
One Piece : Treading the waves

Damien, a man who dreamt of commanding his own ship to face against the terrors of the season was met with huge disappointed when his dream became nothing more than a plaything in the hands of the powerful. But as he was ready to embrace death after one final act of heroism, he's provided a second chance to attainhis dreams with added bonuses. PS : I do not own anything from one piece other than my Original Characters

Ave_Lucifer · Komik
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11 Chs

Luffy and Coby

Kai moved from his quarters to the helm of the ship, standing tall as he overlooked the entire deck. The sight of the empty deck made him sigh.

"I guess I'll have to put in some serious work into recruiting a crew later. But still, thank the gods The Crimson Venus doesn't need any manpower to sail, isn't that right Venus?" Kai remarked, his gaze fixed on the seas ahead.

"That would be correct, Captain. All you have to do is issue the order, and The Crimson Venus shall set sail immediately," responded Venus's voice.

Deep in thought, Kai slowly retrieved a spyglass from his coat pocket. Extending the spyglass, he scanned the seas, taking in the vast expanse. This spyglass, one of the accessories he had acquired, was designed to see further than any other made today.

As he scanned the horizon, a small smile graced Kai's lips. He witnessed the start of a cannon, the beginning of a legend. Luffy was in action against the Alvida pirates.

Lowering his spyglass, Kai issued a command to Venus, "Venus, set sail ahead! Hard to starboard! Bearing 2 o'clock!"

"Aye aye, Captain," replied Venus promptly.

As Venus's reply echoed across the deck, the ship sprang into action with precision.

The ship's wheel turned hard to starboard, initiating a gradual swing to the right. The ship responded with creaking timbers and the rhythmic clinking of chains, leaning into the turn.

Simultaneously, the sails were swiftly hoisted up the masts. The canvas billowed as the wind caught hold, filling the sails with a satisfying snap. Rigging and lines were adjusted, ensuring the sails were trimmed perfectly for maximum efficiency.

With the ship picking up speed, Kai's voice cut through the commotion once again. "Trim the mainsail!" he commanded, directing Venus to adjust the largest sail for optimal performance. "Keep her steady on 2 o'clock!"

The ship responded gracefully, gliding through the water with purpose and direction. Kai surveyed the scene with satisfaction as The Crimson Venus set off on her first adventure.


In the 'Miss Love Duck,' the usually bustling deck seems to be devoid of any life. The normally patrolling pirates weren't seen in sight either. Yet the sound of chatter and corking of guns is still audible below deck.

The entire crew of the Alvida Pirates seems to be surrounding two teenagers in the storage unit of the ship. One young boy has short, curly pink hair and a somewhat round face. He has wide, innocent brown eyes that reflect his timid and reserved nature. While the other has a distinctive appearance that sets him apart from others. He has messy black hair and a straw hat perched atop his head. His eyes are bright and determined, reflecting his adventurous spirit and unwavering resolve.

"Hey Coby, who's the fat lady?" asked the second boy to the first, Coby.

Hearing the question, everyone there, including the crew and Coby, seems to shudder. While the fat lady, Captain Alvida, seems to have tick marks over her head.

"Oh no, not good," said Crewmate 1.

Right after Alvida smashes Luffy with her iron mace, to which he simply dodges and runs away while blasting a path to the deck while taking Coby with him. With that, all the stunned crewmates wake up from their daze and start attacking him. But nothing seems to hit him as he effortlessly dodges all of them.

After seeing him dodge all their moves, the pirates decide to attack as a group. But they are stunned to see Luffy stretch his hand and attack them, knocking them out effortlessly.

"Luffy, what are you?" Seeing this, Coby couldn't help but question Luffy.

Luffy simply smiles and replies, "Me, I am a rubber man," while stretching his cheeks to prove the point.

Suddenly, a huge shadow covers Coby as he runs to hide behind Luffy. Alvida, seeing Luffy's act, seems to ask him, "So you've eaten a devil fruit, huh?" To which Luffy replies, "Yup, the Gum-Gum Fruit."

"I've heard of the legendary devil fruits before but never seen them, so are you a bounty hunter?" questions Alvida.

Luffy says, "No, I am a pirate."

"Oh, a pirate you say. So if both you and I are pirates and in the same ship but not under the same flag, that makes us enemies, am I right?" asks Alvida in an amused tone.

"Luffy, just run away, she is one of the biggest pirates in these waters and has done many crimes," warned Coby.

"No, I have long decided that I will be the king of the pirates and I won't run away even if I were to die, and you don't have to either. Not if you want to follow your dreams," said Luffy while adjusting his hat and flashing a smile.

Hearing what Luffy said, Coby felt like he was struck by lightning. He couldn't help but grit his teeth thinking of all he had to do here. As if with a new resolve, he stared at Alvida and shouted, "You are the ugliest thing in the sea. I am leaving to join the marine, and I will spend my time beating dirty pirates like you."

Hearing what Coby said, Luffy burst out laughing while Alvida was boiling with anger. She started swinging her mace while shouting, "What did you just say? You are a dead kid!"

But before she could strike Coby, Luffy blocked her mace with his body. Then he started extending his hands a long distance and striking her with his 'Gomu Gomu no Pistol,' sending her flying towards the horizon.

With Alvida gone, the remaining crew simply surrendered. But before anything could happen, the sound of waves crashing reached them. When they turned around, their jaws dropped to the floor. What was before them was a ship that seemed to dwarf 'Miss Love Duck' many times over.

As they waited for someone to come, they were greeted with a boy around their age standing on the deck of the new ship, looking down at them.