
One Piece: The Worst Reincarnation

Amidst the haunting shadows of a tragic accident, Arthur's life plummets into what feels like an eternal hell. Just when he believes his suffering cannot deepen further, a malevolent vortex engulfs him, hurling him into the merciless World of One Piece. However, fate offers no respite; here, he becomes a wretched pawn, enslaved by the tyrannical celestial dragons, subjected to unspeakable horrors. Within the darkness, an enigmatic mystery lingers, entwining Arthur's fate with the world's sinister secrets. Will he find the strength to rise above this relentless cruelty, or is he destined to drown in the abyss? __________________ If you like the story, leave a review ________________________ I don't own anything, Except some character that I have made.

ahiro · Komik
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66 Chs

Chapter 54: Unexpected Result

After observing the warehouse and its surroundings for several minutes, Arthur quietly sneaked out and left the port, heading towards the assembly point.

After walking for a few more minutes and reaching a place hidden by giant sea rocks, Ashura and several men sat around a small fire and reviewed the plan several times.

When Arthur arrived, they all raised their heads and looked at him, looking forward to the result of his investigation. Arthur did not make them wait long, he found a place to sit and then began to present what he saw during the observation.

"I counted 7 boxes guarded by 50 men in addition to Jack The Drought, the boxes were small but so heavy that they were made of reinforced steel, from my observation I think that the boxes cannot be destroyed so we must steal the keys too"

"The people who are guarding the boxes are very strong and they are obviously from the elite of Kaido Pirates, in addition, they are led by Jack, which makes stealing boxes almost impossible"

"There are about 100 men from the port guards who are also a big problem for us"

After Arthur finished presenting his report, he looked at the people around him and saw their expressions change, some of them looked at Ashura and there were some skeptical glances on their faces, they are not sure of the success of this operation.

Ashura listened to Arthur's report calmly and after a few minutes of silence he said:

"Don't worry about Jack, I can keep him busy for you while you fight the rest of the Pirates, as for the port guards, we have an idea to keep them busy for us, we will still have about sixty men left to deal with"

"We will wait for the rest of the respondents to arrive and then we will prepare the plan and disperse the tasks"

The rest nodded their heads as a sign of their acceptance of the arrangements, Arthur didn't say anything else, he sat quietly waiting to see how things were going, he wasn't worried about what would happen because he was sure he could escape.

Over time, the rest of the respondents appeared and each of them gave his report, some of them mentioned some things that Arthur did not see or did not pay attention to, what kind of weapons they had and their ranks, as well as the exact number of people who were on the moored ship.

After a long and careful study by everyone, a well-thought-out plan of attack was drawn up.

In the lonely darkness of the night, the light of fog lamps illuminated the port, dozens of men stood in their positions guarding the port and its goods, and the rest of the Pirates fell into a deep sleep to take a rest in preparation for their role in guarding.

Amid the eerie calm against the misty light, dozens of Shadows silently sneaking in, the shadows belonged to the bandits who sneaked into the harbor, the shadows dispersed and everyone headed towards their location, some went towards the moored ship and some surrounded the stores.

Arthur also quietly crept up and found his appointed position, near him and in front of the back door of the storeroom stood two men with weapons and signs of exhaustion visible on them, the two guards were talking quietly while observing their surroundings with relaxed expressions.

After hiding for several minutes, Arthur heard a loud howl coming from the side of the ship.

"A wolf? It seems that he is somewhere near the port!" one of the guards wondered while showing his bewilderment.

"Don't worry about it, from time to time wolves roam the nearby area, although this has become more frequent this week" the other guard answered without any sign of interest, his companion was a temporary guard who came on board so he didn't make fun of his question.

"That explains..." Before the guard finished his answer a small dagger pierced his forehead.

An expression of horror appeared on the other guard's face as soon as he wanted to open his mouth and scream, a silver dagger quickly flew towards him and also pierced his head, causing him to fall to the ground.

Arthur calmly walked towards the corpses of the two guards, pulled out his daggers and wiped them from the scarlet blood, such a sight was repeated in the whole harbor, dozens of guards fell through sudden attacks, some guards' swords pierced their backs and others Steel arrows pierced their bodies.

But many guards managed to avoid sudden attacks and got into a fierce fight with bandits, swords clashed and bullets flew everywhere, making the area like a battlefield.

The chaos made a lot of bandits leave their positions, which made the attack plan very chaotic, something like this was expected, so it didn't affect the operation much.

Arthur stood quietly watching what was going on around him, dozens of corpses fell and the ground was stained with blood and entrails. The sight was disgusting and brutal but Arthur felt great relief and felt a deep desire to kill more people.

Arthur resisted this desire and watched his surroundings to find that the rest of the guards had not organized the battle.

"That's good, old Yamada has completed his mission"

Before the attack began, old Yamada sneaked into the bedrooms and spread a hypnotic gas that makes anyone who inhales it enter a deep sleep from which he will not wake up until two days later.

Arthur turned around and walked a few steps forward, heading towards the pantry door.



One of the rooms exploded and a giant mammoth came out of it, the mammoth ran at a crazy speed and ran over anyone who got in its way.

"This is not good!" Arthur ran quickly and opened the door of the storeroom, as soon as he jumped inside, a huge mammoth passed by from his former standing place.

Jack The Drought was so angry that he accidentally killed a few of his henchmen during his outburst of anger, the manner of their death was so brutal that their bodies became like pies that stuck to the ground.

Although Jack killed several of the bandits, they did not show any signs of surrender, several bandits ran quickly and headed towards the warehouse, while the rest of them fought the remaining pirates.

When Jack wanted to continue his killing Revolution a giant man stood in front of him, with a powerful wave of his sword, Ashura sent a cutting blade of Haki that harvested everything in front of her, Jack was not directly attacked, he managed to quickly shrink himself and dodge the cutting blade.

Because he was running fast and returned to his human form without warning, he continued to roll forward, when the distance between him and Ashura shortened, he returned to his mammoth form and ran over with his giant foot, targeting Ashura.

Ashura jumped, dodging the giant foot, but Jack's hose hit him directly and threw him away to crash into one of the buildings and destroy it.


Arthur stood inside the warehouse and he was not interested in the chaos outside, he wanted to carry out his mission quickly and leave this place as soon as he could, he had a bad feeling about what was going on.

After waiting for a few seconds, several other men came, but they continued to wait with tense nerves, the sounds of fighting outside began to subside, but the only sound that did not subside was the sound of fighting between Jack and Ashura.

After waiting for a very long time, old Yamada came with the keys to the boxes in his hand, without saying another word, everyone took a key and headed towards the boxes, Arthur took a key too and opened one of the boxes.

But what he saw inside made him surprised. There were dozens of fruits that possessed very strange shapes, some of them were similar to apples from which horns came out and possessed a shell similar to animal skin.

"Smile!" when this name appeared in Arthur's head, he heard Ashura's hoarse voice saying:

"Pull out! everyone pull out quickly"

Arthur and the rest of the men carried the fruits and put them inside some bags, transporting the fruits made them a little late, but as soon as they finished they quickly ran out of the warehouse.

As soon as Arthur came out of the warehouse, he felt very dangerous, jumped quickly and dodged a bullet that flew towards him at an insane speed, the person who stood behind Arthur was very slow, which made the bullet penetrate his forehead and come out of the back of his head along with some parts of his brain.

After Arthur stood up and regained his clarity, he found dozens of men surrounding the storeroom, Arthur's throat dried up and swallowed a dose of saliva terrifyingly in front of him and amid the clergy surrounded by them, Queen stood up, looking at them angrily!


Hey there, world! Been ages since I graced you with an update on the fanfic front. Blame it on the oh-so-charming institution we call school. Who knew they'd actually expect me to, you know, study?

But guess what? I'm back in action, baby! And guess what else? I've cooked up a fresh new fanfic just for you guys! It's called "One Piece: Starting As Fish."

Trust me, it's gonna be a wild ride! Check it out on my profile or just do a lazy search.