
One Piece : Treading the waves

Damien, a man who dreamt of commanding his own ship to face against the terrors of the season was met with huge disappointed when his dream became nothing more than a plaything in the hands of the powerful. But as he was ready to embrace death after one final act of heroism, he's provided a second chance to attainhis dreams with added bonuses. PS : I do not own anything from one piece other than my Original Characters

Ave_Lucifer · Komik
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11 Chs

First Crewmates

As Kai and Luffy caused havoc in the marine base, Coby, along with Zoro, Kuina, and Rika, had sought refuge in the bar owned by Rika's mother. There, Rika's mother tended to Zoro and Kuina's injuries and fed them in gratitude for their bravery against Helmeppo and for saving Rika.

"You don't need to worry about us. We're fine, and little Rika is safe. That's all that matters," Kuina reassured Rika's mother.

"And miss, you don't have to worry. Kai and Luffy went to deal with the marines," added Coby.

Concerned, Zoro asked, "Are you sure they'll be okay? Just two people against a marine base?"

"Though we've only met today, I've seen Luffy fight. He's strong, and Kai, though I haven't seen him in battle, I believe is just as strong, if not stronger," Coby replied confidently.

"Wait, so you joined them without knowing much about them?" Kuina questioned suddenly.

"What? No, I didn't join them," Coby denied.

"Then why are you with them if not joining their crew?" Kuina persisted.

Blushing, Coby admitted, "They're helping me achieve my dream. Luffy told me to follow my dream, so I came with them."

"What's your dream, big brother?" Rika asked innocently.

"To become a marine," Coby whispered.

"What?" Zoro was surprised.

"I said I want to be a marine. I may not be anything special, but I'll work hard to achieve my dream and be a good marine," Coby declared with determination.

Kuina and Zoro exchanged glances, pondering the character of the people they had agreed to follow. What kind of pirates would aid a marine?

Addressing their doubts, Coby continued, "I know you're skeptical about Kai and Luffy, but from what I've seen, they're unlike any pirates you've known. Give them a chance."

Deep in thought, the table fell silent as time passed. Kuina played with Rika, Zoro had a drink, and Coby sat quietly.

The silence was broken by the bar's door swinging open. All eyes turned towards the door as Kai and Luffy walked in, carrying swords and a chest.

"Hey, what's with the silence?" Luffy asked, breaking the tension.

Startled, they bombarded Kai and Luffy with questions. "How? It hasn't been an hour since you left. Did you steal it?"

Kai clarified, "No, we asked politely, and they gave it to us. They even gave us an extra gift."

"Really?" Zoro, Kuina, and Coby were amazed.

"No, we fought for it and brought back our spoils. It'll take a while before the marines try anything around here," Kai explained.

"Did you really attack the marine base without problems?" Coby inquired.

"We not only came out fine, but we also taught Captain Morgan a lesson," Kai motioned to the swords. "Our part of the deal is done. What do you say?"

"Join us!" Luffy chimed in, offering meat prepared by Rika's mom.

Zoro and Kuina stepped forward, swords in hand. Kuina asked, "Who among you will be my captain?" Luffy and Kai exchanged a look, and Kai stepped forward. Seeing this, Kuina smiled unknowingly, quickly regaining her composure as she unsheathed her sword.

"As a swordsman, my blade is yours to command. I pledge to defend our crew's life and honor with every strike from my swords," Kuina declared.

Not to be outdone, Zoro approached Luffy and said, "To the captain and crew, I offer my sword and skill. I shall stand by your side, facing challenges on the high seas and beyond."

Moved, Luffy hugged Zoro and ran around exclaiming, "I got a crewmate!" The others shook their heads, while Zoro already had doubts about his decision.

"We should probably leave now since the marines must have called for backup," Kai suggested, and everyone agreed. They bid farewell to Rika and her mother and headed to the port. As they walked through the streets, people looked at them with reverence, having heard the news about Morgan's downfall which seemed to have spread quite fast.

Without delay, they reached the port. "Where's our ship?" asked an excited Kuina.

Kai pointed at the raft and said, "There."

Zoro remarked, "We can't even fit five people properly on it."to which the other three just snickered.

"I won't be coming with you guys. I think I'm going to join the marines now that Morgan's out of commission," Coby announced.

While Kuina and Zoro were surprised, Kai said, "Good luck, my friend."

Luffy hugged Coby and said, "We'll be waiting for you, and next time we meet, we'll probably be enemies." Coby smiled in response.

After bidding farewell to Coby, Kai, Luffy, Zoro, and Kuina boarded the raft and started rowing. Kuina asked, "Where are we going?"

Kai replied, "We just have to row until we're out of sight from the town."

Although Zoro and Kuina were confused, they complied. After some time, ensuring they were out of sight, Kai stood up and blew a loud whistle.

For a few minutes, nothing happened, and Zoro and Kuina began to doubt anything would. However, they were stunned when a beautiful ship with crimson sails approached them. It was the most beautiful ship they had ever seen.

Before they could question what was happening, the ship slowed down in front of them. Kai and Luffy used their Devil Fruit powers to jump onto the deck. Zoro and Kuina stood on the ship, amazed. Ropes were lowered from the ship, attaching to the raft effortlessly and hoisting it up.

Once on the ship, still awestruck by its beauty, they joined Kai and Luffy on the deck.

"Welcome to the Crimson Venus. Your new home," Kai announced.