
One Piece : Treading the waves

Damien, a man who dreamt of commanding his own ship to face against the terrors of the season was met with huge disappointed when his dream became nothing more than a plaything in the hands of the powerful. But as he was ready to embrace death after one final act of heroism, he's provided a second chance to attainhis dreams with added bonuses. PS : I do not own anything from one piece other than my Original Characters

Ave_Lucifer · Komik
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11 Chs

An audience with God

"Wait, what? Didn't I just die? Where even is this place?" Damien scanned the white room, his confusion palpable.

"It's good to see that you aren't going mad after just dying," a voice remarked, and Damien turned to find a man sitting before him, where he could've sworn was empty just moments ago.

The man donned a white suit that matched the room's aesthetics, with long grey hair cascading down his back and eyes as dark as an abyss.

'Is this some sort of afterlife? Is it heaven or hell?' Damien's thoughts raced with uncertainty.

"You don't have to delve so deep. You could just ask. And no, this is neither heaven nor hell. Think of me as a god," the man stated calmly.

Damien's mind reeled at the notion of multiple gods. "So there are multiple gods?"

"That's correct. Just as there are numerous worlds and realities. I am here to help you," the god replied.

"In what way?" Damien's curiosity was piqued by the idea of divine assistance.

"Now, back to the main point. After death, individuals are judged based on their life. Positive karma leads to heaven, negative to hell. However, in cases of extreme karma imbalance, the situation changes," the god explained.

"Am I here because of bad karma? I haven't done much good," Damien interjected, glancing at the god apologetically.

"In your case, it's quite the opposite. You have a surplus of good karma, more than you can imagine," the god continued.

Perplexed, Damien asked, "I've lived a mixed life, but significant good?"

"Yes, your act of stopping an extinction-level event for Earth elevated your karma immensely. You prevented a nuclear war that would have devastated the planet," the god revealed.

"So, what now? What's the purpose of this karma surplus?" Damien inquired.

"Typically, karma is spent to transition to a new world. For you, with 40% of karma remaining, you can customize your appearance, gain powers based on the world, and acquire desired items," the god elaborated.

"Alright, enough questions. Any world you desire, from literature or imagination, is open to you. Where would you like to go?" the god asked.

Damien reflected, "I joined the navy to live out adventures like in One Piece and Pirates of the Caribbean. It's a dream I couldn't fulfill in my world. So, between those two worlds, I choose One Piece. It's filled with adventure and excitement."

The god smiled knowingly. "The world of One Piece it is."