

Logan and 4 other people transmitted to One piece world. They get a chance to select their role and timing of transmission. They are transmitted to fight each other. Follow how 5 people with prior knowledge get transmitted and change the one-piece world upside down in their war. Who will the war between them? This is a transmission war in a one-piece world. .....…..... No - harem. ...... My name is Logan. I die from a heart attack. After death, I met with God and was given a second chance. Well, things are not that simple. God tells me that I am chosen to be part of the transmission war. According to God I and 4 other people will transmit to one piece world. Our goal is to kill other contestants and become the sole survivor of 5 people. If I become the final survivor, I will get a chance to reincarnate into the world of my choice, but in case of failure, my soul will be annihilated. Having nothing to fear I decided to take part in this game. Just like that 5 known transmitters fight against each other in one piece world. They turn the world upside down between their war with each other. ............................ SOME NEW STUFF THAT I TRY TO WRITE. HOPE YOU TRY IT. ................... ##### EXPECT FOR A FEW CHARACTERS OTHER BELONG TO ODA. Not my cover. Want me to take it down comment me on the latest chapter. Link of cover:https://pin.it/2oRSiDi ….......... Wattapad link: https://www.wattpad.com/story/322320999?utm_source=android&utm_medium=com.miui.notes&utm_content=share_writing&wp_page=create&wp_uname=ChampSing&wp_originator=9ZPOn039Lm6lfPjglzKznYfWY5Qf3pKNe5FJmIE3K74o9TVErh2pbuf5wPhxsybfBkkJGT6eEN6mz159swqzocDQ7dTYL3O%2Fzr1RZvz6LBPLJaAoZ0pdnetS00%2FMBM9J

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37 Chs

Accepting as student

After calming down Logan looks toward Whitebeard. He speaks.

"Teacher, I want to ask you can you please not tell about Shira to anyone else?"

Whitebeard looks at him and asks.


"Teacher, we are still weak. I want to remain hidden until I become strong enough. You know that once people know about Shira we will have to fight them and I am not strong enough to protect her at present. Once I become strong then we will enjoy traveling to the whole sea without any fear. so can you please hide it till then?"

On the side, Shira gets upset that she still needs to hide but after hearing Logan that he will protect her this made her happy. She even starts thinking about the bright future she will have with Logan. Thinking all of that she looks worriedly toward Whitebeard.

Whitebeard asks Logan.

"First tell me how you know about her."

"Teach I want to become strongest in the world for that I need many companions. I find about Shira's situation from the underground market. I decided to help her and make her my companion."

Whitebeard looks directly into Logan's eyes and asks.

"So you do not want to harm her or the people of fishmen island."

Looking into the eye of Whitebeard he speaks with confidence.

"Teach I have no intention to harm her. I only want her to stay with me."

Whitebeard smiled after hearing that while Shira blush slightly. Whitebeard speak

"Marco and Jozu already know about her."

Logan does not have much change in his expression. He knows that he cannot say anything bad about the so-called Whitebeard's son. He replies while mentoring a calm look.

"Teach I fully believe in your sons. I know that they will not tell this to anyone else if you say them not to. I just want only a few people to know about Shira. I am worried that if the Marines know about her they will try to capture her. I believe in you that you also do not want anything bad to happen to Shira."

Although Logan speaking to Whitebeard that he trusts Whitebeard's son but he knows that there are a few bad fishes present between them that will cause this old man's death in the future. He just thinks about this and does not speak about it.

Hearing that Logan believes in him and his sons Whitebeard smiles at Logan. Laughing he said.

"Yeah do not worry. I believe in all of my sons. They will not do anything that I tell them not to do. I understand your worry but what about the fishmen who are trying to find the mermaid princess? You know they are creating havoc in paradise. "

Shira suddenly chimes in after hearing about this. She asks Whitebeard.

"Who is trying to find me."

Whitebeard reply.

"Your 3 brothers and Jinbe doing everything to find you."

"Why are they trying to find me? I already wrote a letter to my dad that I am safe and I will come back after I become strong. "

Whitebeard shakes his head at how naive Shira is and then looks at Logan for his response. Logan speaks calmly.

"Teacher, Can you please tell them that the princess is safe and they do not need to worry about her? You are their hero and I know that they will believe in your message. You can say to them that Princess will come back after 4-5 years. I think in that time I will be much stronger to protect her."

Whitebeard just nodded his head and speak.

"Brat I am doing this one favor to you. To repay this you need to train hard."

"Do not worry teacher I will follow all your instructions without any complaints."

Whitebeard then looks at Shira and asks.

"what about you little girl? Do you also want me to train you?"

Shira rejected the offer without even a second.

"No, Logan will train me. Right master."

She looks at him and smiles. Logan smiles back and replies to Whitebeard.

"Teacher you do not need to worry about princess I will train her daily. She is a very good student I can easily train with her."

Whitebeard does not say a thing but Logan sees that he is a little upset by this rejection. Logan is shocked to see this. He thinks to himself. ' damn I got beaten by this old man and his crew. I broke all four limbs to make this old man teach me to show them my sincerity but Shira gets this chance without doing anything life is truly unfair. I see that Whitebeard is more upset about Shira not becoming her student. He is very little happiness about accepting me as his student.' He starts cursing life that how the cannon character has so much luck compared to him who needs to do so much just to get something which the cannon character easily gets with their luck.

Whitebeard speaks to Logan.

"Come on let me take you to heal first. You need to get fully healed then I will tell you how to train."

Saying that he picks Logan in his hand. Logan looks at Shira and speaks.

"Shira I will be back in the evening then we will train after dinner. You must sleep now so that you can stay up all night for the training."

Shira nodded her head and she go to the large container present at the beach. Seeing her going inside the box to sleep. Logan look at Whitebeard and nodded his head. Whitebeard smiles at him and makes a big leap toward Moby dicks in the sea.


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