
One Piece : Treading the waves

Damien, a man who dreamt of commanding his own ship to face against the terrors of the season was met with huge disappointed when his dream became nothing more than a plaything in the hands of the powerful. But as he was ready to embrace death after one final act of heroism, he's provided a second chance to attainhis dreams with added bonuses. PS : I do not own anything from one piece other than my Original Characters

Ave_Lucifer · Komik
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11 Chs

Join my pirate crew

As the Crimson Venus sailed towards Shell's Town with favorable winds and seas, they reached their destination earlier than expected, cutting the estimated time from 5 hours to just 3. However, the journey wasn't smooth, as they encountered a giant sea king along the way. While this was a new experience for Kai and Coby, Luffy's expertise in dealing with such creatures made quick work of the sea king with a single devil fruit-powered punch, providing an impromptu lunch for the crew.

With their bellies full from the unexpected meal, they arrived at Shell's Town. However, considering their ship's size and conspicuousness, they opted to leave the Crimson Venus drifting at sea and used a raft to approach the town quietly.

Shell's Town, located on Shell Island, was a quaint place known for its abundance of shells and a population of around a thousand people. It boasted only a handful of shops, a bar, a restaurant, and a Marine outpost. Kai, having some knowledge of One Piece lore, was aware of the corruption among the Marines here, particularly their captain, Morgan.

Upon reaching the town, Kai suggested heading to the local bar for information, knowing that bars were often hubs of gossip and news. They located the Rip-off Bar Gimlet and entered, causing a momentary silence that quickly resumed as they approached the bar.

Ordering drinks, Kai subtly inquired about two famous pirate hunters rumored to be in town. The bartender, cautious but intrigued, confirmed their presence and hinted that they could be found at the nearby Marine grounds.

Excited, Luffy asked if they could meet them, to which the bartender cryptically suggested visiting the Marine grounds around the corner. After settling their tab with what they salvaged from Alvida's ship, the trio headed towards the Marine grounds.

As they neared the walls surrounding the Marine base, they paused when they saw a small girl attempting to scale the walls. She darted towards the center of the grounds with her tiny legs, carrying something in her hands.

At the center, they spotted two individuals tied to poles. One was a green-haired man with a battered face but a strong aura of honor. Beside him stood a determined girl with short black hair, radiating strength despite her young age.

The little girl who reached the captives took the package in her hand opened it and showed it the tied up boy and girl and said while panting, " Here, you should eat something. My mom made these for you. She said you shouldn't stay hungry if you wanna grow"

Then boy seeing this turned his head and said " You don't have to bring any food, get away from here". Hearing what he said the kid seems to feel down an put her head down seemingly trying her hardest it to cry.

Seeing this the girl seems feel upset and says" Zoro, you can try not to be a jerk you know." Looking at the little girl she continued "And thanks Rika. But we are just not hungry. " Showing a kind smile.

This scene left an impression of Kai, Luffy and Coby as they observed from a distance seemingly intrigued by the dynamics of relationship between the two captives and the little girl.

The gates to the grounds suddenly swung open, and a young man entered, accompanied by a group of marines. "Well, well, well, what do we have here? It seems we've caught ourselves a little intruder. Now, how should we punish her for trespassing?" The new arrival, revealed as Helmeppo, the son of the marine captain, spoke with a gleam in his eyes.

Zoro immediately roared in defiance, "Don't you dare touch her, or I swear that will be the last thing you do!" He glared fiercely at Helmeppo, while Kuina stood beside him, offering a calming reassurance.

Kuina addressed Zoro, "Don't let him get to you. He's just trying to provoke a reaction."

"How the mighty have fallen," Helmeppo taunted, laughing at their outrage. "The powerful pirate hunter duo now reduced to simple prisoners under my feet... Haha..."

Rika, with tear-filled eyes, spoke up, "You didn't do anything. They came with you because you promised you wouldn't hurt me and my mother."

Angered by Rika's defiance, Helmeppo attempted to strike her. However, before he could act, someone grabbed his hand. He turned to see that all the marines following him were knocked out, courtesy of a boy wearing a straw hat who now held Helmeppo's hand. In a swift motion, the boy's arm elongated and struck Helmeppo, knocking him unconscious.

Zoro and Kuina, witnessing this turn of events, sighed in relief at Rika's safety. Before they could fully comprehend what was happening, Luffy appeared before them and declared, "You two, join my pirate crew".