

This tale is about a boy that was abandoned and left to the mercy of the seas ,while he was in the sea a figure saw him and saved him ,raised him and made him a powerful figure on par with the strongest people to ever live ,join our protagonist EDWARD LINCOLN on his way to unparalleled strength and authority. first fanfic ,my English grammar isn't very good but I'll try my best . leave your suggestions in the comments . I'll try to update as fast as I can but sometimes I won't be able to post for an interval of time due to my preparation for entrance examinations some future plans I plan on introducing some characters from other stories and stuff . so y'all can anticipate some crossovers . and seeing the concept on ki ,yes I have used some inspiration from manhwas and the dragon Ball series .and I will have some crazy concepts of power and I don't want my MC to be downgraded by anyone so he will be kinda op. my grammar isn't the best and the first chapters prove it but along the way I improve so that I can convey what's on my mind . and the people who said that I do what I did to the one piece world ...it's a fanfic for a reason and try to look past the normal world building of the one-piece world and try this one a chance :) One piece belongs to eichiiro oda ,the only thing mine are the OCS I made and some extra islands I tuned to fit in the world .

godlyarrogantz_305 · Action
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67 Chs


I was not happy with this chapter ,it feels underwhelming ,I will make the next chapter better


Lincoln dashed past the vice admirals and went to fight the cannon fodder ,l he slid through the waters swinging his Naginata and destroying ships and murdering Marines.

he then jumped all of a sudden and entered the ship and dragged his Naginata through it ,it was a gigantic warship and it was cut into two .All the marines in the ship jumped using geppo ,it looked like an army of arrows flying to a single man .Lincoln just grinned and sent a ki blast killing half the marines in the ship .

he flipped in air and cut off the rest of the marines using his sword .

so far he had killed around 5,000 marines and there were a whole lot left.

he then saw another warship with marines with significantly higher strength than the others he jumped onto the ship and it brought out 6,000 marines who were tier 8 vice admirals and 100 tier 9 vice admirals

he grinned and leapt towards them , they got ready and dashed towards Lincoln .

Lincoln used his sword and cut a marine and flipped and cut off another marines head dodging a sabre to his torso ,he then jumped and sorued to the middle of the crowd and swung his Naginata and attacked

L- RAGING DRAGON ROAR !(see set of moves from the chapter 7)

the closest got cut from the torso and the Ret flew back with injuries

all of a sudden the skies cracked lightning and Lincoln had to block a huge hammer from a giant hybrid creature.it was LEORNADO FORACHI and he was the captain of the lightning dragon pirates.he also a huge slab of poison which killed nearby marines.

Lincoln leapt back and looked ath the new comers he grinned and dashed towards them he appeared beside FORACHI and slashed him with his Naginata.sending him flying and Kristine used that opportunity to punch Lincoln, Lincoln used haki and redirected the attack making more marines die .

then Lincoln let out his haki killing even more people .

Kristine got up and appeared alongside FORACHI to punch /slam Lincoln .

hincoln used his C.m.b and blocked them.

lincoln punched FORACHI using blood ravaging fist making him spit enormous amount of blood .he then narrowly dodges a huge sword,he punched the sword and destroyed he then jumped onto the handle and climbed the arm of the giant he then took his hand back and did a dragon claw Swipe killing the giant making the sea spilt due to weight.

as the giant was falling Lincoln looked to his surroundings and saw a never ending sea of marines all looking at him and screaming bloody murder.

he looked around and appeared beside kaido and linlin but before he could attack FORACHI appeared and he had to dodge his hammer .

seeing FORACHI and linlin together Lincolns mind clicked and looked at linlin with widen eyes .

L- you were a spy ?

C.L- yeah... I was..

L- first it was shiki and you guys now it's spy work such a great act what did I even expect from you .?

L.F - that's the reason we knew everything about your inner workings and plans did you think the marines were dumb enough not to send spies ?

L- I see then I won't have to hold back and hold on to feelings of hesitance. CHAROLETTE LINLIN I will make you suffer.

linlin took out his sword and dashed towards Kristine he appeared behind him and cut off his hands and stabbed his heart and cleanly cut off his head from his body . Kristine dropped dead not to stand again .

he then appeared beside FORACHI while he tried to dodge it was worthless and he got his hand cut off .Lincoln slowly killed him using his speed while also forachis and linlins attack missed him and killed marines

finally when FORACHI turned into a dragon Lincoln hardened his sword and swung his sword cutting off forachis head and killing him .

he looked at linlin and went to attack he appeared behind her and cut her back almost killing her even if she survived the attack she will die of blood loss .

he went on to another ship and took out his rage onto marines all these emotions of betrayal , hesitation and rage has mentally scarred Lincoln he didn't cry but he had a permanent frown on his face .

he beheaded marines left and right .and looking at the sea of marines he jumped to the water and controlled the sea ,pops and xeebc had killed 17,000 and 14,000 with Thier attacks and XEBEC had killed another 18,000 using an attack in his hybrid form .

he put his hands on the sea surface and controlled it making sea dragons coated in haki with one outgrowing every other the dragons leapt forwards and killed 56,000 marines die to them dying before they even knew what's happening.