
One Piece : Treading the waves

Damien, a man who dreamt of commanding his own ship to face against the terrors of the season was met with huge disappointed when his dream became nothing more than a plaything in the hands of the powerful. But as he was ready to embrace death after one final act of heroism, he's provided a second chance to attainhis dreams with added bonuses. PS : I do not own anything from one piece other than my Original Characters

Ave_Lucifer · Komik
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11 Chs

The Punisher

The bright sun illuminated the azure seas, casting shimmering layers of light upon the waves. A majestic ship, radiant with divine beauty, sailed gracefully across the waters. Each wave seemed to dance around it, creating a symphony of crashing sounds. Its three towering masts proudly displayed crimson sails, adding depth to its already captivating appearance.

Navigating a vessel of this size usually required extensive preparations and a sizable crew. Yet, the ship appeared eerily empty, save for a lone figure wearing clothes vastly different from the time he was in and standing at the bow, gazing out into the expansive horizon.

Kai, abruptly transported by a divine force, found himself on the deck of this magnificent ship. Blinking against the sudden brightness, he beheld a new world brimming with unknown adventures. Standing at the bow, facing the endless sea, he whispered to himself,

"This marks a new beginning, a fresh life full of adventure. Today, the world will witness change, and I shall be at its heart. I am Phoenix D Kai, and I'll live this life on my terms."

As if in response to his resolve, a gentle breeze enveloped him, a welcoming embrace from nature. Kai turned to admire his new ship, feeling grateful for the blessing it possessed from Aphrodite herself. Approaching the figurehead, he couldn't help but compare its beauty to the Goddess herself.

Stroking the figurehead tenderly, he murmured, "Even with your charm, you still can't capture the true essence of Aphrodite."

Suddenly, a melodious voice echoed around him, saying, "Hello there, Captain."

Startled, Kai stepped back, searching for the source of the voice. Realization dawned on him, and he took a few steps forward, placing his hands on the figurehead once more.

"Was that you who spoke to me?" he asked, a mix of curiosity and excitement in his voice.

"Yes, it was, Captain," replied the voice.

"I guess I should probably name you now, huh... Something distinctive yet apt. How about The Crimson Venus, with Crimson for your sails and Venus symbolizing Aphrodite?" said Kai after some thought.

"Thank you, Captain. I shall be The Crimson Venus from today," said the spirit joyfully. "Captain, there seems to be something waiting for you in your quarters."

"Oh, I almost forgot about those," Kai exclaimed suddenly, his excitement building. He quickly made his way to the captain's quarters. As he opened the doors, he couldn't help but marvel at the craftsmanship before him.

The captain's quarters exuded an air of refined piracy. The large, intricately carved wooden bed was adorned with rich crimson fabrics matching the ship's sails. The headboard featured a motif of Aphrodite's symbol, a subtle nod to the blessing from the goddess of love.

Shelves displayed treasures and mementos from voyages—a mix of coins, trinkets, and gemstones glittered in the dim light. A desk held navigational charts for the blues and the grand line, a new logbook, and a quill pen.

The cabin was spacious, with a seating area near a porthole offering breathtaking views of the sea. Despite the rugged life ahead, the quarters provided comfort and luxury, embodying adventure and romance.

A mahogany chest on the bed caught his eye. He opened it, revealing a black coat, pants, and accessories. Kai dressed himself, then turned his attention to his weapons—a sword and gun. The sword emitted a chill when unsheathed, as did the gun.

The first thing he notice is a faint, pulsating glow emanating from within. As he reach in and grasp the fruit, its surface feels warm to the touch, hinting at the immense heat it can produce.

The fruit itself is striking in appearance, resembling a large, crimson-colored mango with swirling patterns etched into its skin. Despite its innocuous appearance, the aura of power surrounding it is palpable.

Upon closer inspection, he notice faint blue flames flickering around the fruit, almost as if it's alive with fiery energy. Wisps of smoke rise from its stem, giving off an intense heat that warms the surrounding air. It give off an an aura that seems to ignite visions of adventure and power, promising untold possibilities for those brave enough to wield its fiery might.

With a mixture of excitement and trepidation, he took a bite from the fruit. Before he could even register the unpalatable taste of the fruit, a surge of intense heat spread through his body, accompanied by a burst of vibrant blue flames that danced around him in a mesmerizing display.

As the flames subsided, he felt a profound change within him. His senses heightened, and a newfound power surged through their veins. He instinctively knew that what he just ate was the inferno inferno no mi Or the inferno devil fruit making him a wielder of hellfire—a force to be reckoned with.

He also understood that he can generate, control, and manipulate hellfire at will, unleashing devastating flames that can scorch and incinerate with incredible intensity. But what caused him to shudder for a moment and then burst out laughing was the second ability he had attained, the ability to punish sinners. To make them despair in their very own sins.

" So that's why god said it would be extremely fun." He murmured "Afterall where better for the fires of hell to reap sinners than the seas filled with them"

Determined to train his newfound skills later, Kai stepped onto the deck, ready to embark on his new life in this new world.