
One Piece: The Worst Reincarnation

Amidst the haunting shadows of a tragic accident, Arthur's life plummets into what feels like an eternal hell. Just when he believes his suffering cannot deepen further, a malevolent vortex engulfs him, hurling him into the merciless World of One Piece. However, fate offers no respite; here, he becomes a wretched pawn, enslaved by the tyrannical celestial dragons, subjected to unspeakable horrors. Within the darkness, an enigmatic mystery lingers, entwining Arthur's fate with the world's sinister secrets. Will he find the strength to rise above this relentless cruelty, or is he destined to drown in the abyss? __________________ If you like the story, leave a review ________________________ I don't own anything, Except some character that I have made.

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66 Chs

Chapter 64: Odrick vs Queen

"Where am I?"

"What's happening to me?"

"What is this darkness that surrounds me? I don't see anything" in the middle of the darkness stretching to the end, Arthur woke up, who was confused and felt severe pain in his head.

"Am I Dead! No, or maybe yes, I don't know!"

"Fight, sir, to survive"

"Isn't that the voice of Odrick, Ah, I

remembered, I pulled out the heart of the invader and this made me almost dead, apparently" Arthur smiled sarcastically, recalling everything that happened.

"It seems that your madness exceeded all expectations" a mysterious and very familiar voice appeared near Arthur that made him remove his mocking smile.

"It seems that you are not dead yet, have you come to complete the battle?" Arthur turned his body, which was floating in the middle of the darkness, and looked at a hazy red figure that glowed faintly, which made it very clear.

"Not really, you can consider me dead and I'm talking to you with the last of my strength left" the invader spoke in a rigid, dull voice.

"So what do you want to talk about, Have you regretted your sins and come apologize to me" Arthur spoke indifferently, as if he did not care what happened to him, he was not angry or afraid of the invader, and after his last experience with him he had a tacit understanding of the character of this strange enemy.

"No, I'm here to make sure you die with me" the red figure expanded and wrapped around Arthur trying to swallow him, but Arthur kept floating in place without showing any sign of fear and let the strange red figure surround him.

"Is this your last, die!" Arthur moved his hands and pushed the red figure around which made it tear into two parts.

"How can you be so strong" two bloody eyes appeared in one of the parts of the red figure and looked at Arthur in disbelief.

"I am not strong, but you are the weak one" Arthur continued floating indifferently, and at the end he sighed deeply, and a strange wave of energy spread out from his body, destroying the red form and turning it into dust.

"This is not possible" the invader cried sadly, and eventually his howling disappeared along with his body and the total darkness returned to his calm.

"I'm not better off than you" Arthur sighed, but at that moment he felt a burning pain in his head as he began to cry out miserably.



[ Inside the cave ]

Odrick bent over while he was treating the Eagle's wounds but suddenly he felt a severe pain in his head that made him fall to the ground screaming loudly, holding his head with his hands as he began to writhe in place like a madman.

"Uhh! my head! my head is going to explode!" the strange set of memories began to appear in Odrick's mind and then the pain began to ease little by little and then disappeared.

Odrick removed his hands from over his head and sat shocked and confused as his body filled with sweat, he slowly turned around and looked at Arthur's body which was surrounded by a very strange red light.

"What just happened" Odrick took a breath out of the murky air, but after a short while he calmed down, hid his questions and returned to his usual expression.


Inside the total darkness Arthur grabbed his head and screamed loudly, a bunch of strange memories of a stranger began to appear inside his head at an insane speed, and after a short while the flow of memories began to stop which made the pain he felt disappear.

Arthur calmed himself down, looked at the darkness around him in shock and bewilderment, and finally sighed faintly, muttering:

"That explains everything. who would have expected such a reaction to happen when I killed him, it seems that he was very attached to me, so I was able to take a look at what is inside his mind"

"It seems that he did not accept the fact of his death at my hands" Arthur smiled sarcastically as he began to try to sort out the new memories in his mind, he was sure that all these memories would last for a short time and then disappear, so he began to look for anything useful among them.

Time passed quietly as Arthur entered a state of understanding, his body floated inside the pitch darkness as he began to sense his semi-dead body, he did a blood fruit that possessed a simple life-saving healing ability and then tried to control the cells that remained of the invader inside his body.

After the death of the invader, his cells became part of Arthur's body, but at the same time they were completely heterogeneous with him, and during this stage Arthur's body seemed to undergo a strange process of change.

Now that Arthur has answered all the questions that bothered him and got rid of the most pressing problem that was bothering him, his mind has become clear and relaxed, and also due to some strange circumstances, the invader's healing ability has become under Arthur's control, but doing it is very annoying and consumes his life.

"There must be a solution to this problem, I'm sure of it" Arthur continued, checking the memories of the invader, and then suddenly an evil smile appeared on his face.

"That's interesting"


Time passed quietly and Arthur's body lay in place for a whole month while a translucent red cocoon surrounded him that was spreading a bloody smell in the dark cave, the Eagle, most of whose wounds had disappeared, stood at the cave gate looking at Odrick, who was facing several men from the Beasts Pirates.



"Who are you, motherfu**er! and who sent you to this place? Tell me, how did you get to this country" Queen grabbed an oddly shaped curved sword in each hand and fought with them against Odrick.

"Don't you want to talk" the veins of Queen's forehead stood out with a strong wave of his hands, he sent a cutting wave through the two swords, in the forme of X, Odrick, who jumped back to avoid one of Queen's attacks, was surprised to see the attack heading towards him at an imaginary speed, without any sign of hesitation Audrick placed his sword horizontally in front of him and wrapped it with a Armament Haki.

The Haki blade collided with Odrick's sword, causing Odrick to rush backwards due to the force of the impact, his feet landed on the ground and despite supporting his body on a hard surface, he continued to rush backwards and hit a group of trees, causing them to crash.

"Do you like this?" Queen threw the two swords and inflated his body to turn into a huge dinosaur, which began to run towards Odrick.


Odrick stood with his back propped up against a thick tree, his sword-holding hand frozen in position while a small wound appeared in his chest from which blood seeped without a sign of stopping.

Odrick raised his head and looked at the dinosaur, which was heading towards him with eyes full of hatred, threw down his sword and stepped forward with a force that made his foot dig the ground on which it was placed.

Odrick's body swelled slightly so that all his dense muscles protruded and he quickly ran towards the dinosaur in front of him.