
One Step at a Time.

A death, a wish, two perks, no system, and a really weird mission. Off you go. This is the story of Azuma Fūrinji, a boy that wasn`t supposed to exist. Life is a series of steps, let`s see where Azuma´s story will take us. ~~~~~~~ As you see in the tags this will be a harem and multiverse story. Some of the worlds I know, others I have a couple of ideas. The first world is quite obvious if you know the MC’s last name. Let me warn you, this will be slow, no jumping worlds five chapters into the story, or popping in get the girl and out. If this is not for you, I’m sorry, and hope you find something for your taste, I know the pain, that’s why I’m writing. Thanks for checking my story

FluffiestEmperor · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
65 Chs


Now, I am a lot of things, reincarnator, aspiring martial artist, kid, but a detective yeah, not a detective.

My case was solved I know where I am and who my father is. The answer came in my fourth birthday when it literally burst through my front door.

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-Azuma´s fourth birthday-

I was sitting comfortably with my mother, celebrating my fourth birthday, when the front door burst open, there I saw a giant man, at least 200 cm tall, long hair, blue eyes, a long beard, and extremely muscular.

He shouted, with regret and sadness in his voice.

"Why, didn´t you tell me? Why would you hide it from me?"

My mom, being the image of calmness and composure simply said-

"Well, it took you four years, a little less than what I would have expected but well done."

While the giant man bursting through my door on my birthday did startle me, it also answered my four-year question of where I am. I knew the man, Hayato Fūrinji, the invincible superman.

Definitely an AU. And, with this information I also know who my mother is.

Believe it or not, four years into my life and I did not know my mom´s name, guests usually called her ma´am, and I called her mom/mother. And since I don`t have a brother, I think. Mom is not Russian or blond, the only other woman that had an inkling of a romance with Hayato was Mikumo Kushinada.

The short hair, the knowledge of how a bra works, and the lack of giant Buddhist beads do change how a person looks.

While I´m having quite the mental gymnastics, mom and, probably dad were talking.

"So how did you find out?" Mom asked Hayato. Still seated with me between her legs, while sipping some tea.

Sigh "Some of our friends from our war days told me you had a son, a young blonde son." He sits in front of us, with a sad look on his face.

"So, you are my dad?" I ask with the innocence of a child; I am four and I will act four.

The sad look on Hayato´s face disappears and instead, I get an eye-blinding smile and a little water in his eyes.

"Of course, I am your dad my name is Hayato Fūrinji, and I am sorry for not coming earlier." As he said that the smile was replaced with a guilty look. He gave me a deep bow in apology.

While I know Hayato from the manga, meeting him in real life is something entirely different, he is a good man, not great, simply a good man, that is the feeling he portraits. If mom is the definition of calmness, then Hayato is an open book with his emotions, the amount of guilt the man radiates is overwhelming. So, it is hard to not forgive the man.

I got up from mom´s legs and walk towards my father, I see him tense for a second, so I simply extend my hand to him.

"I am Azuma, nice to meet you."

The guilt and tension evaporate, and I get a sun, quite literally the man starts to glow, how, I do not know.

He gives me a finger; I mean his hand is probably larger than my torso, so I give him a hand to finger handshake.

He proceeds to manhandle me to death as he hugs me, I feel my insides wanting to come out, I shriek, loudly.

"Could you not crush my son to death Hayato" I hear mom behind me, as he releases me from the death trap, he calls a hug and gives me a sheepish look.

I cringe a little as that is not a look that sits well with his face, his looks are aged, not sixties but at least fifties. I know he is supposed to be a 90+ monster in the manga, but so is mom, and mom looks youthful even if she indeed is a 90+,year-old monster.

The moment I think that, allow me to emphasize, I thought that I feel a chill down my spine, I slowly, as if my life depended on it, turn my head in her direction, and I see her with narrowed eyes looking in my direction. I feel death.

How? I, on my soul, thought all these women can feel your thoughts was bullshit meant for comedic purpose.

I tense, my fight or flight instinct ready to kick-off –

"Hey! He is my son too" As offended as he sounds at the moment, I can only feel gratitude at his inability to read the mood.

A sneer, wait, mom is sneering?

"Please Hayato, you have a wife and son to care for" So Saiga is alive, hope I´m younger.

He looks downright offended, then angry, finally calm.

Sigh "So? Azuma is still my son." The finality in his voice says this conversation is over and not for discussion.

The next minutes were some of the tensest in my short life. As if a tiger and a dragon were having a staring contest.

So, I pray to all gods I know of for a distraction.

Which comes in the form of a cute, four-year-old sneeze.


I proceed to thank the gods and rub my nose as cutely as humanly possible. To distract them with my adorableness.

Since there were no winners in the staring contest, and me being the loser in all possible scenarios, I took my loss like a champ, walked near mom, and extended my arms, demanding her attention.

She carries me and puts me between her legs with my head resting in her breasts and starts stroking my hair, I read between the lines, she wanted me to fall asleep, and as much as having the mind of an adult helps, my body is still one of a four-year-old.

So quite grudgingly I fell asleep.

._._ ._._ ._._ ._._ ._._

"There he is asleep" She sits once again.

"Could you answer my question Mikumo, please?" He gets comfortable in his sit, expecting this to be a long conversation.

"What can I tell you, he was an accident." He flinches at her words and narrows his eyes at her.

"Don't misunderstand me Hayato, I love my son, more than you could possibly imagine, but don`t act like he was planned, by the time I knew I was pregnant, the war was over, and you went into one of your trips." Sarcasm dripped from her voice.

A few hours later

"I see."

"Thank you for understanding, and while I will not rob my son of his father, I would like to ask you, two things" There is a hint of pleading in her voice.

"Go ahead" He tenses, Mikumo does not plead.

"You will not see him for at least a few more years- "

He jumps from his seat, angry and distressed.

"How could you ask tha- "

"Don`t interrupt me Hayato" She cuts him.

"You will not see him for at least a few more years, and you must not let anyone know about him."

He takes a deep breath. And simply asks.


"We have a lot of enemies after the war, your wife and son are fine, since she is an unknown, but a child of us both, that would put a target at his back." Bloodlust starts emanating from her as if asking who would dare hurt her child.

The moment she finishes Hayato´s muscle tense and his fist clenches. His look, one of understanding and sadness.

"I figured as much, fine, I will agree to your requests, but you will allow him to write, and will keep me informed about him."

"As I said before Hayato, I will not rob my son of his father."

"Fine" He starts walking to the front door.

"Tell him I will write, and that I am sorry for not saying goodbye."

"Goodbye Hayato"

"Until later Mikumo"


There, now you know, I had to play a little with the timeline, although the ages of most characters are known, their birth dates are totally unknown.

So tell me your thoughts, and as always, comment any mistakes you see, either in writing, spelling, or grammar.

I´m trying to better my writing but I need your help.



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