
One Piece : Treading the waves

Damien, a man who dreamt of commanding his own ship to face against the terrors of the season was met with huge disappointed when his dream became nothing more than a plaything in the hands of the powerful. But as he was ready to embrace death after one final act of heroism, he's provided a second chance to attainhis dreams with added bonuses. PS : I do not own anything from one piece other than my Original Characters

Ave_Lucifer · Komik
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11 Chs

Off to Shell's town

As Luffy and Coby got up, they were stunned by the sight of the Crimson Venus. Unlike any other ship they had been on, this one seemed to blend functionality with aesthetics seamlessly, oozing charm while maintaining full functionality.

"Wow, is this your ship?" Luffy asked, clearly impressed and almost drooling over the vessel.

Coby, being more reserved, inquired, "Who are you, Kai?"

"Me? I'm just a simple pirate who wants to uncover all the secrets and horrors hidden in this world," Kai replied casually.

"A pirate!" Coby exclaimed in shock, while Luffy seemed excited. "So you're a pirate too, Kai?"

"Well, I mean, I will be one once I have a proper crew. For now, it's just me and my ship," Kai explained.

"Really? Me too! But I don't have a ship yet. I'll get one and a crew. I'll find the One Piece and become the king of the pirates!" Luffy exclaimed enthusiastically.

"How about this, until you get your own ship, we can go together and maybe even search for crewmates together," suggested Kai.

"That's a great idea! And maybe after we form our crews, we can all be pirate friends or something!" Luffy was so excited; he started jumping around.

"I think you mean an alliance between our crews. Sure, why not?" Kai agreed, seeing the potential in such an alliance, especially with someone like Luffy.

Interrupting their excitement, Coby interjected, "Kai, what was that fire earlier, and if you don't have a crew, how does this ship even move?"

"Well, first of all, the fire was from my devil fruit, the Inferno-Inferno Fruit, quite similar to Luffy's abilities, if I'm correct about his hand earlier being a devil fruit ability as well. As for the ship, it's quite unique. She already has a spirit, unlike normal ships that take time to develop one or what people call a klabautermann. So, all I have to do is command, and she gets it done. Isn't that right, Venus?" Kai explained, revealing a bit about his devil fruit abilities and the unique nature of his ship.

"Yes, Captain, I am at your command," Venus replied, startling both Luffy and Coby. Luffy started screaming "Ghost... Ghost..." until Coby calmed him down. After realizing what Venus was, Luffy couldn't contain his joy.

"Wow, that's so cool! I want my ship to have a speaking ghost!" Luffy exclaimed.

"Luffy, all ships can have a spirit as long as those aboard truly care for it," Kai explained, calming Luffy down.

Turning to Coby, Kai asked, "So, Coby, since you've been in these seas longer, do you know any strong people?"

"Most of the strong people I've heard about are either Marines or pirates. Apart from them, there's a pirate hunter duo," Coby replied, recalling the rumors he had heard.

"Pirate hunter duo? Do you know their names or where they are?" Kai asked eagerly, hoping to confirm his suspicions about Zoro.

"The guy I think was called Zoro or something, and the girl I think was called Kuina. They were last seen on Shell Island," Coby answered, providing valuable information.

Upon hearing this, Kai sighed, realizing not much had changed from what he knew. Kuina was alive, meaning he could recruit her, while Luffy could recruit Zoro, aligning with the original timeline.

"Luffy, did you hear that? We might have our first crewmates earlier than expected," Kai informed Luffy.

"We should go see if they'll be good companions or not," Luffy said eagerly, looking forward to expanding his crew.

"Hey, did you guys not hear what I just said? They're pirate hunters," Coby reminded them, concerned about the potential risks.

Kai and Luffy exchanged looks and then smiled at Coby. "So?" they said in unison, showing their readiness for whatever challenges lay ahead.

With a smile, Kai asked Venus to set a course for Shell's Town based on the information provided by Coby. The adventure was just beginning, and they were ready to face whatever came their way.