
ONE PIECE : The Legendary adventure

Avarik Halcen, an Armament Haki prodigy, is kicked out of the Whitebeard Pirates. So with the help of his first mate, Axcel D. Grey, Halcen becomes a Devil Fruit Hunter. He's got big plans in store. But in order to get what he wants, they'll have to go up against the most powerful forces in the world. Can they survive? Dark AU Hey guys, this is my first attempt at publishing a fanfic. I've got lots of ideas, this is just the first I had ready to post. I'm also working on actual books, and about a dozen other projects, so writing is my passion. Hopefully that shows. I love One Piece, but I don't own it, so I take no credit for Eiichiro Oda's characters, nor the One Piece world. But I did put a lot of OC's in here. So enjoy

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86 Chs

CH - 47

The Black Tail trudged along the northern border of the Grand Line until they arrived at the designated spot. Valentina had them come to a halt and began her watch of the seas. There seemed to be no sign of anything around them. But she knew, especially being this close to the Grand Line, that anything could happen… at any moment.

Halcen sat up in the crow's nest, keeping a lookout. He too saw nothing, but they were about a half day ahead of Buggy's estimates as to when the ship would arrive. So he was sure they'd have a few hours to kill. He rubbed the Devil Fruit tied to his waist. It was more secure with him, rather than someone else's hands. This thing had caused enough trouble as it was. But he was sure it was safe now. In his contentedness, he began to nod off.

When he came to, it was already afternoon and the sun had begun its descent on the far side of the world. He stumbled upwards, trying to gain his bearings, but struggled. Had he missed it? What was going on? He looked down upon his ship to see that nothing had changed. He saw the crew still going about as if nothing had happened. Halcen climbed down the rope ladder and landed on the deck in such haste that he nearly twisted his ankle. "What's going on?" he asked.

"No change, Captain," Loyola said.

"Yeah. Nothing's happening," Jory added, worried.

"That's odd. I thought they were supposed to have passed by now?"

"That was the idea," Loyola said.

Halcen shouted up to Valentina, "Are you sure we're in the right spot?"

She seemed put off by the question. "Yes, we are in the right spot. This is exactly where the clown said they were going to come through."

"Alright… well something's gotta be wrong. Did they get held up?"

"Wait… Captain…"

"What's going on?"

"There… over there… on the horizon… there's something there."

Halcen looked out over the edge of the ship, but couldn't make it out. It was too small from such a distance. He rushed back up the rope ladder to the crow's nest, and then took out a pair of binoculars. "What the hell is that?"

Down below, he could hear clamoring, but couldn't make out any specific words. He was too focused on what was going on ahead of him.

"That's not…"Halcen trailed off. He began to get a sense of worry. This can't be good, can it?

Kazuki wasn't waiting around to find out what was going on from the horse's mouth. He took out Christine and peered through the scope. "Oh, shit."

"What's going on?" Loyola asked, fear trembling in her voice.

"BO!" Kazuki called to his counterpart, ignoring Loyola's plea.

Bo came immediately, carrying his own rifle, Rebecca. He kneeled down at the edge of the ship and laid her across the wood beam. He took a moment to find the target. "Who the hell?"

Halcen came crashing down again in a rush. "I think we're in trouble."

All the commotion made Grey take notice and come out from below deck. He was immediately put off; he knew something was wrong. "What… what is that?" he asked, awestruck. He could feel it in the air.

"Will somebody please tell me what is going on?!" Valentina shouted.

"There's a man… alone… on a raft. He's drifting in from the Grand Line," Halcen explained.

"How is that trouble?"

"He could be hurt," Jory said, trying to stay rational.

"I very much doubt that," Grey said. He was trying to maintain composure.

"What do you mean?"

"I can sense him," Grey's voice trembled. "The sheer power... raw strength and blood-thirst." His body shook as he attempted to sort through the overwhelming emotion.

"Grey?" Halcen asked, nervously. "Are we in trouble?"

Grey swallowed hard and then nodded. He looked out to the water as the man continued their way. "I don't know who this is, but he's strong. Very strong."

"I do," Kazuki said.

"What?" Halcen turned to him. "What do you mean?"

"I know who he is."


"They just named him Shichibukai."

"He's a Warlord?"

"No wonder he's so powerful…" Grey said quietly.

Halcen returned his attention back to Kazuki, who kept aim on the man. "Who is he?" Halcen asked, seriously.

"They say he's one of the best swordsman in the world. He doesn't seem to have Devil Fruit powers, but I'm sure his Haki is strong. His name is Dracule Mihawk, or as they call him… 'Hawkeye" Mihawk."

"Then why is he here?" Halcen asked. "Why has he come to us?" Then realized, with a sinking feeling in his stomach. "We've been set up. There was no Kairoseki." He looked to Grey, "Your friend sold us out!"

"Dammit, Buggy," Grey cursed to himself.

"Why is he wearing a cross on his back?" Bo asked, still keeping his rifle on the man.

"That's no cross," Kazuki pointed out. "That's the handle of his sword."

"That's a sword?! Well… holy…"

"His sword, Yoru, is one of the most deadly blades in the world. I've heard he used to clash with Yonko, and matched them."

"And he's coming right for us," Halcen said, looking out. "All hands on deck! We need to move! Valentina, can you get us out of here?!"

"I'll do my best!" She looked down at the deck. "Loyola! Jory! Get our sails moving! We need to get out of here now!"

Loyola and Jory went about their duties, and the Black Tail began to move slowly, as Valentina turned them away from the Grand Line, and out of the line of this man who oozed bloodlust.

But the Warlord hadn't given up so easily as to just let them get away. The man, from a hundred feet away, stood up from his seat, and pulled out a massive sword. The black blade curved into a scimitar-like point. Its evil could be felt just as it was woken from its peaceful rest. Now was it's time to bite. He lifted the blade high into the air with his one right arm, and it stuck up an extra six feet. The blade was almost as tall as the man himself. Then he swung it down, without strain, in a powerful sweep that cut straight toward their ship. The water furled explosively as the wind cut through it and a massive blast hit the side of the Black Tail, cutting a giant notch in the side of the ship.

"Holy fuck!" Halcen shouted, as the boat rocked and water sprayed them. "We need to get out of here! Get us out of here, now!" He shouted at Valentina.

"We can't move any faster!" she yelled back.

This was the momentHalcen realized they were doom.

When he had closed the distance a little more, the man launched himself off his raft, into the air, over the ocean water, about fifty feet away, sailed over to their ship, then landed gracefully down. He looked up at the stammering crew with his evil yellow eyes.

Up close, he had a very menacing stature. He was a half foot taller than Halcen, still significantly shorter than Grey, but still... He had a slender, lean body, but fit. His eyes did look exactly like those of a bird of prey. The irises were yellow with a black ring around the center of them. Halcen understood his nickname "Hawkeye." He had a clean-shaven face, and short black hair with thick sideburns. He had a long black coat that hung open, exposing his chest. And a flamboyant hat that kept the sun out of his eyes.

Halcen gulped. "You… get off my ship!" he shouted.

"Oh, it is a lovely ship," the man responded. "I was told you might be coming through here."

"Why… are you here?"

"I was asked to take care of you. You seem to be causing some trouble for the world government," He said, walking towards Halcen. "I was asked to do them this boon. I must abide by their word… at least sometimes."

Halcen's body tightened with rage and fear. He clenched his fists.

Kazuki broke from his sniper position, while Bo still knelt behind him, clutching his rifle. "Now wait a minute!" he shouted.

Hawkeye took a second to look at the man. "And what do you want?"

"This ship is currently being used as transport for two Marine snipers. I am Chief Petty Officer Ureha Kazuki and this is my partner Petty Officer Yusha Bosopp. We are taking this ship to Loguetown to debrief on a mission. You must stand down."

Halcen watched Kazuki take charge in surprise. The man was impressive.

Mihawk seemed less moved. "Funny, I wasn't told about you."

"Just because you didn't know, doesn't mean it's not true. Now, stand down, and let us continue our mission."

"If they cared, they wouldn't have sent me. The whole crew dies."

And then Bailu burst out of the underdeck raging. "Who the hell is blowing holes in my ship, again?!"

Mihawk caught the man's eyes. He needed not speak the words. Bailu knew, and he surrendered his voice.

Halcen looked up at the man. He could feel this man's power emanating around them, overcoming them. He didn't have a choice though. His body went dark and he swung.

His fist hit cold black steel. The blade was in front of Mihawk faster than Halcen could even see him move. What the…?

"Is it my turn?" Mihawk asked, monotone.


Suddenly, the massive blade was smashing into Halcen's stomach, cutting across, horizontally. Mihawk had moved far too quickly to see.

Halcen's Haki was holding, but barely. He was in pain. This fight was going to be a difficult one.

And then, without even a hint of strain, Mihawk pushed the blade harder, through Halcen's Haki. Blood sprayed across the deck as his skin was torn. And then a mere flick of the blade sent Halcen flying across the deck. His body smashed into the wood railing on the other side.

"HALCEN!" Valentina cried.

Whatever desperate thoughts of beating this man he had had, Halcen now knew… they were all going to die.

Mihawk stood up, and looked about the crew. There was a young kid, two semi-grown men with rifles, an old short man, an old taller man, a young woman, and a middle aged woman. His job was to kill them all.

Mihawk walked up to the pink-haired woman, as she stood alone off to the side. His blade was readied.

Valentina fell to her knees, tears in her eyes. She screamed as the sword came down.

Then Jory pulled out his sword, and jumped in.

"JORY, NO!" Halcen cried.