The sensation of weightlessness was exhilarating, almost like flying.

**(Man, these books are cheaper than I thought.)** Alex thought to himself as he landed gracefully on a nearby rooftop, holding another skillbook <Navigation > in his hands. The thrill of acquiring new knowledge and skills fueled his excitement for the adventures ahead.

The items had cost him 20, 10, and 30 points respectively.

**BALANCE: 1,780**

**(I guess knowledge doesn't cost much,)** he mused with a grin, ready for his next adventure. The prospect of mastering navigation in the treacherous Grand Line beckoned to him, promising challenges and discoveries beyond his wildest dreams.

As Alex prepared to set off on his shopping expedition, he couldn't help but wonder about the crew he had heard about with 5,000 members

. **(How am I going to approach such a massive crew?)**

he pondered. The thought of facing such a formidable challenge intrigued and excited him.