
One Piece: The Afterlife Chat Group

A man was transported to the world of One Piece, where he awakened a unique system that enables him to communicate with the deceased. Not only can he converse with them, but they can also bestow upon him their abilities. However, little did he know that this system is not limited to the One Piece universe alone. It is, in fact, a multiverse system that allows him to interact with fictional characters from various other universes as well.

GreedyHuman · Komik
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40 Chs

Pirates and Ninjas & The Battle Between Admirals

Golden Lion Shiki was in high spirits: "Do you want to try it? I feel that this kind of strategy is very promising."

Golden Lion Shiki: "If you prefer not to confront them directly, you can take control of an island and hurl it at your enemies. Users of the Float Fruit ability can fly, and dominance over the skies is crucial for victory."

Golden Lion Shiki said, "If we keep bombarding the Marines with islands every three days, they will eventually break. Even if they manage to endure it, the people of the world won't. Who knows if the island they live on will one day be turned into a weapon? With this strategy, you can become the king of the world! Jehahahahaha!"

Ethan said, "This tactic is too obscene and not suitable for someone like me."

Pirate King Roger chimed in, "Wait a minute, I'm going to vomit!"

"Ding! Pirate King Roger was silenced for five minutes!"

Golden Lion Shiki retorted, "Roger the idiot!"

Whitebeard changed the subject, "Gurarara! Let's talk about the newcomers who just joined the group chat. There are three newcomers that I haven't met yet!"

Ethan asked, "@First Hokage Senju Hashirama@ Second Hokage Senju Tobirama, aren't the two Hokages going to say something?"

First Hokage Senju Hashirama replied, "Hahahaha! I didn't expect to enter such a wierd place after I died. Tobirama, you died too?"

Second Hokage Senju Tobirama: "I was ambushed and attacked by a group of Kinkaku Force ninja, who were loyal to the enemy Hidden Cloud Village."

First Hokage Senju Hashirama asked, "What to the Konoha?"

The Second Hokage, Senju Tobirama, responded, "I don't know, but I trust my students. Meanwhile, I wonder if this is an illusion."

Ethan assured them, "Don't worry, this is not an illusion. Second Hokage, And how can a dead person fall into an illusion?"

Senju Tobirama was suspicious and questioned, "This is another world, how do you know how I died?"

Ethan retorted, "I know too much! Not only do I know how you died, but I also know that you appointed Sarutobi Hiruzen as Third Hokage before your death."

Senju Tobirama became more skeptical and expressed: "I am increasingly suspicious of this world. If you are from another world, where did you obtain this information?"

Ethan replied, "You don't need to worry about it, and I don't need to explain it to you."

Golden Lion Shiki exclaimed: "The newcomers are suspicious of a lot of things."

Ethan: "These two Hokage come from a ninja world, and ninjas themselves are a relatively dark profession. Assassination and lurking are their instincts."

Fire Fist Ace asked, "Ninja, like the ones in Wano Country?"

Ethan clarified, "No, it's completely different from the parallel ninjas in Wano Country. The ninjas in the ninja world have real ninjutsu. They can spit water, fire, thunder and lightning, and control rocks, thunder and fire."

Fire Fist Ace exclaimed, "That sounds cool!"

Ethan added, "It's okay, but the methods are a little weird, and they are far weaker than you in terms of strength."

Ethan: "The power of the Sage of Six Paths has already surpassed the level of ninjas in that world. Except for those who have attained the Six Paths level, the world of the Hokage is completely incomparable to the world of pirates."

First Hokage Senju Hashirama said, "Hey hey hey! I won't be happy if you belittle ninjas like that."

Ethan replied, "Just stating the truth! As the god of ninjas that has been rarely seen in a thousand years, you are already a High-level fighting force in today's ninja world. But in the world of pirates, you would only be considered an Admiral level."

First Hokage Senju Hashirama asked curiously, "Admiral level? Are there many such people in this world?"

Ethan responded, "Individuals with strength like yours are quite rare in this world, and in every era, new strong people emerge."

Second Hokage Senju Tobirama said, "I don't believe it!"

Ethan retorted, "It's normal! It's hard for someone with a dark heart like you to trust others."

Hearing Ethan's comments about his younger brother, senior Brocon Senju Hashirama was upset and asked, "Why do you say Tobirama has a dark heart?"

Ethan explained that Tobirama had implemented policies to limit the Uchiha's power and influence in the village, and as a result, the Uchiha clan chose to rebel but was massacred.

Senju Hashirama was stunned and couldn't believe it: "Nani?"

Senju Tobirama sneered, "The Uchiha clan has perished? I believe you when you say that. It was only natural for that arrogant and conceited clan to rebel and be killed."

Ethan laughed and said, "Did you know that your Senju clan also perished?"

Senju Tobirama replied, "What did you say? That's impossible!"

Senju Tobirama became restless after hearing Ethan say that their Senju clan had also perished.

Ethan sneered and said, "Calm down, nothing is impossible."

Senju Tobirama retorted, "The Senju clan is so powerful, how could it be exterminated?"

Ethan explained, "The direct descendants of the Senju clan were inspired to go to the battlefield, and everyone including Senju Nawaki died."

Senju Tobirama asked, "What about the Senju clan's children, the elderly, and the weak? They weren't sent to the battlefield, were they?"

Ethan replied, "They were forced to integrate into the commoners by the senior officials of Konoha. They intermarried with commoners and abandoned the title of Senju. The only remaining member of the Senju clan is Tsunade."

Senju Tobirama exclaimed, "Impossible! How could Konoha do such a thing?"

Ethan said, "Because of you! The apprentices you trained were so skilled at harming the people of Konoha Village! The Senju and Uchiha clans were destroyed by them, and Konoha is in decline."

Senju Tobirama refused to believe the harsh reality and said, "Impossible, you're lying to me!"

Ethan replied, "Believe it or not!"

First Hokage Senju Hashirama asked, "I know about the demise of the Senju clan, but how did the Uchiha clan perish?"

Ethan said, "Tobirama arranged for a Uchiha to work as the Konoha Police, which caused a huge conflict between them and the Konoha civilians. Coupled with the suppression of Konoha's top management, the angry Uchiha decided to rebel."

Senju Hashirama asked, "How could this be?"

Ethan replied, "Ask your brother! He arranged the position that caused the Uchiha family to conflict with Konoha and made the policy to suppress them."

Senju Hashirama became furious and asked his brother, "Tobirama, is this true?"

Senju Tobirama responded, "The old man just arranged for them a Konoha garrison that suits their work. I don't know if the rest is true."

Ethan replied, "Really? Couldn't you see the crisis of the Uchiha clan with your strategic vision? You did it on purpose! The reason… because of Uchiha Madara?"

Senju Hashirama smiled bitterly and asked Tobirama, "Why do you have such a big prejudice against Madara?"

Senju Tobirama did not admit his mistake and said, "It's not that I have a prejudice against the Uchiha family, it's that family… that's a family that is born evil!"

Ethan said, "Take it down! You are jealous of the Uchiha family because your beloved brother has a close relationship with Uchiha Madara."

Senju Tobirama became anxious and replied, "Nonsense!"

[Note: Yes it's a nonsense, Tobirama Senju, the Second Hokage of the Hidden Leaf Village, did not necessarily "hate" the Uchiha clan. However, he did view them with a certain level of suspicion and concern, due to their reputation for having powerful and ambitious individuals.]

Senju Hashirama was speechless and did not know what to say.

Golden Lion Shiki asked, "I have a question, what are Hokage and Konoha?"

Ethan explained, "Konoha is the name of a ninja village, and Hokage is the head of the Konoha."

Whitebeard asked, "The village chief?"

Pirate King Roger said, "Hokage? Such a majestic title is actually for avillage chief? I can't accept it."

Ethan replied, "What's so unacceptable? In the ninja world, a battle of tens of thousands people fighting between several villages can be called a world war."

Golden Lion Shiki agreed and said, "Huh? A battle of tens of thousands of people is called a world war? It's too ignorant!"

[Note:The Battle of Marineford is a single battle that took place during the larger conflict known as the Paramount War. While often called a "war" by fans, it is not technically a war but is still considered a major event in the One Piece storyline.]

Ethan: "Yeah! So their ninja war, I prefer to call it the Little war."

Whitebeard: "Gurarara! This name is really suit it!"

Senju Hashirama: "Excessive! Isn't a battle of tens of thousands of people a world war?"

Senju Tobirama: "This world is really wierd! how can there be such fantasy world?"

Ethan: "Can't you accept reality? Well, I have some cool stuff for you guys to see!"

Outside the world, Fish-Man Island has risen from the sea and is flying high in the sky.

Ethan looked down at an island where steam was rising and smiled.

The island where the steam rises is called Punk Hazard.

The island is enveloped in a large amount of water vapor, created by the ongoing battle between Akainu and Kuzan. The clash between their respective magma and ice powers has created a natural environment of confrontation, making for a grand spectacle.

Ethan stopped the island in the sky and approached the island quietly, watching the battle between Akainu and Aokiji from a distance.

Golden Lion Shiki: "What's going on? Why are Akainu and Aokiji fighting here?"

Whitebeard: "Really, a Marine fight?"

Ethan: "No! They are using a duel to decide the position of Marshal Marine."

Pirate King Roger laughed and said, "Hahaha! Deciding the position of Marshal of the Marines like that is too savage, don't you think? It's like pirates competing for the captain's position."

Ethan: "What do the two Hokages think about this?"


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