
ONE PIECE: Victor's Reign

In the vast expanse of the One Piece world, Victor Crowe emerges not as a pirate, but as a commander of the seas. Born with the ancient Hanma bloodline and a monstrous Kraken body, his thirst for power knows no bounds. With the addition of a rare Devil Fruit Extractor to his arsenal, his might becomes unrivaled. Rejecting the life of piracy, Victor sets his sights on a different path: becoming the supreme admiral of the seas. With his cunning intellect and ruthless demeanor, he rises through the ranks of the navy, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake. As Victor ascends to the pinnacle of naval authority, his control over the seas becomes absolute. With each Devil Fruit he acquires, his fleet grows stronger, striking fear into the hearts of all who oppose him.

Ethan_Storm · Komik
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9 Chs


As the next day dawned, the stage was set for the live execution of Cracker and Jack on the vast desert island. The live broadcast was underway, overseen by the Navy, with only the three Admirals, Garp, and Sengoku present to ensure everything proceeded smoothly.

Soon, Kaido and Big Mom, accompanied by their formidable allies King and Katakuri, arrived on the scene. Their eyes narrowed upon seeing Victor standing proudly on the platform, ready to face them head-on.

"You're the one who dared to provoke us, kid. Now prepare to meet your end," Kaido growled, his voice carrying the weight of his fury.

Victor merely chuckled in response, his confidence unshaken. "Don't worry. I promise you both that I will be the only one fighting today. None of these individuals will interfere," he declared, casting a meaningful glance at Garp and the Admirals.

Garp furrowed his brows, a hint of concern flickering in his eyes. "Victor, are you sure about this?" he asked, his voice tinged with apprehension.

"Don't worry," Victor reassured him, a steely determination in his gaze. "This is my promotion, and I'll handle it. If anyone interferes, I'll have no choice but to leave the Navy and become a pirate."

Hearing this, Kaido and Big Mom burst into laughter, amused by Victor's confidence. "Look at this guy's bravado. He thinks he can take us on," Kaido remarked, his voice laced with amusement.

However, their amusement turned to shock as Victor underwent a swift transformation, his body morphing into that of a fearsome Manticore. In a swift and brutal display of power, Victor unleashed a devastating assault, swiftly dispatching Cracker and Jack with lethal precision. Their heads flew from their bodies as their lifeless forms crumpled to the platform below.

Witnessing this gruesome scene, Kaido and Big Mom were consumed by fury. "You insolent brat!" Big Mom roared, her rage boiling over.

Without hesitation, Victor descended towards the enraged Emperors, his Manticore form radiating an aura of primal ferocity. Garp, Sengoku, and the Admirals observed with a mixture of astonishment and concern.

"It seems that boy has indeed consumed a Devil Fruit," Garp noted, his expression grave.

Sengoku nodded solemnly. "With the power to take down two Admiral-level targets and contend with three Admirals, thanks to his Devil Fruit abilities, he stands a chance in this battle."

With bated breath, they watched as Victor confronted Kaido, Big Mom, and King and Katakuri. The stage was set for a clash of titans, and the outcome would shape the course of history.

As the battle unfolded on the vast desert island, the clash between Victor and the combined might of Kaido, Big Mom, and their elite allies erupted into a cataclysmic spectacle of power and chaos.

With a thunderous roar, Kaido charged forward, his massive form radiating an aura of raw strength. Big Mom followed suit, her formidable Homie, Prometheus, blazing at her side. King and Katakuri, the elite commanders, assumed their combat stances, ready to unleash their devastating abilities.

Victor, now transformed into the formidable Manticore, met their advance with a fierce snarl. His amber eyes gleamed with primal ferocity as he prepared to unleash the full extent of his newfound powers.

With a flap of his massive wings, Victor launched himself into the air, evading Kaido's thunderous blows. He unleashed a deafening Sonic Scream, sending shockwaves rippling through the battlefield and disorienting his foes.

Meanwhile, clones of Victor, empowered by the Multiple-Multiple Fruit, surged forward, engaging King and Katakuri in a flurry of rapid strikes. The clones moved with blinding speed, overwhelming their opponents with sheer numbers and ferocity.

As the battle raged on, Victor's Venom Manipulation came into play, as he unleashed a toxic barrage upon his adversaries. Venomous spines shot from his tail, striking with deadly accuracy and causing chaos among the ranks of his foes.

But Kaido and Big Mom were not to be outdone. With a mighty roar, Kaido unleashed a devastating onslaught, his immense strength shattering the ground beneath him. Big Mom, fueled by her insatiable hunger, summoned powerful Homies to aid her in battle, creating a veritable army of living creatures to assail Victor.

Amidst the chaos, Victor's Shadow Camouflage allowed him to disappear into the darkness, reappearing behind his foes with deadly precision. With each strike, he exploited weaknesses in their defenses, aiming to incapacitate his adversaries one by one.

But the Emperors fought back with unparalleled tenacity, their sheer power and determination pushing Victor to his limits. Despite the ferocity of their assault, Victor remained resolute, drawing upon every ounce of his strength and cunning to turn the tide of battle in his favor.

As the battle reached its crescendo, Victor tapped into the full extent of his powers, combining the abilities granted by his Devil Fruits with his innate mastery of Haki. With a primal roar, he unleashed a torrent of attacks, each strike amplified by the multiplied strength granted by the Multiple-Multiple Fruit.

Clones of Victor, empowered by the Paramecia ability, surged forward in a relentless assault, overwhelming Kaido, Big Mom, King, and Katakuri with a relentless barrage of strikes. Each clone mirrored Victor's ferocity, their combined efforts testing the limits of their opponents' endurance.

Kaido, in his mighty Dragon form, unleashed devastating blasts of fire and lightning, while Big Mom called forth torrents of molten magma and raging storms. King and Katakuri utilized their own Devil Fruit abilities to counter Victor's onslaught, creating barriers of flame and manipulating the very fabric of reality to repel the clones.

But Victor was undeterred. With his enhanced senses granted by the Mythical Beast Manticore Fruit, he anticipated his opponents' movements with uncanny precision, evading their attacks with agility and finesse. His Venom Manipulation allowed him to coat his claws and fangs with deadly toxins, inflicting debilitating injuries upon his adversaries.

As the battle raged on, Victor's Shadow Camouflage granted him unmatched stealth and mobility, allowing him to strike from the shadows with lethal efficiency. He moved with the grace of a predator, exploiting weaknesses in his opponents' defenses and launching devastating counterattacks.

But the Emperors and their elite allies fought back with ferocious determination, their combined might pushing Victor to his limits. Despite their overwhelming power, Victor remained steadfast, drawing upon the indomitable will and unyielding resolve that had brought him this far.

In a stunning display of prowess, Victor unleashed his Conqueror's Haki, enveloping the battlefield in a palpable aura of intimidation. The sheer force of his willpower sent shockwaves rippling through the air, causing his foes to falter for a brief moment.

Sensing an opportunity, Victor pressed his advantage, launching a devastating assault that left his opponents reeling. With each strike, he drew closer to victory, his determination unshakeable and his resolve unwavering.

As the battle intensified, Victor tapped into the depths of his power, unleashing the full might of his Ancestral Demon Back. A sinister aura enveloped him, crackling with dark energy as he entered a state of heightened aggression and strength.

With his newfound abilities, Victor manipulated time itself, slowing it down to a crawl for his opponents while accelerating it for himself. The world around him seemed to move in slow motion as he darted between attacks with lightning speed, evading their strikes with ease.

Using his dimensional rifts, Victor created portals that deflected incoming attacks back at his adversaries, turning their own assaults against them with deadly precision. With each counterattack, he inflicted devastating blows upon his foes, his claws, teeth, and horns fused with Armament Haki rending through flesh and bone with merciless efficiency.

In a calculated move, Victor exploited an opening in Katakuri's defenses, launching a sneak attack that caught the Sweet Commander off guard. With a swift and decisive strike, he incapacitated his opponent, leaving Katakuri sprawled on the ground, unable to continue the fight.

Meanwhile, King found himself at the mercy of Victor's relentless assault, the Manticore's razor-sharp claws tearing through the Pteranodon's defenses with savage brutality. One of King's wings was torn asunder, leaving him struggling to maintain his aerial attacks.

Kaido, the indomitable Beast of the Sea, fared little better as Victor's onslaught continued unabated. With a swift motion, Victor severed one of Kaido's hands, sending a spray of blood into the air. The Dragon Emperor roared in pain and fury, his resolve tested like never before.

Even Big Mom, the fearsome Yonko, began to falter under the relentless assault of Victor's venomous attacks. The potent toxins inflicted by his Venom Manipulation began to take their toll, sapping her strength and resolve with each passing moment.

As the battle reached its climax, Victor's relentless assault showed no signs of abating. With the combined power of his devil fruits and enhanced Haki, he launched a flurry of attacks against Big Mom, exploiting every weakness with deadly precision.

Utilizing his Multiplication ability to its fullest extent, Victor unleashed a barrage of strikes upon Big Mom from all directions, overwhelming her defenses and leaving her reeling from the onslaught. Each attack, backed by the formidable force of his fused horns and enhanced Armament Haki, inflicted devastating damage upon the Yonko.

Big Mom's movements grew sluggish under the effects of Victor's venom, her once formidable strength waning with each passing moment. The slowed perception of time made it increasingly difficult for her to react, leaving her vulnerable to Victor's relentless assault.

With each strike, Victor's clones closed in on Big Mom, their combined attacks battering her defenses and driving her to the brink of defeat. The venom coursing through her veins weakened her further, sapping her strength and resolve with each passing moment.

Despite her formidable resilience, Big Mom could no longer withstand the overwhelming force of Victor's assault. Her body began to falter under the relentless barrage of attacks, her movements growing increasingly sluggish as the venom took its toll.

In a final, decisive maneuver, Victor appeared behind Big Mom in a blur of motion, his horns infused with Armament Haki poised to deliver the finishing blow. With a swift and decisive strike, he plunged his horns deep into Big Mom's back, delivering a fatal blow that sealed her fate.

As Big Mom's body slumped to the ground, lifeless, Victor stood victorious amidst the wreckage of battle, his demonic aura pulsating with malevolent energy. The battlefield fell silent, save for the sounds of Victor's heavy breathing and the distant roar of the sea.

Meanwhile, Kaido, realizing the tide of battle had turned against him, made a hasty retreat, carrying the injured King away from the battlefield. With a broken hand and torn wings, the Beast of the Sea fled from the relentless onslaught of Victor, leaving behind the chaos and devastation wrought by their clash.

As the aftermath of the battle settled in, Victor's triumphant roar echoed across the desolate battlefield, reverberating through the hearts of all who witnessed it. The shockwave of his declaration rippled through the world, leaving those in Mary Geoise astounded by the sheer magnitude of his power.

In the chambers of the Celestial Dragons, Saturn turned to Shepherd with a mix of disbelief and concern etched upon his features. "Shepherd, the fruit you bestowed upon him, it was incredibly potent. Why did you give him such power?"

Shepherd, visibly shaken by the turn of events, responded with a tinge of regret in his voice. "I... I didn't fully comprehend its capabilities. There's no way I could have foreseen this level of strength."

Nusjuro, his brow furrowed in contemplation, added, "Indeed, his abilities far surpass anything we could have anticipated. His control over time, his mastery of portals, the creation of clones—each facet of his power is unprecedented."

Warcury, his gaze fixed on the unfolding events, spoke with a sense of foreboding. "It appears we've inadvertently created a monster. His potential for destruction rivals that of Nika himself."

Mars, her expression grave, concurred with Warcury's assessment. "We must act swiftly. We need to inform Master Im of this threat immediately. The stability of the world hangs in the balance."

As the news of Victor's unprecedented power spread, it sent ripples of fear and awe throughout the world, reaching even the most formidable figures of the pirate world.

Shanks, observing the broadcast with a mixture of astonishment and apprehension, remarked to his crew, "Truly, he is a force to be reckoned with. We were wise not to intervene."

Beckman, nodding in agreement, added, "Indeed, his strength is beyond comprehension. It's fortunate we stayed out of it."

Whitebeard, his gaze fixed on the screen, felt a sense of resignation wash over him. With a heavy heart, he turned to his sons, and spoke solemnly, "Son, from now on, we steer clear of the Navy. We've seen what they're capable of."

Meanwhile, Blackbeard, contemplating the unfolding events, harbored ambitions of his own. With the combined powers of his and his father's Devil Fruits, he believed himself to be unstoppable. In his heart, he vowed to surpass even Victor's might and have his devil fruit as he also has a kraken physique making him eat three devil fruits.

Back on the desolate island, where the aftermath of the battle lay in ruins, Garp and Sengoku exchanged solemn glances. Witnessing Victor's overwhelming display of power, they couldn't help but feel a sense of apprehension. Aokiji, Kizaru, and Kuzan, their eyes wide with shock, stood in silence, realizing the magnitude of the threat Victor now posed to the world.

With Victor's ascent to dominance, the balance of power in the world had shifted irrevocably, leaving all who bore witness to his might in a state of both fear and awe.