
One Piece The Path To Be King

MrHokage_09 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs

Chapter 2

Kuro's small boat pulls in to the port, "We're here!" Kuro exclaims. Harp wakes up, "What the heck Kuro... I'm trying to sleep over here y'know..."Kuro dashes over to Harp, smacks him across the face, "Aah! Why'd you do that for!?"

"Because we're here, and you had the chance to wake up so... It's your fault!" Harp sighs, stands up and looks around, "Pretty peaceful town here huh?" Harp says,

"Yeah, we could definitely have some fun here!"

"You're right, peaceful towns like this are really vulnerable to mischief-makers like us" Harp states, "You sound like my grandma when she tells me stories about her childhood" Kuro replies

"So anyway, where are we going?" Harp asks, "I dunno, lets go over there!" He says as he points to the right of the entrance. Kuro bolts to where he pointed to, leaving Harp tired and alone, "Hey wait, you idiot I'm still half asleep, I can't run!" Kuro doesn't stop though, he pushes through the crowd, acting like he didn't hear Harp at all. Harp runs after Kuro, "Hey get back here!" He exclaims with a half angry, half tired voice. Kuro slowed down when he reached a giant shop, with a big sign that said, 'Shermy's Diner'. Kuro bolted inside, "I'm so hungry!" He shouted, "Give me some food!" A waitress walks over to Kuro, "What would you like sir?"

"Food!" Kuro replied eagerly, "Yes, sir, but what kind of food?" "All of it!" Kuro demanded

"I'm sorry sir, but I can't allow that"

"Now now, if he wants everything on the menu, he gets everything on the menu!" A disembodied voice said. Kuro thought it was a disembodied voice, until he looked to the staff only room's door. "I'm sorry about the rude service, my name's Shermy, the owner of this shop. Now what was it you wanted? Everything?" Shermy asked

"Yes please!" Kuro replied, "You heard him! Everyone start cooking everything on the menu!" Shermy ordered. The chefs and chore boys worked at impressive speeds, readying the order faster than Kuro could imagine. Harp walked through the door, "Kuro, why'd you run off like that!?" Harp asked angrily, "But I didn't get lost..."

"You didn't, but I did!" Harp exploded, "Next time you do that, I'm not gonna go looking for you!"

"Okay, calm down! I got some food, you hungry?" Kuro asks

"Yeah, I could eat. What'd you order?" Harp asked, "Everything!" Kuro replied, "You ordered everything!?" Harp asked furiously, "Yep!" Kuro answered, "I got some for you too Harp,"

"Thanks" Harp thanked as a big group of waitresses came over with their food. Kuro starts eating instantly, finishing plate after plate while Harp was forced to watch, "Hey, save some for me!" Harp exclaimed, "Well eat! It wont be here for much longer!" Harp grabbed a few plates of food and ate it as fast as Kuro could, "Are you challenging me?" Kuro asked protectively, "Yep" Harp answered. Kuro ate faster and Harp sped up too, each of them speeding up as they go. Eventually, they ate all of the food, and tied, "I can't believe we tied in a food eating contest" The now bloated Kuro said, "Yeah, I mean, it's a food eating contest, how do you end up in a draw!?" The bloated Harp asked, "Wow, you guys are the first people to finish everything on the menu, that's impressive!" Shermy complimented, "Hey Shermy, you wanna join my pirate crew?" Kuro asked

"I can't, who's going to make sure everyone's supervised?" Shermy answered, "I can sir!" An employee shouted, "I can supervise while you're gone collecting data on the fish from each sea, sir!" "Hmm, yes I guess you could supervise while I'm gone... Just remember you wont be getting payed extra," Shermy stated, "Yes sir!" The employee agreed. "I guess I'm you're cook now uh... What's your name?" Shermy asked, "I'm Kuro D. Dragon, and my friend over here is Dragon W. Harp!" Kuro answered, "Hey" Harp greeted. "So where are we going boss?" Shermy asked, "Let's go to... Cocoyasi Village! It's not too far from here!" Harp and Shermy agreed, then the trio walked through the door and turned right

"Not so fast," A deep voice ordered, "You're a group of pirates right?" "Yeah, why?" Kuro asked, "I'm Shiro, a famous Loguetown pirate hunter. You're coming with me," Shiro demanded, "I don't think I will be," Harp denied, "Yeah, we're not going with you!" Kuro agreed

"You'll have to fight with more than just words if you wanna get out of here," Shiro continued. Harp unsheathed two of his swords, "Lets do this," He challenged. Shermy stepped up next to Harp and Kuro did the same, "Soupy Gatling Slash!" They yelled. Kuro used his Focused Gatling, Harp used his Seven Deadly Slashes, and Shermy used Soupy Death. The entire attack was focused on Shiro's belly. All of the attacks were used at the same time, all at max power. "Mochi-Mochi Vortex Shield!" Shiro exclaims. A spinning wall of Mochi forms in front of Shiro. Shermy's Soupy Death burnt a hole big enough for the Seven Deadly Slashes to hit, and the Focused Gatling to send him airborn, "Shermy, can you burn my arm enough with that soup to set it on fire!?" Kuro asked with a rushed tone, "Yeah, it should be able to," He replied, "Good! Light my arm on fire then!" Shermy didn't argue, only did as he was told and lit Kuro's arm on fire. Kuro pulled his flaming arm back as far as he could, "Focused Death!" He exclaimed as he shot his fist into Shiro's belly, sending him to the sky, "Well, that's the end of that. What should we do now?" Shermy asked, "Put out my arm! This really burns!" Kuro begged, "What did you expect, fire burns y'know!"

"Yeah! But that hurt more than it should've!" he said as he smacked the fire out himself. "Now, we go to Cocoyasi Village to find a navigator!" Kuro dashed to the boat, and at this point, wasn't in the mood for any more interruptions. Harp and Shermy followed slowly behind. They found the port and jumped onto their small boat,set course for Cocoyasi Village, pulled the anchor in and set sail. "We're off to Cocoyasi Village!" Shermy exclaimed as they left the port, "See ya Loguetown, I'll miss you!" Kuro yelled to the village, "Aw, Loguetown didn't say goodbye..."

"You idiot, do you really think that a town would say goodbye!?" Harp frustrated. "I'm tired..." Kuro says, "Me too," Shermy agrees, "Yeah, lets take a nap..." Harp agreed as well. Kuro laid down, let his hair cover his face, and let a deep sleep carry him away...

"Hey, get up Kuro, we're here! Well I think we're here..." Kuro stands up wearily, "Harp, get up..." Kuro sighs, then takes a look at the destroyed town in front of him. "What happened here!?" Kuro exclaimed, he could still see a house in the distance that hadn't been destroyed, "There's a house up there that hasn't been destroyed, lets go check it out!" Kuro orders. The trio rushed to the lone house, knocked on the door, "Hello! Anyone home!?" Kuro shouted, "You idiot! Be quiet, we don't want to attract any unnecessary attention!" Harp hissed, "Oh yeah, you're right. Hello, anyone home?" Kuro whispered. The door opened, but no-one stood in the doorway, "Creepy" Shermy said. The three walked in through the door, looked around. The house was an ordinary one, with blue and white striped walls and cabinets scattered around in random spots. Kuro quickly jumped to the conclusion that he was bored and wanted to go upstairs, "Hey guys! I'm going upstairs!" he called. Harp and Shermy followed eagerly behind, "I wonder what's up there?" Harp asked, "Beats me," Shermy replied. Kuro reached the top of the stairs and looked around. Same wallpaper and scattered furniture. Kuro had an uncanny feeling about this house. "Careful, this feels really uncanny to me. Stay frosty," Kuro warned. They wandered the empty house, searching for any signs of life.

"Hello! Anybody home!?" Shermy calls out, "Nope!" Kuro replies, "I wasn't asking you!" Shermy frustrated. Kuro split off in another direction, "I'm going this way," Kuro told them. Kuro reached a hallway, walked to the center, "Hello! Anybody!?" Kuro calls. No-one answers. Kuro walked to the door at the end of the hallway. Kuro got to the door, opened it and waited for the doors to slam shut and the walls close in or some other trap to take him. Nothing happened. Kuro walked into the room at the end of the hallway. That's when the traps hit. a cage imprisoned Kuro to a small space, "Le'me go!" He frustrated, "I don't think that will be happening," An unrecognized voice said. Kuro turned around to see who it was. It was Shermy. "You've got a pretty high bounty right now, y'know that?" Shermy asked, "Nope!" Kuro answered. Shermy walked over to Kuro's cage, "I'm going to claim it all, right here, right now." Kuro grabbed two of the bars on the cage, lifted it up and slid under it, "Now that I'm outta that cage, I can fight!" Kuro exclaimed. Shermy threw a punch into Kuro's belly, then followed it up with a bowl of soup to the jaw

"Hey Harp! A little help here please!" Kuro called out. Harp came quickly, followed by Shermy. "What the heck!?" Shermy exclaimed, "I'm you," the other Shermy said. The good Shermy unsheathed his bowl of soup, Harp his four swords and Kuro pulled his arms back. "This should be good," The evil Shermy said with excitement. The good Shermy threw soup onto Harp's four swords, setting them on fire. Harp spun them around rapidly, creating a tornado of fire in front of it, "Tornado Style, Flame Dragon!" Harp exclaimed angrily. The evil Shermy was being burnt up in the small tornado. "Stretchy-Stretchy Gum Smash!" Kuro exclaimed as he puffed both of his arms up as much as he could, then brought them out and smashed his hands together, the evil Shermy in the middle. The evil Shermy's disguise wore off, and Kuro, Harp and the real Shermy could see who it really was. It was a marine, a high rank one too. "Tell us everything you know," Shermy interrogated, "My name's Kawagichi Nakasone, I'm a moderately high-ranked marine," Kawagichi explained, "What was that devil fruit!?" Kuro asked, "The Shape-Shape No Mi."

Kuro stretched his right leg back as far as he could, kicked Kawagichi in the chest, sending him to the skies, "I- is anyone there?" a strange voice asked, "Yeah, who'r you?"

"My name is Kenny, Kenny Royal. What's your name?" Kenny asked, "My name's Kuro D. Dragon, this is Dragon W. Harp, and the cook over there is Shermy, you wanna join my pirate crew?" Kuro asked, "Uh... I don't know what I would do for you..." "Can you navigate?"

"Really well!" Kenny exclaimed, "Well then, are you our navigator?" Harp asked, "Um... Yeah! I can navigate for you!" Kenny answered. Kuro jumped out of the window, you guys coming!?" Kuro asked. Everyone jumped out of the window and followed him back to the ship, brought the anchor up, "Where are we going now Kenny?" Kuro asked, "Um... Orange town!" Kenny set course and directed the small boat the right way, "We need a bigger boat now, it's getting too crammed on here!" Harp complained. Kuro yawned, sank into the boat, let his hair cover his eyes and let a deep sleep carry him away...