
One Piece : The Supreme Conqueror System ( Fanfiction )

One Piece is one of the best, if not the best, manga ever created. As any fan of this fantastic work, I sometimes imagine what would happen if someone smarter was in Luffy's place. How would that person react? Would his actions have better results? What would he do about the Navy? Would he have the courage to face Imu? For all One Piece fans out there, this is your salvation and a chance to once again swim in the beauty and wonders of the One Piece World. _______ Austin, a military officer, died during duties and ended up getting reincarnated into his favorite anime, One Piece. Austin would face the World armed with his knowledge of the future and a System, leaving behind the mindset of the past and embracing his new identity in a New World. Follow Austin as he embarks on a lifetime journey, as his ups and downs will be written in the annals of the whole World's history. _______ I would like to request my dear viewers to give me a chance and at least read through 20-30 chapters. This is my first time writing a novel, so please pardon my insolence, and guide me through this adventure. Enjoy! _______ Disclaimer – I do not own One Piece or any character related to One Piece. ________________________ ● The Release Schedule: 4 chapters per week with the Schedule being as follow: Monday ( at 3:00 pm UTC ) -- > 1 Chapter + the Extra Chapters. Wednesday ( at 3:00 pm UTC ) -- > 1 Chapter. Friday ( at 3:00 pm UTC ) -- > 1 Chapter. Sunday ( at 3:00 pm UTC ) -- > 1 Chapter. Note: Vote for the story for extra weekly chapters. 500 Power Stones = 1 Extra Chapter per week. 750 Power Stones = 2 Extra Chapters per week. 1000 Power Stones = 4 Extra chapters per week. ● Chapters' Lenght: 1500 - 3000 words ________________________ ● Support the Author : Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/asbarta Paypal: https://paypal.me/Asbarta If you want to read up to 20 Chapters in advance, visit my Patreon Page: https://patreon.com/Asbarta ________________________ Discord: https://discord.gg/qqHc4PprW9 ________________________ Follow me on my social accounts for more information Twitter: @Asbarta_Author Instagram: @Asbarta_Author

Asbarta · Komik
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62 Chs

The Ganzack Pirates

East Blue - An unknown location on the sea.

Four hours have passed since Austin's Ship departed from Orange town heading towards Gecko islands.

Austin and Brain were sitting on the Ship's deck, eating their lunch while enjoying the sea view, when suddenly a sea monster emerged from the ocean, trying to attack the Ship.

The sea monster was a 'Plesiosaur' with a humped body, four flippers, and a long, flexible neck. But what was strange about this sea monster was the fact that he was wearing a helmet, a plated kabuto helmet, emblazoned with a pirate's symbol and adorned with crab claws.

Brain pulled out 'Cocyutus' ( his sword ), ready to strike, but before he could do anything, he noticed that Austin was already flying towards the sea monster by kicking the air.

Austin used 'Geppo' to fly toward the sea monster, who tried to attack him with his enormous jaws, which were large enough to swallow a whole human being, but Austin easily dodged the upcoming bite by using 'Geppo' before drawing out 'Diablo', clad it in Haki, and slashed at the monster's neck, cutting his head off easily!

Austin then landed on the sea monster's body and started inspecting the pirate symbol on the helmet because it seemed familiar to him.

"Ah! I completely forgot about this!" Austin exclaimed, " Isn't this that Plesiosaur who appeared in the first Ova of One Piece?!"

" If I remember correctly, the Ova's title was 'Defeat Him! The Pirate Ganzack' " Austin narrowed his eyes " Does this means I'm close to that Island where 'The Ganzack Pirates' enslaved the town folks?!"

" Well, I have to finish the Quest of taking down Ten pirates with bounties on their heads." Austin scratched his chin " I have only managed to get two so far ( Buggy & Alvida), but with this Ganzack guy who has 10 million Berries on his head, it will soon be three!"

Austin glanced in the direction the sea monster came from and smiled " I guess the Island is that way."

Austin stored the sea monster's body in his Inventory and returned back to the Ship using 'Geppo'.

" This monster wasn't a normal one. He had a Pirate symbol on his helmet, which means he belonged to some pirates!" Austin pointed in a certain direction " I want to see these pirates, so we are heading in that direction."

"Right away, My lord," Brain responded and proceeded to shift the Ship's path, heading toward the new direction Austin pointed at.

An hour later, the duo arrived at the island and docked at its shore.

" There was really a huge tower here!" Austin exclaimed at the sight of the massive tower in the center of the Island.

Austin and Brain disembarked from the Ship and headed toward the huge tower in the distance.

On their way to the island's center, they passed through a barren village and spotted some elders and children looking at them in fear through the windows.

" Something strange is going on in here, my lord!" Brain frowned when he caught some elders and children peeking at them through the windows.

" Yeah!" Austin shook his head, remembering the story of this island.

Soon the duo arrived at the tower and noticed three pirates sitting at the front door, singing while drinking what seemed to be rum.

When the three pirates saw Austin and Brain, they were stunned and confused because their crew had already taken all the island's young men to work in the tower, which means that these two were strangers.

After coming to the conclusion that these two individuals were outsiders, the three pirates quickly stood up and pulled out their swords, and one of them shouted," Who the hell are you?!"

"It doesn't matter who they are!" Another drunken pirate said,

" You are right! Since you are all stupid to come here, we may as well catch and send you to work at the tower! Hahaha hahaha," Another bald pirate added, mocking Austin and Brain.

But shortly after, his laughter stopped, and his face turned white from terror when he witnessed his two friends falling to the ground, dead. The poor man didn't even notice how they died!

He looked at the two strangers before him with clear fear and panic in his eyes while cursing in his mind his big mouth that would lead him to his death by these monsters.

Austin didn't even bother listening to their nonsense and used Wind's bullets to send two of these three drunken pirates into the afterlife, leaving only the bald one standing there shivering all over his body.

"Oy! Go call Ganzack over!" Austin ordered the shaking bald pirate.

The bald man ran to the tower quickly to relay the message while occasionally turning to look at Austin, not believing that he had just got spared.

10 minutes later, thirty pirates emerged from the tower's front gate, with a weird-looking man leading the group at the front.

Ganzack, who was leading this group of pirates, was a normal-sized man with purple hair tied into a ponytail, a purple beard, an X-shaped scar on his left temple, and a red ring around each of his eyes. He wore crab-like armor on his back, a red shirt underneath his armor, blue pants, a blue cape, and a black pirate hat with his pirate symbol on it.

"Who are you? and what do you want ?!" Ganzack asked cautiously. He was wary of Austin because he heard from his underling how he easily killed two of his men.

" You don't deserve to know my lord's name!" Brain replied arrogantly, not even putting this scum in his eye. He then looked at Austin and said, " My Lord, please allow me to take care of this!"

" Alright! Have fun " Austin smiled and stepped back.

" How dare you ignore me, bastard! I, the great Ganzack... " Ganzack stepped forward furiously, but before he could finish his words, he got interrupted by a strong kick to his chest, sending him crashing to one of the houses nearby.

Brain used 'Soru' appearing next to Ganzack before kicking him with his right leg and sending him flying to a house nearby.

He then turned to look at the shocked pirates and smiled savagely," Let's dance, weaklings!"

Brain began attacking the pirates without even utilizing his sword, and instead, he used 'Rankyaku' ( Tempest Kick ) and Shigan ( Finger Pistole ) to attack while defending with 'Tekkai' or simply dodging the upcoming attacks by using 'Soru'.

Brain has just got the 'Rokushiki' ( The Six powers ) back at Orange town, and since then, he has been itching to try them in a real fight, which is why he asked Austin to let him take care of these weaklings so that he could use them as training subjects.

Austin watched the ongoing slaughter without even batting an eye because these scums were much worse than Buggy's group. These scums have enslaved the townspeople and made them craft weapons all day long with nothing more than little food and water, barely keeping them alive.

Austin wasn't a saint, but he also hated those who kill and hurts others for no apparent reason, just for fun. That's why he killed Gally's pirates on his first raid in this world because he knew that by doing so, he indirectly saved multiple lives by taking care of the source of danger before they even got the chance to kill and plunder the innocent people.

Moments later, Ganzack emerged from the house's ruins, coughing up blood while barely standing straight and preventing himself from falling to the ground.

Brain's strength is strong enough that just a simple kick is more than enough to severely injure Ganzack, and that is even without using any skill such as 'Rankyaku' ( Tempest Kick ). So if not for his armor, Ganzack would have probably been already lying on the floor with all his bones broken.

Ganzack looked at Brain and saw his men lying at the latter's feet, soaked in their blood, utterly devastated, and probably already dead! He couldn't help but ask the monster responsible for this massacre about the reason for his actions.

" What's wrong with you? 'cough cough' I don't even 'cough' know you! What enmity are 'cough' between us ?" Ganzack asked while coughing up blood violently.

Brain scoffed in response and used 'Soru' to appear beside Ganzack before grabbing him by his head and slamming him to the floor.

Brain then dragged Ganzack afterward before Austin and kneeled, saying.

" I'm sorry for the delay, my lord."

" You have done well, Brain!" Austin said, smiling before looking down at Ganzack, who was pressed to the ground by Brain.

"I really hate your kind the most. I don't even need to ask the people of this town to find out what's going on here." Austin narrowed his eyes " I've only seen elders and children along the way here, so I bet you have captured and enslaved the young men, perhaps even threatening them with their families as hostages! " Austin said in a deep voice while frowning, remembering the story of this town he knew from watching the Ova before.

Austin walked forward, seized Ganzack, and lifted him by his neck.

"The world will be a better place without scums like you! " Austin stated before breaking Ganzack's neck, killing him on the spot despite the latter futile resistance.

Austin shook his head and stored all the bodies of the dead pirates in his Inventory before entering the tower with Brain, who followed him as always, with his hands resting on his sword's handle.

After the duo entered the tower, they found the enslaved people working there alongside three other pirates who were guarding the people and keeping them in check.

Brain eliminated them immediately while Austin stored their bodies afterward in his Inventory.

The group then continued touring the tower and freeing the enslaved people, but apart from the first three pirates, they didn't encounter any other pirates inside!

Soon Austin and Brain reached the top of the tower where the last room was at.

" It appears that The Ganzack pirates have only 35 members in total, my lord!" Brain said.

" Yeah, I guess so," Austin smiled, " 36, actually, if we count the sea monster we encountered before."

" Guard the room, and don't let anyone come in, " Austin instructed Brain.

" Yes, my lord, " Brain responded and went outside, guarding the door.

" It's time to check what I earned for this raid" Austin smiled and looked at his interface, reading the accumulated notifications he received during Brain's battle.


You have defeated the sea monster "Plesiosaur" ( LVL 18 ).

You have defeated pirate ( LVL 1 ) x 2.

You have defeated pirate ( LVL 1 ) x 29.

You have defeated " Ganzack" ( LVL 9 ).

" Ganzack " Bounty is 10 000 000 Berry.

Congratulation on your third defeat for a pirate with a Bounty between 1 - 10 million Berry.

You have received your rewards: 80 Stats Points & 8 Skills Points & 10 Shopping Points.

You have defeated pirate ( LVL 1 ) x 3.

You have received 40,000 EXP.

Congratulations! You have reached Level 54!

Congratulations! You have reached Level 55!




Congratulations! You have reached Level 59!

Congratulations! You have reached Level 60!

You have reached Level 60. You have unlocked a special reward.

You have received your rewards: 300 Skills Points & 30 skills points & 300 Shopping Points.

You have reached Level 60. New features have been added.

The Database Has been upgraded.


" Oh? New features!" Austin exclaimed, " Alright, I will check them later after I finish allocating my points."

" Let's see!" Austin started calculating his gain " I got between the rewards & leveling up 415 Stats Points ( 380 + 7 x 5 ), 45 Skill Points ( 38 + 7 x 1 ), and 310 Shopping Points."

Austin thought for a moment before deciding how to allocate his Stats Points.

"I will add 110 Stats Points to Strength and 150 Stats Points to both Agility & Stamina, which means 5 Stats Points will be left to be used next time." Austin allocated his Stats Points.

" Since I'm at level 60 now, I can finally upgrade my skills up to Level 3," Austin noticed something and smiled in excitement. " I have also unlocked the Observation Haki Skill, so before allocating my Skills Points, I should read its description first."


Kenbunshoku Haki ( Observation Haki ): A form of Haki that grants the user a sixth sense that allows them to sense the presence, strength, and emotions of others and gain limited precognitive abilities. This Skill consists of five different levels, which are :

* Presence sensing: This allows the user to sense the presence of others and see another person through their aura, be it behind buildings, strategically hidden, or camouflaged.

* Strength sensing: This allows the user to measure the people's strength and Haki.

* Intent sensing: This allows the user to sense other people's intent to act in the near future, allowing the user to predict what someone is going to do, usually seconds prior, in what resembles a pseudo-form of precognition.

* Emotion sensing: This allows the user to sense and empathize with the emotions and nature of others.

* Future vision: This allows the user to glimpse a short period into the future. So instead of just sensing what will happen by intuition, the user of this advanced Level of Observation Haki can see a precise mental image of what will happen in the immediate future.


After Austin finished reading the description, he sucked a cold breath and exclaimed.

" This is really overpowered," Austin smiled " I will definitely put all my 45 Skills Points into the Observation Haki to upgrade it to Level 3."

After Austin finished allocating his Skills Points, he checked the result and found the following information.


Character :

- Host Information :

Name: Ray D Austin

Race: Human

Level: 60

Experience: 6000/60 000

- Stats :

Strength: 500

Agility: 450

Stamina: 450

Charisma: 200

Available Stats Points: 5

- Skills :

Detect - LVL 1 ( Max )

Knowledge Sharing: LVL 1 ( 100%)

Melee Combat: LVL 2 ( 100%)

Sword Art : LVL 2 ( 100% )

- Devils Fruits :

Wind-Wind Fruit: Lvl 1 ( Level of Proficiency ) ( 40%)

* Wind Style, Strenght

* Wind Style, Speed

* Wind Blade

* Wind Bullets

- Rokushiki ( The Six powers ) :

* Soru ( Shave ) : Lvl 1 ( 10% )

* Geppo( Moon Walk ) : lvl 1 ( 10%)

* Rankyaku ( Tempest Kick ): Lvl 1 ( 10% )

* Shigan ( Finger Pistole ) : Lvl 1 ( 10% )

* Tekkai ( Iron Body ) : Lvl 1 ( 10% )

* Kami-e ( Paper Art ) : Lvl 1 ( 10% )

* Rokuogan ( Six King Gun ) ( Locked, 100% on all the Six Powers ).

- Haki :

* Busoshoku Haki ( Armament Haki ) :

Level 1: Hardening ( 100%)

Level 2: Imbuement ( 100%)

* Kenbunshoku Haki ( Observation Haki ) :

Level 1: Presence sensing ( 100%)

Level 2: Strength sensing ( 100%)

Level 3: Intent sensing ( 0%)

* Haoshoku Haki ( Conqueror Haki ) : ( Locked, Minimum LVL 80 ).

- Unique Skills :

Predator Mode: LVL 2 ( 0%)

All For One : LVL 2 ( 100%)

Available Skills Points : 0

- Traits :

Control Emotion ( Passive )


" Alright! Now I have a level 3 Observation Haki unlocked, which means I can sense the others' presence, strength, and intentions, which will be very helpful, especially in upcoming battles." Austin rubbed his hands together.

Austin noticed something at his 'Experience' panel and sighed.

" Even though I'm at level 60 now, it will be hard to level up as quickly as I did before! Because the minimum XP has also been upgraded " Austin looked at the Experience Points needed to level up and shook his head.

" If I want to level up to level 61, I would need 60,000 experience points. Similarly, when I reach level 61, I will need 61,000 experience points to attain level 62, and this will continue to increase further by 1,000 experience points with each Level attained." Austin shook his head.

" I shouldn't be greedy. The pace of my improvement is already too fast! So, it's only natural that the condition of leveling up becomes more challenging in order to balance the System!" Austin sighed, but then his mood improved when he remembered the corpses on his Inventory.

Austin smirked, " It's finally the time to create another loyal subordinate!"


( Author: Hello, Everyone. I'm Asbarta!

For people who wish to support me, I have accounts on the following platforms:

Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/asbarta

P@treon: https://p@treon.com/Asbarta. ( There's an 'A' in the place of @ )

P@ypal: https://p@ypal.me/Asbarta. ( There's an 'A' in the place of @ )

I hope you can support and help me develop this work even further 🙏.

Lastly, If you liked this chapter, please leave a comment or a review and share your thoughts with others about this Fanfiction 😊!

I would love to hear your evaluation of my work 🧡! )