

The next day, Michael woke up early in the

morning and looked around and found he is in a single bedroom and there is no one else other than him. He mumbled, " it's still six o'clock. Breakfast is at 7:30."

There's still time. Let's check the time table.

Monday: the Potions class is in the morning

and Flying class in the afternoon at 3:30.

Tuesday: Transfiguration, Charms, and D.A.D.A. in the morning

and Astronomy in the afternoon.

Wednesday: Herbology in the morning, Potions

in the afternoon.

Thursday: Transfiguration and Charms in the


Friday: D.A.D.A. in the morning, History of

Magic and Flying class in the afternoon.

Michael smiled "I like this time table. I would have

a lot of free time"

Then he looked around the room and found a hole in the corner. He spoke out, " Ravan, come out. We need to talk"

As soon as Michael called his name it came with a blue fire with thunder and perched on his shoulder

Michael spoke, "now when I am in the hall having breakfast with everyone at that time I need you to make an amazing entry and sit on my shoulder after flying around the hall once do you understand"

As Ravan nodded, he went downstairs after

freshening up and wore the uniform he bought

at Diagon Alley. The new robes will be

delivered at the end of their first day which

they need to replace the previous plain robe.

As he reached the common room, he saw

Malfoy's gang and Pansy's gang just sitting and

chatting with each other. Although it looked

more like an argument. After seeing him, they

stopped their arguments and rushed towards


Malfoy asked, "; I heard that you got a separate

room for yourself. Is it real?".

Michael nodded.

Tracey then asked, "; does that mean you really

are the heir to the house pendragon, right?" Michael replied,

"what if I was, what if I wasn't?. It's not like

being a Pendragon heir makes me


Michael went on his way to the Great Hall for

breakfast while leaving them in a confusion.

While Malfoy and the rest of the gang are

clueless, Daphne and Tracey went behind him

and joined him at the table.

Daphne spoke out, "we never introduce

ourselves properly, right?. I'm Daphne Greengrass and she's Tracey Davis" He smiled, " you already

know my name but anyway, Michael Pendragon, Prince of the united kingdom and

nice to meet you both"

Michael then asked, "can I ask something? On the

train, when we first met, I saw four of you

stuck together. Did you know each other even


Daphne replied, "of course. All our

families' children knew each other since we we're

little kids"

As they were talking about various things,

slowly, all the tables were filled with students.

They started their breakfast with dozens of

varieties of dishes that appeared all over the

table. Soon, several owls began to fly with letters and gifts in the Great Hall. Many of their deliveries

belong to the first years as they just got sorted

into the House.

As Harry was reading a newspaper which he

got from Ron, meanwhile on the Slytherin

table, Daphne, Tracey, Malfoy all received their

letters while Michael had received one too. He

opened his letter and it was from Charles he inquired about my health and all and how was the school he shook his head after coming to his senses he took out a paper and wrote back his reply while he was writing Malfoy looked at him and said.

Malfoy: what did you get pendragon.

Michael: a letter from home.

Daphne: here you can use my owl to send it, it seems your owl has already left.

at that everyone laughed looking at them laughing

Michael smirked and said.

Michael: no need I have a way to send

they looked at Michael funingly

Michael: Ravan come here!....

with a big blue flash at the centre of the hall appeared a bird it screeched and flew around the hall and landed on Michael's shoulder and nudged his head as it all happened the entire hall was silent.

Malfoy: ph...phon...ph...oniex.... it's a phoniex how's this possible.

suddenly everyone was talking and pointing fingers at me I gave a slice of bacon to Ravan and he ate it and then took the letter and with a flash it was gone.

after a while, the hall came at peace but still many people talk about me and some already thought of me as a legend.

Daphne: you have a phoniex but how aren't they like almost extinct. and the only dumbledore has one.

Michael: well when I was 7yrs old due to a mistake shocked my butler and that night Ravan came to me and we bonded since then he has been a part of my family and he is my familiar.

after answering a few more questions I continued to fill my stomach.


Daphne, Tracey, and Malfoy went to visit Michael's

room as girls are allowed to visit Boys

dormitory although the boys can't visit the

girls' dormitory.

As they stepped inside his room, the rest of the

three were amazed and felt jealous of keeping

such a big room to himself for the next seven


Then Michael spoke, "well, there is a reason for

that, you know according to what I was informed by my family being royalty in magical Britain comes with its boons so yeah I am lucky hehe."

Their classes started on Tuesday with

" Charms" that was taught by Professor Flitwick

in-class in the South Tower.

The first lessons were not as exciting as

expected. The astronomy class took place late

at night and the telescopes were so old that we

barely saw some stars. During the first charm

class, Professor Flitwick only introduced the

theoretical part of his class, which allowed me

to start last year charm book. The

herbology classes were more interesting

because I only had theoretical knowledge

about the properties of different plants and

being able to test this in a real situation was fun.

It even got me 5 points for Slytherin.

This morning's class is the Transfiguration with

McGonagall. I already know how to transform

myself at will, it shouldn't be very difficult. I get

to class early and sit right next to Hermione.

Professor McGonagall is already there,

transformed into a cat on her desk. After a few

minutes, still not seeing the professor

transform back, I pull out the final year

Transfiguration book and start studying.

-- POV McGonagall --

Like every year in the first transfiguration

class, I sat on my desk, transformed into a cat

to observe the new students. The first

to arrive is a Gryffindor, Hermione Granger

followed by a few other members of her

household, and soon after the Slytherin

students entered the room as well.

Ms Granger and Mr Pendragon both pulled out a

book and began to study, and the Gryffindor

students as well as a few from Slytherin did the

same. But when I take a closer look at Mr.

pendragons' book, it's the one for sixth years, this is curious.

I mentally classify all students who have

opened a book into the category of good

students. Most of them are here, but Harry

Potter and Ron Wesley are missing.

I was about to transform back when I hear

footsteps in the hallway and the two late

students walk into my classroom without even

having the courtesy to knock on the door.

"Phew, here we are, imagine old McGonagall's

face if we were late."

I raise an eyebrow at Mr Weasley's derogatory

remark, it looks like I have to classify him as a

troublemaker. I transform back in front of him.

" Wow, you're really good," really

impressed with my little demonstration.

"Oh, thank you for that compliment Mr.

Weasley. But maybe it would be more helpful if

I turned you or Mr Potter into a pocket watch?

So, one of you might arrive on time." I said,

sounding sarcastic.

" Sorry, we were lost. But this is only the first

class of the year and you haven't even started

yet."; Ron answers me, smugly that is starting

to piss me off.

"; Minus 5 points for Gryffindor for your

insolence. And if you got lost maybe I should

turn Mr. potter into a school map? I hope you

don't need it to find your places."

-- POV Michael --

After the incident, the first lesson was to turn a

match into a needle. Nothing too complicated,

I could do it without a wand when I was seven

years old. I changed it by tweaking the result a bit by adding the Slytherin emblem to

the bottom of the needle and laid the result in front of me before continuing to read.

"Mr Pendragon, I don't see you trying to transfigure

your match. Are you having trouble?"

"No professor, to tell the truth, I have already


" Show me"

I take the needle in front of me and disenchant

it before transforming it back in front of

McGonagall's eyes. Hermione also watched the

the whole scene, trying to figure out how I had

managed to go so fast.

"5 points for Slytherin, you can continue

reading Mr Pendragon but don't forget to listen

during class. You never know when an

an explanation might help you,"; she told me visibly

pleased with my result.

The rest of the class went without too much

trouble, Hermione and three other students

managed to turn their matches. Among them

was a Gryffindor who had fun biting his

neighbour at the table.

" Jason Enrick, minus ten points for Gryffindor.

Please get out of my classroom. You will come to

see me after school for two weeks, in


In the afternoon, it was Defense Against the

Dark Arts, but the class reeked of garlic so

much that it was impossible to concentrate.

The professor was a charlatan who

was only of interest because of the parasite

that clung to the back of his head, he had filled

his classroom with garlic to scare away

vampires but anyone with minimum knowledge

about supernatural beings knows that it is

superstition. Also, he said that his

turban had been given to him in Africa when he

had fought a zombie there.

The next morning, I go downstairs with the

other Slytherin students to have my lunch. I

take some fruits and orange juice with some

eggs and bacon and I start to eat when Daphne

comes to sit next to me.

"Look, I could use a hand. Could you explain to

me how you managed to turn that damn match

into a needle"

"Okay, if you want, I can explain it to you in the

the common room this evening. But I thought your

parents would at least have taught you how to

do that since you're from the noble Greengrass


"I'm not very good at Transfiguration and most

of the spells, my parents taught me are the kind

that isn't taught here."

" Oh, I see."

I take a piece of chicken that looks a little less

cooked than the rest and give it to Ravan, who

gulps it down. afterwards, Slytherin went to greenhouses behind the castle where Herbology is being taught by Prof. Sprout. Just like Prof. Flitwick, she too just gave an introduction about the subject and what they will be doing for the next


In the afternoon, Slytherins and Gryffindors

have a joint Potions class in dungeons. Just as

Neal, Daphne, Malfoy, and others made their

way to dungeons with their necessary

equipment, they found every first year of the

Gryffindor present in the class and was ready

with their equipment set up on the desks.

It isn't that the class is the most interesting or

popular, it's just the older students urged them

as they were scared of Professor Snape who

hates Gryfindor and looks for every

opportunity to cut their House points.

As Michael entered the room, whispers began

among the Gryffindors which made

Harry a little bit happy as someone

successfully took away some of the attention

on him.

It became very hard for Harry as from the

the moment he left the dormitory, everyone who

saw him whispers among themselves and many

older students stop their work and stare at him

in curiosity, while he was on his way to the hall.