

This tale is about a boy that was abandoned and left to the mercy of the seas ,while he was in the sea a figure saw him and saved him ,raised him and made him a powerful figure on par with the strongest people to ever live ,join our protagonist EDWARD LINCOLN on his way to unparalleled strength and authority. first fanfic ,my English grammar isn't very good but I'll try my best . leave your suggestions in the comments . I'll try to update as fast as I can but sometimes I won't be able to post for an interval of time due to my preparation for entrance examinations some future plans I plan on introducing some characters from other stories and stuff . so y'all can anticipate some crossovers . and seeing the concept on ki ,yes I have used some inspiration from manhwas and the dragon Ball series .and I will have some crazy concepts of power and I don't want my MC to be downgraded by anyone so he will be kinda op. my grammar isn't the best and the first chapters prove it but along the way I improve so that I can convey what's on my mind . and the people who said that I do what I did to the one piece world ...it's a fanfic for a reason and try to look past the normal world building of the one-piece world and try this one a chance :) One piece belongs to eichiiro oda ,the only thing mine are the OCS I made and some extra islands I tuned to fit in the world .

godlyarrogantz_305 · Aksi
Peringkat tidak cukup
67 Chs


Roger is a free man bound by no ones opinions and likes to fight very much ,he doesn't have any goal like defeating the marines he wants to be free he wants to sail for the thrill the excitement of meeting species and seeing things considered impossible back in his hometown even if he finds the last island he wants to explore more and find more places beyond the last island.

but Roger believes in balance of the world and the rocks pirates have been trying to make the whole world into an imbalance ,he would've ignored XEBEC if he was one of the many revolutionary armies history has seen ,that is if he was ... XEBEC is a monster roger has no hope in defeating ...he is older stronger and more experienced in everything ,roger has never felt more helpless but the thrill of fighting someone clearly stronger is one he craves for that is why he used to always fight the rocks pirates before . XEBEC wasnt serious with him ans Newgate only considered it a spar if not roger would be killed within the first day .even Lincoln could kill him of he was serious .

the reason he was fighting against XEBEC was because GARP asked him to it and told about their plan .he agreed because he will progress in strength and even if it was XEBEC wouldn't be able to defeat 300,000 marines .

he left XEBEC to fight the tier 10 vice admiral and admirals he went to kill Newgate with garp and SENGOKU ,

Newgate looked at the ship's being destroyed and being turned over by his attack and he also saw his son killing clusters of marines left and right ,he swung hia Naginata and attacks killing around a thousand marines .but before he can swing again he blocks a saber , a fist and palm .

Newgate said with a grim face - I newve thought I'd see you here roger ...

roger - nothing personal Newgate you chose to follow the wrong person

newgate was trembling with rage one of the few people he comsidered as a friend came to kill him he prays to the maiden of the ocean to take care of his son if he meets his demise in this island .

Newgate twirls his bisento and fills it with quake energy

and punches the side killing around 10 marines sneaking upon him . he stands straight and slam his bisento into the ground and takes a breath and closing his eyes .

he resolves his eyes and punches the bhudda SENGOKU making him spill blood .


roger feels guilt for the first time in his life ,to backstab his friend and being unable to refuse garp .

Newgate - posidons wrath !!!

in this attack Newgate throws his bisento onto the air and drags the air wall and concentrats energy into a quake Bubble between his palms when his bisento comes near he grabs it and slams it into the bubble cutting it clearly into two and stopping all movement beside him . but making the sea turn into two Also giving grave wounds to all three roger ,garp and SENGOKU .the sea split in his command and seas thundered in his rage ,Lincoln took this into advantage and killed around 10,000 with his attack 14 Chaim drills accentuated / boosted by his pops attack while Newgates attack killed 17,000 marines and sunk 638 ships .

his opponents looked at the enraged face of Newgate and became distressed .

Newgates eyes shined in gold -green and swung his fist but the others punched the fist making a bubble of concentration but Newgate was stronger and they were swept away but before they could gain balance Newgate appeared beside them and swung his bisento downward making a wound on thier arms and making them fall on the sea . newgate appeared again and helped his TAICHOU ina an attack along with Lincoln killing off another 14,000 marines and fatally injuring the tier 10 vice admirals and admirals .

newagte appeared again Infront of shiki ,John and Wang zhi and fought them it was shaking the earth and making the island shake .

roger appeared along with garp and SENGOKU but now zephyr was also there Newgate had grave wounds on his chest ,packs and arms but not a tear in his coat .

Newgate took a gourd of sake from his drank it surrounded by mountains and mountains of corpses and three almost unconscious people hanging onto Thier life .

Newgate calmy walked towards the traumatized people ,roger and zephyr came back to Thier sense and looked at Newgate who had his face shadowed and only thing you could see was his blood thirsty aura and his terrifying grin with his white mustache and glowing gold - green eyes making Thier legs jelly ( this is 10 years before the great pirate king roger before his prime and because of his strength he has never faced a person so he'll bent on slaughter).

but they formed themselves and jumped towards the giant .Newgate grinned madly and swung his Naginata and made them fly back .

more and more tier 9 vice admiral came to aid garp and SENGOKU and all of them formed formations and plans to stop the giant or atleast wound him gravely but whitebeard was ina semi berserk mode with his only worries not to get backstabbed or the safety of his son .

it was a legendary sight for the marines who survived and whenever someone from them heard of whitebeard this scene would haunt them make them shake and suffocate with hyperventilation.

2000 tier 9 vice admirals and roger went to fight Newgate , he tore through them like some sheep and kept on killing when if he suffered wounds on his arms and front torso .


to be continued ....:)