
One Piece : The Voyager's Mark

In a world ruled by the merciless waves, a stranger emerges with a destiny he did not choose but is determined to redefine. The Voyager's Mark follows a young man reborn under mysterious circumstances into the vibrant and perilous world of One Piece. With memories of another life and a cryptic power at his fingertips, Kai Rifter stands at the crossroads of chaos and order. Haunted by flashes of his past and propelled by a system that binds him to unseen forces, Kai must navigate treacherous waters where allies and enemies blur. Each choice carves a path deeper into the heart of a world brimming with insidious powers and celestial tyrants. Will he be the harbinger of the change he seeks, or will the weight of his destiny crush him? Only the marks he leaves behind will tell. [System Alert: New Path Unlocked. Proceed with Caution. Unknown Consequences Await.]

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22 Chs


In the charred remnants of the Gray Terminal, beneath a sky choked with smoke and the oppressive weight of nightfall, Kai and Bluejam stood as silhouettes against the smoldering fires. The air was thick with the acrid scent of burned timber and desperation. Kai, aware of the physical limits he was rapidly approaching, prepared for a confrontation that demanded more than mere brute strength.

Bluejam, fueled by betrayal and the broken promises of nobility, advanced with the heavy, determined steps of a man with nothing left to lose. His eyes, alight with a mixture of rage and resolve, were fixed on Kai, who appeared disarmingly calm in the face of such raw aggression.

As the pirate captain raised his massive fists, preparing to deliver a crushing blow, Kai centered himself. His breathing steadied, and he reached deep within to the wellspring of his Conqueror's Haki. With a subtle exhale, Kai unleashed it, not as a physical force but as an insidious whisper into Bluejam's mind.

The effect was immediate and disorienting. Bluejam hesitated, his brow furrowing as a wave of confusion washed over him. The world around him seemed to shift, his perceptions altered by the invasive force of Kai's will. It was as though shadows whispered doubts where there had been certainty, and fear where there had been anger.

Kai seized the opportunity. He moved with a fluid grace that belied his exhaustion, darting in close to land a series of precise, targeted strikes. Each hit was light, almost ephemeral, but charged with Haki, they left Bluejam reeling, his mental defenses scrambled by the ongoing assault of Conqueror's Haki.

The dance between them grew increasingly one-sided as Kai's psychological warfare took its toll. Bluejam swung wildly, his attacks more frantic as he fought against the invisible chains that Kai's will imposed upon him. His own mind became his enemy, second-guessing, hesitating, faltering at shadows cast by doubt.

Kai, however, could feel the strain of maintaining such intense use of his Haki. It was a draining, consuming effort that tugged at the very core of his being. Each pulse of his power cost him dearly, drawing him closer to a precipice beyond which lay only darkness and collapse.

Recognizing the need to end the fight swiftly, Kai gathered his remaining strength for one final push. With a sharp cry that cut through the night, he amplified his Conqueror's Haki, sending a surge of willpower so overwhelming that it seemed to physically manifest, pressing down on Bluejam with the weight of inevitability.

Bluejam staggered, his mind overwhelmed by the torrent of dominance crashing through his defenses. His knees buckled, and he fell, his consciousness slipping away under the relentless tide of Kai's imposing will.

Bluejam, sprawled on the charred earth, was a hulking mass of defeat, his chest heaving with labored breaths. His eyes, wide with a mix of shock and fading defiance, locked onto Kai. In the smoldering glow of the fires around them.

Kai looked down at Bluejam, his expression blank, devoid of triumph or anger. The fight had drained him, sapped the last vestiges of his energy, but it had not quenched the necessity of what needed to be done next. His hand tightened around the handle of a discarded weapon—a piece of sharp, jagged metal that had once been part of a structure now reduced to ruins.

With mechanical motions, driven by a resolve that bordered on detachment, Kai bent down, the metal firm in his grip. There was no hesitation in his movement, no flinch in his muscles as he drove the makeshift blade into Bluejam's chest. The sound—a crude, wet crunch—was lost in the ambient noise of fire and destruction.

Bluejam's body jerked once, a final gasp escaping his lips as his life ebbed away, his eyes staring blankly at the churning smoke above. Kai stood up, letting go of the metal, now embedded firmly in the pirate's chest. He stepped back, his movements sluggish, his body on the brink of collapse from the exertion and the overwhelming use of his Haki.

The act was devoid of ceremony, a crude end to a life marked by brutality and greed. Kai felt no satisfaction, no sense of justice delivered; there was only the grim acknowledgment of necessity, of a threat removed in the most direct manner he was capable of in his weakened state.

As he turned away from the corpse, the world around him seemed to sway, the edges of his vision darkening ominously. He staggered slightly, his footing unsure on the uneven, fire-scorched ground.


Kai's recent unleashing of a multiplied version of Conqueror's Haki had sent ripples through the sea, a wave of power so profound that it caught the attention of one of the most elusive figures in the world: Monkey D. Dragon. Known for his keen interest in the potential of unique individuals, Dragon was drawn to the source of this rare burst of energy, seeking to understand its origin and implications.

Kai, his silhouette framed by the dying flames, was perched atop an unsettling throne—the lifeless body of Bluejam. The pirate, once feared and formidable, now lay defeated, his final moments marked by betrayal and a failed grasp at power. The charred earth around them was littered with the remnants of the battle, and the air was still warm with the heat of recent violence.

As Kai sat, his posture was one of weary victory. His gaze was distant, reflecting a mind lost in thought rather than triumph. The body beneath him served as a grim reminder of the cost of power and the price of ambition.

It was in this stark and somber setting that Monkey D. Dragon found him. The revolutionary leader approached silently, his presence almost ghostlike against the backdrop of devastation. His eyes quickly took in the scene—the young man sitting calmly on his vanquished enemy, a tableau that spoke volumes.

"Dragon," Kai spoke first, his voice cutting through the quiet without surprise or fear. His use of the name was straightforward, acknowledging the revolutionary's reputation and power without the need for pretense.

Dragon paused, his eyes narrowing slightly as he regarded Kai. The scene before him was unusual—a powerful image of dominance. "You've made quite a statement here," Dragon remarked, his tone neutral but probing.

Kai turned his head slightly to meet Dragon's gaze, his expression unreadable. "Some statements are necessary," he replied simply, his voice carrying a weight that belied his calm demeanor.

Dragon stepped closer, the ash crunching softly under his boots. "And what statement are you making to me, sitting so deliberately upon your enemy?"

Kai's gaze returned to the horizon, where the darkest smoke rose against the night sky. "That the old powers are falling," he said, "and that the new ones must be guided wisely. I know who you are, Dragon, and what you fight for."

A moment passed, the air between them charged with the unspoken recognition of each other's strength and conviction. "You speak of change and guidance," Dragon observed, "yet you sit alone in the aftermath. Why involve yourself in this way?"

Kai finally stood, stepping off the lifeless form of Bluejam with a deliberate slowness. "Because change is inevitable, but the direction it takes is not," he declared, turning fully to face Dragon. "Take care of him, the boy who desires a different world. He speaks of things you hold dear." Kai's lips curved in a small, knowing smile. 

With those final words, Kai turned and walked away, his figure gradually swallowed by the night. Dragon watched him go, his mind racing with the implications of their encounter. The night air felt cooler now, as if the fires of the Gray Terminal had taken with them an era of old fears and old rulers.

[Ding - Notification: Mental Exhaustion]

"Warning: You have pushed beyond your mental limits. Initiating urgent system shutdown to preserve host integrity."

[Ding - Notification: Physical Drain]

"Warning: Significant physical exhaustion detected. Initiating urgent system shutdown to prevent collapse."

[Ding - Notification: Skill Overextension]

"Alert: Conqueror's Haki has been used beyond current mastery level. Initiating skill lockdown until recovery and further training are achieved."

[Ding - Notification: System Recovery Mode Activated]

"System is entering recovery mode. All advanced abilities will be temporarily locked to allow for host recuperation. Estimated recovery time: undetermined."

[Ding - Notification: Critical Warning]

"Further disregard for system warnings will result in prolonged incapacity or permanent damage. Please adhere to system guidelines for recovery."


Author's Notes : 

It was real fun diving back into the backstory of the trio, I was surprised to discover I had forgotten most details. In a few chapters the settings of this early years story will be complete and I will procede to fast forward a few years to truly embark on the journey I wanted to tell through Kai. I recon you liked some things in my story if you sticked with it until now If so I would really appreciate a review on the story, what you liked, disliked, what I could change/accentuate etc...

It's my first take at fanfiction/writing as a whole and so you most likely noticed inconsistencies, plot holes and such things. I will try to gradually improve ! 

love y'all, good night (I know you're reading this at 3AM, go to sleep. Here is a poem for you : 

Cock a doodle doo!

What is my dame to do?

Till master's found his fiddling stick,

She'll dance without her shoe.

Cock a doodle doo!

My dame has found her shoe,

And master's found his fiddling stick,

Sing cock a doodle do!

Cock a doodle doo!

My dame will dance with you,

While master fiddles his fiddling stick,

And knows not what to do
