
One Piece: The Strange Talent of Cedric Strode

He was just an ordinary college student before he woke up in the body of a young boy in the South Blue, a world filled with pirates and danger. But he soon discovers that he's not completely powerless - he has the Hercules Method's booklet, a mysterious text that promises to teach him incredible physical abilities. With the help of the booklet and his quick wits, Cedric manages to survive on his own as a street urchin in the lawless Four Clover Island. But he quickly realizes that he needs more than just physical strength to survive the world of One Piece and its treacherous seas. ----------------------------------------------------------------- This is a One Piece fic. It starts in South Blue on a lawless island unaffiliated with the World Government. The story's pacing will be moderate, not too slow, but not too fast. There will be no system or any gamer BS. That said, the protagonist won't go into the world of One Piece with nothing to help him. However, he will have to work hard to get stronger and achieve his goals. As always, I like to go with the flow when I write new stories, so I won't know if I'll add smut, harem, or romance until the plot progresses further, depending on whatever feels more natural at that point in time.

Wicked132 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
190 Chs

Hard Fought Victory #18

Despite its gigantic size, the sea king moved surprisingly fast. It quickly reached me, spinning its enormous body and smacking me with its tail fin, which sent me flying out of the water and high into the air.

The creature poked its head out of the water, showcasing its sharp teeth and intention to bite my body in half with them. Naturally, I quickly reacted as I corrected my posture in the air to face the giant fish. Then I raised my spear and aimed for the sea king's eye.

Through gritted teeth, I sent the spear flying, and it hit its mark, gouging the creature's eye, which caused it to roar in pain and thrash its body against the water. I landed in the water next to the beast alongside my spear as it managed to dislodge it, and the violent waves from its movement almost pushed me back to the shore.

However, I persisted as I swam against the flow and finally reached the creature. I stabbed my spear into the creature's side, using it as leverage to climb the sea king's slimy scales. It quickly noticed my intentions, driving it to thrash and struggle even more violently to get rid of me.

I could barely hold on to my spear as I scaled the body of the giant fish, slowly making my way toward its head. And once the sea king realized it couldn't shake me off, it jumped into the air, using the momentum to dive straight for the depths.

I quickly took a deep breath and held it in as the giant fish dived into the water with an incredible speed that almost caused me to lose my grip on the spear. Still, I managed to hold on, and the urgency pushed me to act as I began to run out of oxygen.

Slowly but surely, I made my way to the creature's head, not letting any oxygen molecule in my lungs go to waste until I reached my destination. I looked the giant fish in its one good eye and grinned before I stabbed it with my spear, fully blinding the sea king.

The creature began shaking in pain, but I didn't care as I reached into its eye socket and gouged its eye with my free hand before thrusting the tip of my spear deeper into its head repeatedly with all my strength.

I kept stabbing, the tip of my spear going further and deeper into the creature's head with every thrust as blood and bits of flesh, bone fragments, and brain matter floated in the water.

Eventually, the giant beast stopped moving, its now lifeless body slowly and gently floating toward the surface, prompting me to sigh in relief as I swam up, taking a deep, refreshing breath.

"Well, that was stupid," I muttered to no one in particular as I looked at the beast's corpse. "Let's not do that again anytime soon," I added with a chuckle, shaking my head.

Fighting a sea king in the water was definitely not one of my brightest ideas. However, I had to do it as the urge to kill and destroy was growing too strong for me to handle. And at least now it's gone, and I have a giant fish that should feed the entire village for at least a week.

'Now how the fuck am I gonna take this huge thing back to the village...?'


Shanbaga's eyes couldn't help but widen as he looked at the corpse of a giant sea king slowly floating into the sea's surface, its blood staining the surrounding waters red.

After not hearing from the young man, who saved his life for an entire week, the boy couldn't help but worry. Fearing something might have happened to Cedric, he went to visit the letter's camp inside a clearing near the village.

When he arrived, Shanbaga saw the young man heading toward the beach with a strange expression and a spear in his hand. Curious, the boy followed Cedric to see what he was up to. At first, he thought his savior was trying to catch dinner or something of that nature.

However, it became clear that that was not the case as the young man dived into multiple spots, seemingly searching for something. Though he knew Cedric was safe, curiosity got the better of Shanbaga, so he decided to linger and see what was happening.

Despite getting what he bargained for, the boy's soul almost left his body when he saw Cedric flying out of the water with a giant sea king chasing him. He thought his savior would lose his life more than once as the fight between the gigantic Beast and Cedric ensued.

He could only hope and pray the young man would escape, as it never occurred to him that a mere human could even stand a chance against such a monster, especially in the water.

However, he watched in amazement as Cedric refused to escape after injuring the beast, even swimming towards it to keep fighting, eventually winning the battle without suffering grave injuries.

"I..." Shanbaga slowly muttered, his eyes wide as he barely resisted the urge to jump and down excitedly at what he had just witnessed. "I gotta tell someone...!" He said as he turned around and started sprinting back to the village.


"Hmm...?" I intoned, raising an eyebrow as I saw a dozen village men waiting for me on the beach after I managed to drag the sea king's corpse to the shore. "Why are you guys here...?" I asked, tilting my head as I looked at Shanba.

"Shanbaga said something about you and a sea king..." Shanba said, awkwardly alternating between me and the sea king's corpse. "We assumed you were in trouble since the little one was barely coherent, so we came to help..." He added, trailing off at the end of his sentence.

"Well, it's a good thing you're here now, either way," I replied, chuckling as I stabbed my spear into the sand and quickly removed my shirt. "You can help me take this thing to the village..." I added with a sigh as I gestured to the sea king's enormous corpse.

"Are you sure you want to share this with us?" Shanba asked, his eyes widening in surprise at my words. "It seems you've spent quite the effort to take it down..." He added, his tone hesitant as he spoke.

"Very sure," I replied with a shrug as I turned to the sea king's corpse. " I can't rightly eat this whole thing myself, now can I...?" I jokingly added, patting the creature's enormous, slimy scales.

"It'll just go to waste if I don't share it..." I concluded, shaking my head.


Sitting near the bonfire and feeling the warmth of the flames, I chuckled as I took a sip from the herbal alcohol concocted by the villagers currently dancing and singing their asses off.

As it turns out, taking down a sea king was a feat worthy of a feast. And so the villagers started a celebration in honor of the deed. They cooked a good portion of the beat, making it into all kinds of dishes they served with fruits, vegetables, and their locally brought alcohol.

"Hey there, handsome," Suddenly came an overly feminine voice from beside me, and I turned around to see one of the village women looking at me with this strange smile. "How about a dance?" She coquettishly asked, prompting me to give her a Subtle once-over that went unnoticed.

Though she shared the villagers' primitive appearance and short stature, she was thin, unlike the other women in the village. I wouldn't call her beautiful per se, but she was decent-looking to my pent-up eyes. After all, it has been quite a while since I did the deed.

"A dance is just what I had in mind, beautiful," I said as I got up and extended my hand toward the woman. "Though I'm not the best of dancers, so you'll have to show me a move or two..." I added, smiling as I walked away from the bonfire when she took my hand.

"No worries, handsome. Just leave it to Shanbea..." The woman, Shanbea, replied with a hungry smile splitting her face. "I'll I'll take good care of you.." She added, her grip tightening over my hand as we began dancing.