
Chapter 21- Entering the Grand Line! Laboon blocks the way!

As we race down the mountain Aeon yells, " OH YEA! Heres this too!" He tosses a piece of paper to me and I open it up, its his wanted poster. I thought to myself this is going to be a giant bounty, when I open it my mouth dropptand I was again.. beffudled, "petty theft Aeon, 20 berries" his wanted poster says. "WHAAAAAAAAAT?!?!?" The whole crew goes. I look over at him and he laughing. "The only thing i was seen doing was stealling food and stuff from the markets, no one has ever seen me during a my missions", Aeon says, " with my fruit I can slow time down as much as 100%, but after each time I slow down time no matter at what percent i have to wait 10 minutes till I can use it again. Its very useful but..." "but what?" I asked. "These one guy who can beat me, easily, hes.... What is that?!?!?" aeon yells. As we race down the mountain we see I gaint black block at the end of the mountain. "We are going to run into it! How are we going to dodge it?!" Then we hear a big wail. "What is that sound?! Its so loud!", Ray complains. "Don't hit it or use any weapons on it!", Lizard yells. We look at her confused. "Its a giant whale! If you guys hurt it I will kill you!", she yells.  We wince back in fear but I turnes to the front of the ship and head that way. I stand at the edge and created clouds on each of the sides of the ship. "Cyclone front cloud!", I yell, and a cyclone comes spiraling out and hits the water infront of the whale, slowing us down. Yet the downward stream is too strong and continues to speed us down, but not as fast. "This ain't going to work Capitan!" Joe yells. "Just wait for it and trust me!", I yell back. As we near the whale I saw that there is more of an open area of sea on our left side. So I focused on the right cloud and waited. "Captain! We are going to crash!", Ray yells. "DAMNIT Will you all just wait and trust me! I need to focus!" I yelled. I turn back and we are yards away from the whale, "Cyclone right cloud!", I yell. A cyclone shoots out of the cloud on the right side of the ship and we get pushed to the left. We come speeding down the stream and rush right past the whale, barely missing it. The cyclone in front slowed us down to a stop after we passed the whale. "You're lucky that worked Captain." Lizard said. "Uh... guys...", Ray says shakingly. "Hold on a second, let us get our barrings Ray.", I said. "But... look.... to the.... back of the ship..". We look towards the back and see this giant whale staring at us. "Wait, whats that on its side?" Ray saus scoping in iob its side. "There's a door ther..... WHAT THE HELL??? THERES A OLD MAN COMING OUT!!!" We all look over in disbelief and the our jaws dropped. " Are you kids okay over there? Sorry about Laboon being in the way!", yells the old man. "Laboon? Whos that? And whos the old man?", Aeon asks. "Well the whale is probably Laboon and I have no clue who the hell the old man is.", says Lizard. " Head to the lighthouse! We need to talk!", yells the old man. So we head there and we talk to the old man. Turns out his name is Crocus and he was the doctor of the ledgendary pirate crew, Gold D. Rodgers crew, disspite being a crouchy old man. We talked about how he was on Rodgers crew, how Laboon was taken care of his origin and where to go from this point. "So I see you already have a logpose for your journy, just don't break it like that Luffy kid did." Crocus stated. "I haven't yet, but I'll make sure I won't." I said. "So Luffy drew that on Laboon." I asked pointing to the strawhat skull and crossbones poorly painted onto Laboon. Crocus chuckled and told is a out that story. It was nearing night and Crocus offered us to stay the night since the Grand Line is unpredictable weather wise. We accepted his offer and made sure the ship was secure before heading to the light house. "You know", Crocus says to me," you remind me of someone, a vertain pirate I know of, oh but I can't remember what his name was, he's one of the toughest pirates there's ever been". I thought to myself who it could be, I couldn't be Luffy since we just talked about him. This makes me curious on who he's talking about, but I leave it for tonight and get some food and some sleep!