
One Piece: The Navy Traitor

In the dark depths of Impel Down, Alaric, an enigmatic twenty-nine-year-old former vice admiral, has been locked away for over a decade. With a history shrouded in mystery and a will that defies time, he has endured confinement in the world's most feared prison, waiting for the perfect moment to claim his freedom. When opportunity presents itself in the form of a daring infiltration led by the infamous Monkey D. Luffy, Alaric is faced with a crucial choice. Alaric must seize every moment to escape and defy his fate. In a rapidly changing world, his release could be the spark that ignites a new era. I am not a native English speaker, it is my third language, this is a Spanish story written by me in my spare time. The characters do not belong to me except my Mc. All rights belong to the creator of the work Oda

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15 Chs


The air in Level fourth of Impel Down was thick and suffocating. The flames from the massive central furnace consumed the oxygen, creating an unbearable heat that mingled with the scent of sweat and blood from the prisoners. This was the place known as the "Inferno of Flames." Amidst the relentless chaos, a battle was unfolding that would shake the very foundations of the prison.

Monkey D. Luffy, the young Straw Hat pirate, faced one of the most fearsome enemies of his journey: the dreaded warden of Impel Down, Magellan. The man, with his body covered in lethal poison, looked at Luffy with a cold and calculating gaze. The pirate captain, fearless and drenched in sweat, tried to stand up to his opponent, but Magellan was relentless.

—"You can't stop me! I have to save Ace!" —Luffy shouted with determination, charging at Magellan with all he had.

But despite his effort, Magellan's power was too overwhelming. With every attack, the poison spread further through Luffy's body, weakening him slowly. Finally, after a brutal battle, the young pirate fell to the ground, covered in poison and unable to move.

—"You're brave, but your resistance has come to an end" —Magellan said, looking at Luffy with disdain before ordering his subordinates to take him to Level five, the infamous "Frozen Hell," where the sub-zero temperatures would make survival impossible in his state.

Covered in poison, unconscious, and on the brink of death, Luffy was dragged deeper into Impel Down, far from any chance of saving his brother Ace.

In Level five, the temperatures were so extreme that the guards' breath froze in the air, and the cold bit at the skin of anyone daring enough to venture there. Luffy, abandoned and left to his fate, lay in the snow, barely breathing, covered by a thick layer of poison that further weakened him.

Bon Clay, aka Mr. 2, watched from a distance. He had abandoned Luffy once before, but guilt had consumed him. He couldn't let his friend die. With a determined expression, he ran toward Luffy's body, ignoring the poison still covering the pirate.

—"Mugi-chan!" —Bon Clay shouted, shaking Luffy with desperation—. "Don't give up now! Your brother needs you!"

Hungry and fierce wolves from Level five approached them, seeing Bon Clay and Luffy as easy prey. Bon Clay tried to fight them off, but he was exhausted and injured. Despite his bravery, he was quickly overwhelmed. When all seemed lost, an unexpected group appeared.

Some strange Okama warriors, with extravagant outfits and impressive strength, burst onto the scene, driving the wolves away with ease. One of them, with an exaggerated smile and overflowing energy, approached Bon Clay and Luffy.

—"Come on, dear ones! We can't let them die here!" —exclaimed the Okama leader cheerfully.

Bon Clay, on the brink of collapse, could barely lift his head to thank them. His words were whispered but full of gratitude.

—Help him... Save Mugi-chan...

The Okamas lifted Luffy and Bon Clay, taking them to a place not recorded on any prison map. The legendary Level 5.5, known as the "Hidden Paradise," a haven where prisoners lived a life completely different from the other levels of Impel Down. There, amidst music, lights, and festivities, reigned Emporio Ivankov, the Queen of the Okamas.

When they arrived at Level 5.5, Bon Clay and Luffy were placed in recovery beds. Bon Clay, gravely injured from his confrontation with the wolves, could barely move, but his concern for Luffy outweighed his own pain.

Luffy, on the other hand, was in critical condition. Magellan's poison continued to flow through his veins, attacking every part of his body. Emporio Ivankov watched him with seriousness.

—This boy... has an incredible will, but he is on the brink of death. If we don't do something soon, he will die —Ivankov said, his large eyes blinking intensely.

Bon Clay, desperate, knelt in front of Ivankov.

—Please, save Mugi-chan! I would do anything for him! He's my friend, and I can't lose him!

Ivankov looked at him, moved by Bon Clay's loyalty.

—Alright, I will do everything I can. But you must know that this treatment is dangerous. I will subject him to a treatment that will force his body to fight against the poison. It will be extremely painful and he could die in the process. But if he survives, he will gain great resistance to the poison.

Bon Clay clenched his fists, his eyes full of determination.

—Mugi-chan won't give up. I know he'll make it!

Luffy was taken to a separate room, where the treatment began immediately. Ivankov used his hormonal abilities to force Luffy's body to produce a massive amount of antibodies, plunging him into indescribable agony. Luffy's screams echoed throughout the refuge, each filled with pain but also with a fierce struggle.

On the other side of the door, Bon Clay, weakened, stood firm, cheering for his friend. His cries were desperate but full of hope.

—Gambare, Mugi-chan! Don't give up! You will survive, I know it! —Bon Clay shouted, tears in his eyes, as he pounded the door with his bloodied fists.

One by one, the Okamas joined in the supportive cries, their voices echoing through the refuge.

—Gambare, Mugi-chan! You can do it, Mugi-chan!

Hours passed slowly. The torture of the treatment extended over almost twenty hours, during which Luffy fought against the poison with all his might. Bon Clay never stopped encouraging him, despite his own body being on the brink of collapse. He knew Luffy needed him, and he wasn't going to abandon him.

Finally, after what seemed like days, the noise in the treatment room stopped. The Okamas waiting outside watched with tense anticipation, wondering if Luffy had managed to survive.

The door slowly opened, revealing an exhausted Emporio Ivankov, who smiled with relief.

—He survived. That boy has an incredible willpower. He's exhausted, but he will live.

Bon Clay, with tears of joy streaming down his face, let out a sigh of relief.

—He did it… Mugi-chan did it!

As the Okamas celebrated the news, Luffy, still weak but alive, slowly opened his eyes. His body was covered in bandages, and he still felt the pain from the treatment, but the first word out of his mouth was a single request.


The Okamas were stunned to hear his request. How could someone who had been through so much still be hungry? But soon, smiles spread across the refuge.

—This kid is amazing! —exclaimed one of the Okamas, laughing.

—Get as much food as you can! —shouted another, as they rushed to gather food to satisfy Luffy's insatiable appetite.

Meanwhile, in Level six of Impel Down.

Alaric, with chains restricting his every movement, rested with his eyes closed. Despite his apparent calm, his mind was abuzz. As a former Marine Vice Admiral, he was well-versed in war tactics, strategy, and, most importantly, finding an opportunity to escape. Jimbe, though also chained, had accepted his situation more peacefully. But deep down, both were ready for anything. They had learned that in a prison like Impel Down, calm was always the prelude to something bigger.

Suddenly, Alaric's eyes snapped open, his sharp and penetrating gaze cutting through the gloom of the place. Jimbe, noticing this, looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

—What's going on, Alaric? —Jimbe asked with a mix of curiosity and concern.

Alaric didn't respond immediately. His face remained impassive, but his eyes were fixed on the darkness beyond the bars of his cell. Then, with a low but clear voice, he said:

—Our chance to escape has finally arrived.

Jimbe frowned, confused. He couldn't feel anything, not even the presence of anyone. Despite his experience and his own observation haki, he sensed no change in the environment.

—I don't feel anyone approaching —Jimbe said, a bit incredulous.

—That's because they are still too far away —Alaric replied with calm confidence—, but they're coming closer. In a few minutes, they'll be here.

Jimbe, although surprised by his cellmate's assertion, couldn't ignore the fact that Alaric possessed an exceptionally deep observation haki. He had heard stories about some people's ability to perceive others' presence and emotions from incredible distances, but seeing it in action was always impressive.

Minutes later, the sound of footsteps began to echo in the hallway. Jimbe narrowed his eyes, now able to sense something... a faint but intense presence approaching rapidly. Finally, three figures came into view. A young man with bandages covering his body, two Okamas by his side, and behind them, a familiar figure: Ivankov, the Queen of the Kamabakka Kingdom, along with Inazuma.

The bandaged young man, with a straw hat on his head, could not hide his desperation as he looked around frantically.

—Ace! Where is Ace? —the young man shouted, his voice filled with anguish.

Jimbe sighed, immediately understanding who the boy was. Despite being chained, he straightened up as best as he could.

—You're Luffy, Ace's brother? —Jimbe asked, drawing the young man's attention immediately.

—Huh? You know Ace? —Luffy asked, quickly approaching Jimbe's cell.

—Yes. I know him well. But I'm afraid he's no longer here. Ace has been moved to Marineford for his execution —Jimbe said in a somber tone, watching as the words hit Luffy like a storm.

Luffy stood still for a moment, processing the news. But before he could say anything more, another voice interrupted the conversation.

—If you're looking for Ace, you can't do it alone —said Alaric from his nearby cell. His voice was calm, almost casual, but with a hint of seriousness that made Luffy turn to look at him.

Luffy blinked, observing the chained man before him. Alaric had an imposing presence, despite the chains holding him, and his gaze carried an air of mystery.

—And who are you? —Luffy asked, tilting his head.

—Blackthorn D. Alaric —he replied with a slight smile—. Former Marine Vice Admiral, though that title hasn't meant anything to me for a long time. Now, I'm just an ordinary prisoner.

Luffy blinked, showing little interest in formalities. He was focused on one thing: saving Ace.

Inazuma, one of Ivankov's companions, looked at Alaric with suspicion.

—I don't think we should release this man. If he was a Vice Admiral, he's surely dangerous —Inazuma said, crossing his arms.

Ivankov, for his part, moved a bit closer, looking at Jimbe and then at Alaric. His eyes widened in surprise as he recognized the latter.

—Alaric? —exclaimed Ivankov, putting a hand to his mouth—. It can't be! You were erased from history by the World Government twelve years ago! I thought you were dead, darling.

Alaric smiled faintly, but his gaze remained fixed on Luffy.

—Not as dead as they thought, it seems —he said enigmatically—. And now I'm here, waiting for an opportunity. The same one you've brought with you, Mugiwara.

Jimbe quickly intervened before the situation could get more tense.

—Luffy, listen to me —Jimbe said—. You need help to save Ace. I want to save him too. Ace is like a brother to me. But you'll need more hands if you plan to take on the Marines and the World Government.

Luffy looked at Jimbe and then at Alaric. He wasn't the type to distrust others by nature, and he could see in their eyes that both were serious.

—Then, I'll get you out of here! —Luffy decided, with determination shining in his eyes.

Inazuma raised a hand to protest, but Ivankov stopped him.

—Let him decide, Inazuma. If Jimbe wants to help, and this man also has scores to settle with the World Government, then they could be useful. Besides, we can't underestimate Luffy. If he's determined, there's nothing that can stop him!

At that moment, another voice joined the conversation, interrupting with a deep, characteristic laugh.

—Kuhahahahaha! Don't forget about me! —said a prisoner from a nearby cell.

Luffy, Jimbe, Ivankov, and the others turned their heads towards the source of the laugh. A tall, thin figure with a scar on his face and an air of arrogance approached the bars of his cell.

—Crocodile —muttered Ivankov, frowning.

—What do you think, Mugiwara? —Crocodile said with a smile—. If you need help getting out of here and facing the World Government, you might as well free me too. I won't say I'm trustworthy, but I have my own reasons for wanting that damn government to fall.

Luffy looked at Crocodile with suspicion, remembering their confrontation in Arabasta. But before he could decide, Jimbe spoke up.

—Be careful, Luffy. Crocodile is a dangerous and manipulative man. Don't trust him.

Alaric watched the scene with an enigmatic smile. It seemed that the pieces were starting to move, and each prisoner had their own role to play in this epic escape from Impel Down.

—It doesn't matter, freeing him will be a big help. If he tries anything funny, I can deal with him quickly —Alaric said with confidence—. The decision is yours, Luffy. If you want to save Ace, you'll need more allies than you can imagine. Time is running out, and Marineford isn't a place where you can go in alone and expect to come out victorious.

Luffy, not wasting any more time, nodded his head.

—Alright! I'll get everyone out! —he shouted with his typical overflowing energy, as he prepared for what would be the greatest escape in the history of Impel Down.

I'll try to be consistent with updates, I'm also re-watching One Piece so I don't miss anything, if you like how the story goes leave me a comment it will encourage me to keep writing.

I'm writing this in my free time from work to clear my head and try to share my story with you.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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