
Arlong! and meeting Nami

Currently we are about 1 km from conomi islands we can already see Arlong's ship in the distance docked at port. Garp seeing this hurries and picks me up before sky walking to the island faster than i can comprehend what happens while ordering the ship to halt and anchor offshore. I take a quick look at my stats hoping it's enough to deal with Arlong and his crew.


Name: Monkey D. Luffy

Race: Human


Strength: 240

Vit: 321


Dex: 220

Def: 300

Int: 210

Devil fruits: None

Abilities: Eidetic Memory


Beginner Swordsmanship (lvl 15\20)

Beginner Taijutsu (lvl 18\20)

System currency: Infinite


With Nami 10 minutes earlier

Panicking she is running all the way through town trying to warn bell-mere about the pirates going through town demanding money and killing anyone who can't afford it. She knows they can't as they barely have food to fill their stomachs or get new clothes. Panicking she picks up her pace hopefully fast enough to get home and hide with her family.

As she reaches her front door she rushes inside to see Bell-mere cooking what looks to be a special dinner.``Mom quick we have to hide pirates are on the island and demanding money from everyone and kill anyone who can't afford it!" Nami screams trying to push Bell-mere out the door.Confused Bell-mere just stands there for a minute " What do you mean honey? Pirates? I'm a retired marine i think i can handle some lowly pirates from the east blue of all places." She chuckles in amusement, she used to be a captain before retiring, sure she may not be in top shape like she used to be but she could handle anyone below 10 million belli easily.

"NO you don't get it. It's Arlong he's from the grand line!!" Nami yells clearly scared she cant help it she just a little girl after all. Shocked once again Bell-mere panics a little maybe in here prime she could handle Arlong but now she just doesn't have the strength she may be young but she has trained in years " Okay honey go get your sister in her room and go hide in the grove ill be right behind you" She says while going to her room to grab her rifle and money.

Just as Nami and Nojiko make it into the grove her front door is knocked on loudly. With a sigh she gets ready and charges out the door Knocking Arlong down to the ground rifle in his mouth ready to fire at any moment. "What's a pirate like you doing in this small sea of all places" Bell-mere asks, tightening her grip on her rifle.

"SHAHAHA look an ex marine" With that being said Arlong bites down on the rifle breaking it to pieces shocking bell-mere before getting punched in the face and thrown into a wall. Arlong just gets up slowly." We are taking over these islands and if you want to live pay 100k bellis and 50k per kid seeing as on the register you are alone that's a total of 100k pay up or die!"

Not seeing another way around the situation bell-mere takes out what she had for savings handing over 100k belli "Good now you can live we will be back in a month's time for the next payment SHAHAHA." Arlong looks pleased and laughs while walking off> That is until Bell-mere speaks up.

"That is for my two Daughters." She says shocking all the people of the town who came along. Suddenly out of the grove Nami and Nojiko come screaming "Mom nooo why did you tell him about us it would of been ok!!" They both barrel into Bell-mere hanging on tightly Bell-mere just smiles and strokes their hair. " Silly girls, I would never hide the fact I have two lovely daughters. I'm far too proud of you for that."

Arlong on the other hand looks to be grinning" Well well looks to me you still owe me 100k bellis!"

Bell-mere just shakes her head "Sorry i don't have it." Arlong grins madly at this looking forward to killing another lowly human "Well then looks like i'm going to have to kill you doesn't it!" He laughs pulling out a pistol. Nami Runs to to Arlong trying to Do something to save Bell-mere only to be kicked away slamming into the wall of the house "NAMI!" Bell-mere yells while running to nami grabbing her in her arms checking for injuries

"SHAHAHA Stupid weak humans don't know their place in the food chain. Like you could ever hope to beat a fishman." Bell-mere just set nami next to Nojiko and stood in front of Arlong ready to defend her children. Arlong looks amused" Oh so you're going to stand up to me now huh SHAHAHA fine i'll give you a chance if you can beat me i won't harm your daughters and leave town!"

Bell-mere knowing she doesn't have a chance decides to fight anyway she would gladly sacrifice her life for theirs. Running At Arlong ready trying to hit him. But Arlong just grabs her arm and crushes it before throwing her to the ground, Screaming in pain Bell-mere tries to get up only to fall back to her knees her body just can't take it anymore she hasn't worked out in years and her stamina is just to low to fight properly on top of the fact her arm was crushed. She just looks over to to her daughters and smiles while Arlong points the gun to her head "Any last words human" She smiles

"Nami Nojiko! I love you.'' They both scream closing their eyes not wanting to see their mothers death.

"AHHHHH" They both heard a scream and looked up to see a red haired boy in front of Arlong with a sword drawn while Arlong was holding his arm as they both noticed his hand on the ground.


Luffy's point of view 1 minute before

Looking from the side as i run towards Nami's house i see Bell-mere on her knees gun to her head just as she was about to say her last words. I start to sprint at top speed drawing my sword i see i wasn't going to make it in time i'm still 10 meters away deciding i need to act now i swing my sword down aiming for his wrist hoping that it works. From my blade a wind blade shoots out connecting right with Arlong's hand cutting clean through his wrist. "AHHHH" Arlong screams, holding his arm while I place myself between him and Bell-mere.

"Filthy human, who do you are. look what you did to my hand! i'm going to kill you!" Arlong shouts in anger losing control of his emotions at the loss of a hand to a puny human. i just smile innocently

"I'm Luffy nice to meet you" I said mockingly while getting back into my stance.

"You stupid human i'm going to kill you slowly for what you did to me boys get him make him suffer!" Arlong shouts and his men rush at me preparing to torture me to death all but Hachi who is looking on warily he may not be the brightest but he can tell they don't stand a chance if even Arlong didn't notice him tell it was to late. He decides to run off and head to Fishman island instead.

I don't do anything to stop him i know he doesn't hate humans just caught up with the wrong group. The wrest however are going to die. Rushing forward I start cutting through them quite easily. Actually I didn't even need to try very hard. Sure they are physically stronger than me but i'm far more skilled with my sword and they are trying to rely on strength alone. They start to die in droves only ones giving me a little trouble are the martial artist and chew i forget most there names as they are only fodder really. After I cut them all down without getting any blood on myself I turned to Arlong who was shaking in rage.

"You fucking human what have you done those are my men my crew and you killed them all im going to kill you then everyone on the island!" He says that as he rushes me thinking he could easily beat me as I'm only a worthless human. Seriously, is this guy an idiot? I just cut his entire crew down pretty easily and sure he may be the strongest out of them but it doesn't matter he is already missing a hand and blind with rage.

Sheathing my sword and crouching down slightly getting in a draw stance I waited for him to reach me. With a quick movement I unsheathe and sheath my sword as I shoot past Arlong before he even notices what is happening.

~Quick draw- severing souls~

Behind me Arlong comes to a stop before turning around with a look of shock on his face before his head falls off his shoulders and a fountain of blood spews out from his body and he collapses. That was easier then i thought i never realized till now that it's not always about stats skill can make up for a lot of what you lack in parameters though it can also mean that i can be killed no matter how much stronger i may be then someone all it takes is one person with enough skill to kill me. This just proves to me that I need to be perfect in everything and my crew needs to be just as strong.

Turning to face Bell-mere and the girls who are just staring at me in shock I wave at them "Hi,I'm Luffy" they just nod slowly before finally Bell-mere snaps at me.

"Is that all you have to say after what you just did! Who the hell are you!" I just laugh before looking over to the tree line " You can come out now Old man no need to hide" bell-mere looks confused before turning around and freezes in place at who she sees. Standing right in front of her is Vice-admiral Garp hero of the Marines. Garp on the other hand looks over the scene with calculation eyes

"Poorly done luffy you took too long and most these cuts are non life threatening you need to be more efficient and kill the enemy in one slash only though that draw technique was well done needs more speed and finesse but that comes with experience" Garp says while walking up to me.

I scoff at him " What ever old man ill get better with time but you are right i took to long and wasted energy with my cuts" i then turn to Bell-mere and look at her arm and frown i could fix it but Garp would ask were the medicine came from until i have a good excuse like chemistry under my belt i can't do anything. "We need to get her checked out before we can't save her arm, let's go!" walking up to her i help her up and start to help her walk into town to a doctor.

She is in too much shock to complain so just follows along Still trying to get over the fact that Garp is right in front of her. After getting her to a doctor i go up and greet Nami and Nojiko while Bell-mere is being checked up on" Hi, Nice to meet you" I greeted with a smile making both girls blush ahh its nice being handsome haha. " H-Hello i'm nami and this is my sister Nojiko. Thank you for saving our mom we don't know what we would do without her'' Nami greets shyly

"It was my pleasure. I was pretty mad at what I was seeing and was glad I could save your mother in time. I almost didn't make it" Both girls looked scared at that knowing they really did just about lose their mother. I on the other hand am trying to figure out how to talk them into joining my crew and how I'm going to get them stronger while I'm away. I can't bring them with me Bell-mere would never allow it at their age. Maybe I can get Garp to let us stay here a month while I train them a little and get them on the right track down the road so when I set sail I can meet up with them here.

Hope you enjoyed i kinda went through Arlong pretty fast he wasn't that strong in the anime and this luffy now is already stronger then he was then i also really dislike Arlong and dint want to spend to much time on him hope you understand. Thank you for reading!

Clorixcreators' thoughts