
One Piece: Son of Red Hair (Relaunched)

What would Happen if Shanks had a Son? What if that son was a member of the worst generation? How would his legacy develop? Will he become King? Or will one of his many rivals defeat him first. (Read Prologue for full Synopsis.)

DaoistShinobi · Komik
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8 Chs

My Journey Begins!

(Author- Hey, I hope you all enjoy! If you do then please don't forget to feed it your power stones and add it to your library!

Warning! Do not expect all chapters to be this long!)

"This is the last time I will be able to visit you kiddo. Things are getting rough out there in the New World. I hope to see you again. I hope to see you in the New World one day, but in the end, that is your decision to make.

But never forget, I am your father. As you look so much like me, I have no doubt that one day you will be discovered. So if you hold true to what you've told me and you become a pirate, then feel free to claim me as your father. I will claim you as my son.

I have left a large locked room in the basement of your home. Here is the key. I left in there many treasures for you to begin your journey with, including 10,000,000 berry to get you started. I also left you with one of my most prized possession.

During my prime I used the two sword style. As I have lost my left arm I can no longer use my second sword. It is yours.

Take it and train with it. Be warned, it is a powerful blade so be sure you don't misuse it. It is one of the 21 Great Grade swords, Arekuruu Umi (Raging Sea).

Within the locked room, I have left many books and scrolls filled with training instructions. These include swordsmanship, body conditioning, and even Haki training.

However I do not expect you to manage to unlock haki training here on this island. While of course, to unlock Haki you must train, but you must first refine your battle instincts, experience life or death struggles, and test yourself against those of greater strength.

There is however, one form of Haki that you could learn the basics of even without those experiences....

Hm, it seems that it is time for me to leave. I cannot waste anymore time. Now, listen here, you may only announce to the world what I'm about to tell you once you reach the New World do you understand?

Your name, is Sparrow, your true name....

Is Rocks D. Sparrow!"

--10 Years Later--

In the middle of the ocean, sailing on the wavy seas is a large marine battleship. Rocking back and forth on the waves it pushes forward cutting through the surf as it charges ahead towards its destination.

It's flag billows in the wind as the sails ride said wind pulling the ship ahead. The crew is casually strolling along the deck managing the ship and repairing any damages.

Standing at the front of the bow overlooking the glittering ocean is a tall Marine that is wearing a white pinstripe suit. His hair is pink and was well-combed and he has a scar under his right eye. He also has bolts attached to his knuckles. A beautiful woman holding his arm.

"Oi! Thanks for the ride! I thought I was in trouble back there lieutenant Full Body!" States a 5' 11 inches tall man. He has beautiful silky shoulder length red hair, incredibly fair smooth skin, ocean blue eyes, and a lean but muscular build. (Imagine a male fusion of Shanks and Hancock.)

He is dressed in a sleeveless black vest which lays over top a ruffled white long sleeved shirt. He also wears long black pants which have two large tears at the knees, and a pair of brown leather boots.

On his waist he has a red haramaki over his right hip which holds a very beautiful looking sword. The sword is obviously one made by an seasoned craftsmen of magnificent talent.

The sheath of the blade is a Cerulean Blue with stunning golden inlays in the design of crashing waves which wrap around the sheath. The sword looks to be a katana, but if you look closely, you will realize that it is instead a katana cutlass fusion.

The blade is thin and slightly curved like a katana, however the handle is that of a cutlass.

The handguard starts as a gorgeous golden octagon, but from four of the sides, long golden strands weave and intertwine with each other to form the knuckle and back guard. The handle wrap is perfectly wrapped around the handle and is the same blue as the sheath. The cap of the blade is also golden with a similar design to the waves on the sheath.

Full Body smiles and turns to him, "Of course Sparrow. It's the marine's job to rescue civilians, so there is no need to thank me. Now that we're almost at the Barite you can hop off and find a ride to where you need to go from there."

"Sure thing." Sparrow agrees with the lieutenant nodding.

Full Body then looks Sparrow up and down for a moment before asking a question that's seemed to have been on his mind, "Where'd you get the sword from? Looks expensive. Not just anyone could afford a sword like that. Are you some kind of Noble?"

Shaking his head sparrow then shrugs stating, "Hm. I guess you could say that. Though I didn't buy the sword. It's my fathers old blade. He gifted it to me a few years after he sadly lost the use of his left arm."

Full Body simply nods accepting the statement. Even if he didn't necessarily believe him if he was a noble of sorts then it would be smarter not to challenge him.

"Are you sure we haven't met before though? Like I stated earlier, you look quite familiar." The man states while leaning on the rail of the navy warship he sales.

Sparrow simply nods while a strange smile manages to escape his attempt at a poker face before replying, "Yep I'm sure." While leaning against the mast. The crew is tumbling around as we now near the baratie. The Baratie is a fairly large ship. It is an oval shape ship, with normal masts but has a fish as a front-piece/head.

Suddenly, the crew begins to frantically run about while shouting, "Pirates!"

"Pirate ship!"


As they shout this, Full Body then turns on his heel and walks over to the other end of the ship and glares over while placing his foot on the railing.

The ship then pulls alongside a small Caravel like ship with a singular mast, and a lamb as a figurehead. With his chest puffed out and his attitude now focused he shouts, "I am Iron Fist Full Body a lieutenant at navy headquarters. Who is your captain? Come out and state your name."

Then, Sparrow can't help but widen his eyes in surprise as he sees a sight that utterly shocks him.

On the deck of the other ship, is standing four people, but of those 4, a single boy who looks to be around the age of 17 and who steps forward has Sparrows attention.

Another boy seems to attempt to step forward but is held back by a beautiful woman with short orange hair, a lean build, and curvey in all the right places, whoem Sparrow couldn't help but steal a glance at.

"My name is Monkey D. Luffy nice to meetcha." The boy has black shaggy hair, round black eyes, and a slim muscular build. He is wearing blue trousers with cuffs, sandals, and a sleeveless red vest along, but what caught Sparrow's attention, is the golden colored straw hat that rests on the boy's head.

After recovering from his stupor, he walk over next to Full Body and waves at the pirates with a large grin, "Oi Luffy! So my old man actually gave you his straw hat! That bastard!"

Luffy then looks over to me, and the moment he lays eyes on me his face also turns to a smile upon recognizing the man, "Oi oi oi! Sparrow! Come on over, come on over!"

Sparrow, with a massive grin nods excitedly. He finally gets to meet the boy that his father had told him so much about on his visits. The story's about Luffy always were quite interesting and were never dull.

"Eh? Boy wait, their pirates! You can't just go over there!" Full Body declares while grabbing Sparrow's shoulder.

Sparrow however, then turns to him with questioning look in his eyes before pointing to himself innocently, "Huh? But I'm also a pirate? Oh did I not tell you? I'm so sorry. It must have slipped my mind."

Full Body's mouth drops open as he stares at the red haired man standing in front of him in shock of the revelation. 'A pirate! No wonder he has such a sword! Before he can react however, Sparrow quickly leaps off the deck of the marines ship and lands on the deck of Luffy's ship.

Luffy then walks over with a large, excited grin, "Oi, Sparrow nice to finally meetcha!"

Sparrow nods and replies while chuckling, "Likewise Luffy! I've heard quite a bit about you! My old man wouldn't stop talking about you!"

To his left, Sparrow notices a muscular man of average height with lightly tanned skin and short green hair. The man is wearing a short sleeved white sailors shirt, Long dark green pants and boots.

The man is also carrying three swords along with him, bundled up with a green haramaki over his right hip. However one of the blades catch my eye.

The blade I am speaking of has a pure-white hilt with a circular hand-guard. The sheath is painted white and the hardening line is suguha or straight blade. 'What beautiful craftsmanship.' Sparrow can't help but think to himself admiring its beauty.

The man quickly looks me up and down before turning to his captain, "Oi Luffy, you know him?"

Luffy then turns to Zoro and nods, "Yah! He's Shanks son!"

This causes everyone aboard both ships to go silent. The silence last for only a few moments before the orange haired girl asks with a look of disbelief on her face, "Shanks? You wouldn't happen to mean Red Haired Shanks, on of the Yonko's now would you?"

Luffy nods confirming what the girl just asks, "Yep thats the one!"

Then, the green haired man seems to just sigh as he accepts it without too much difficulty. He then leans against the ship's railing and asks, "Luffy. Why do you speak so casually about Shanks?"

Luffy then scratches the side of his head while replying innocently, "Oh he was the one who gave me this straw hat."

This draws a silence from the crowd. Lieutenant Full Body simply stands there for a few moments before his mouth closes and his eyes turn grim. He then turns and shouts, "Turn this ship around now!"

"Yes sir!" Replies the crew as they quickly begin to sprint around the ship.

The woman who is was draped on his arm, now currently standing next to him, asks, "Full Body, what about lunch I'm starving"

Full Body then turns to her, "I'll have the crew find something for you. Right now I must follow marine protocol and report back. The significance of this news is huge."

Within the span of only a few seconds, the ship quickly turns out to the right and begins sailing away. After they turn away, the orange haired girl quickly rushes over to the steering wheel and pulls the ship into the harbor.

It seems that in the commotion, everyone had stopped paying attention and the group nearly crashed into the Bartie.

After a moment, Sparrow then notices two men walk over from the indoor cabin of the ship. The first is an average-sized man with somewhat tanned skin.

He's wearing a pair of sunglasses and has a black tattoo on his left cheek that reads "sea," and has short, black hair. He then declares, "I'm johny."

The other man has a black shirt with a green coat and red headgear. He has plaid yellow shorts and dark shoes and like his partner, carries a sword.

He then nods, "I'm Yosaku. The two of us our bounty hunters. We are friends of Zoro's, so no need to worry about us." They state raising their hands to show they mean no harm.

Sparrow nods with a friendly smile and replies, "I'm Sparrow, nice to meet you."

Luffy then turns to me and states, "Shishishi, I forgot to introduce ya'll." He then proceeds to gesture to the side, "This is my first mate Zoro! He's the brave warrior Long Nose Ussop, and she's our unrivaled navigator, Nami!"

Sparrow the tilts his head slightly while replying, "Nice to meet you all!"

Luffy then smiles before asking, "Oi Sparrow. Join my crew!"

His bluntness causes Sparrow to burst out laughing, "Oi oi oi, sorry Luffy, but the next King of the pirates and Worlds Strongest Man can't be serving under another captain now can he?"

Luffy then scrunches his eyebrow while tilting his head to the side, "But I asked you to join my crew, not me to join yours. Besides I don't care about being the strongest, though that does sound cool! Shishishishishi."

Unable to contain it, I burst out laughing uncontrollably while his crew simply sighs, "Oi Luffy, sorry buddy but I'm going to be King of the Pirates not you."

Luffy, finally realizing what I'm talking about widens his eyes before replying amusedly, "Shishishi. So you want to be king as well? Cool! I'm going to beat you though!"

Finally, after a few more minutes of chatting, the boat docks onto the baratie, and we all decide to head in.

The inside of the baratie is a gorgeous dining hall filled with tables and chairs. The tables are draped with long white cloth. The hall is painted a beautiful bluish green color.

Once we all head in, we look around and find a nearby tabel to sit down at. "Dam this place is nice." Zoro mutters while whistling.

The Restaurant is filled with with customers all enjoying the delicious food. The mouth watering smell of barbecue meat, sauteed vegetables, and freshly baked bread wafts through the room leaving a warm sensation in everyone's body.

Luffy pulls out his chair before dropping into it and grones, "Oo, I hope they have some good meat!"

Zoron nods, "And some good Sake!"

Sparrow nods and agrees with him before asking, "Sake's good, but have you ever had rum?"

Zoro tilts his head to the side, "Rum?"

Sparrow nods with a wistful look. The thought of rum pulled on his heartstrings and played a beautiful romantic tune worthy to be played on the golden harp herself. "That's right. It's the greatest form of alcohol to ever be created. Sadly, it always seems to be gone..."

Zoro smile, "Ho? It seems I'll have to try some. Tell me where can I find it?"

Sparrow sighs and shanks his head, "Sadly I don't know. My father only left me with a single crate for when I turned 18, but he didn't tell me where to find more. Besides becoming Pirate King and The World's Strongest Man, it's my secondary goal to find the rum."

Zoro nods, "Interesting. Maybe that goals not a bad idea. What about that sword by your waist. It certainly seems to be a excellent work."

Sparrow smiles as he explains, "It is. It was my father's. After he lost his arm he could no longer use the two sword style, so instead he gifted it to me. I could also say the same about yours. I could recognize that sword anywhere, that's the Wado Ichimonji one of the 21 Great Swords, just like mine.

He nods his head while looking down at his sword with a wistful look, "She has served me well. I obtained her from my instructor. It was his daughters sword."

Sparrow nods his head before going silent realizing that he's touched upon a emotional manner.

Nami then turns to the re haired man and asks, while placing her elbows on the table and resting her head on her hands, "So you want to be the pirate king as well huh? I swear you all have crazy dreams." She sighs while glancing at everyone.

Turning his head to Zoro he then asks with a large grin, "That's right, I haven't asked about the dreams of you three. So? Please share."

Ussoup, who's stayed unusually quiet up until now, can no longer hold himself back as he then slams his fist to his chest and declaring, "I wish to be a great warrior of the sea!"

Zoro then raises the hilt to his blade, "My wish is simple, I wish to be the greatest swordsman this world has ever seen. To do that, I must first defeat my target. Dracule Mihawk."

Hearing this Sparrow raises an eyebrow in curiosity, "Interesting. So your aiming for Mihawk huh? He's no slouch. My father praised him as his greatest rival. He claimed that Mihawk is on par with some of the Yonko's if he were to go all out."

Zoro simply nods his head, a wicked grin spreading on his face at the thought of his opponent, "I know, and I plan to defeat him."

Knowing that look of determination in Zoro's eyes, Sparrow decided there was no point in warning zoro. The man knew exactly what he was aiming for. Just like Luffy and himself. Sparrow then casually turns to face Nami and ask, "Oi, so what about you? What's your dream?"

"Hm? Me?" She asks while quickly pulling her hands off the table, "Um, well. That's kind of a secret."

"Alright, everyones got there secrets I suppose." As we are about to continue our conversation, suddenly, a very handsome man dressed in a expensive looking suit is thrown to the floor with a loud crash.

Looking over at the table, the crowd can now see a a slim, yet muscular, long-legged man with blond hair which he keeps brushed over the left side of his face stepping on him.

The one pinning the man down is wearing a rather nice black suit and dress shoes, his most distinct physical trait being his distinctive eyebrows both of which form a spiral but at different ends.

"Dam it! What the hell you damned waiter! Get your foot off of me. It's not my fault that your food is utter trash." The man on the ground roars.

He is quickly cut off by the yellow haired man applying more pressure to his back making it difficult for the other man to breath, "I already told you to shut the hell up you stuck up, douchy, rich, money grubbing, tasteless, ignorant, buffoon.

Now, your not a damned mop, so get your trashy face off the freshly cleaned floors and eat your food before it gets cold, got that pig?"

The man then removes his leg from the other man's back before walking off and declaring, "Oh, and I a Sues Chef, not a waiter."

With that, the man leaves and returns to the kitchen of the restaurant. After a few moments, he walks back out and heads over to our table, "Hello dear customers, my name' Sanji nice to meet you all. Now what may I get you today?" He asks with a pleasant smile.

"Oi, two bottles of Sake, one for me and one for red haired over there." Zoro asks the cook.

Nodding Sanji then turns to Luffy, "What about you?"

Luffy scratches his chin for a moment before replying, "Lots of meat! Shishishi."

"Okay." He then turns to Sparrow. "I'll have whatever you think is best here."

This, draws a satisfied smile onto his face, "I see. Don't worry neither my cooking nor my taste will not disappoint you."

He then turns to Nami, "And what can I get for you beautiful mademoiselle?"

Nami's cheeks gain a tinge of red, slightly flustered from the comment, "Oh, um, I'll have the vegetable soup."

With that, he snaps his notebook closed, "Got it! It should be out soon."

Just then, the door to the Barite swings open. Standing there, covered in blood bruises and dirt, starving from lack of food, is a pirate. The man is lanky, average-sized man with short, scruffy hair and slight stubble. His eyes are surrounded by dark rings.

His clothes consist of an open gray-white jacket lined with twin red sea-serpent designs, a green undershirt, gray trousers, a gray headband with blue stripes, and two round earrings on each ear.

He then slowly walks into the room holding a pistol. Finally, he reaches an empty table. Crashing down into the chair, he then places the pistol on the table before grabbing a napkin and tying it around his neck.

"Anything's fine. Just bring me food. This is a restaurant right?" He asks in a cold, weak, and monotone voice.

Out of the kitchen comes a large, muscular man with a lot of hair on his arms and legs. He has a shaved head, large lips, and a short black beard. He wears a navy blue short-sleeved shirt with yellow buttons on both sides, and light blue on the end of the sleeves.

He has knee-length shorts that are the same color as his shirt, along with brown shoes. He also wears a white apron, a pink ascot, an earring in his right ear, and a white rope tied around his head. He has two heart tattoos on his left arm.

The man scowls at Sanji and whispers something to him that is out of the groups hearing range, before walking over to the man. "Welcome ya dam crook."

The pirate scowls, "I'll say it one more time. Bring me food."

The man then scratches the back of his head before asking, "I'm sorry, but do you happen to have the money to pay for it?"

"Would a bullet do?" He asks while cocking the pistol against the man's head.

The cook however, doesn't seem to care, "So you don't have money right?"

The cok then smacks the pistol away from the man before winding up, and throwing a powerful right downwards hook. The fist crashes into the pirate sending him crashing through the table.

"If you can't pay, your not a customer." The man snarls at the pirate.

Seeing the pirate beaten down by the burly cook, the crowd shouts, "Oi nice cook!"

"Nice one!"

"Beat up that pirate Patty-san!"


Patty, the large burly man, then asks, "Ho? Is your stomach growling pirate?"

The pirate snarls, "Shut it you damned cook. Just bring me food."

"If your not a customer. Then beat it!" Patty roars at the man. Sanji, then turns and walks away from the group of cooks who have gathered to watch the spectacle, and walks into the kitchen.

Patty then lifts up the pirate and drags him outside tossing him on the deck off to the side. "Stay there you useless crook."

Zoro then turns to Luffy before asking, "Your going to talk to him aren't you? You're also going to recruit that cook Sanji right?"

Luffy then grins and nods, "Yep! Shishishi. I like that cook!"

Zoro nods, "Yes captain."

With that Luffy then stands up and heads outside. Zoro stands up from his chair before stating, "I'm going to head to the ship and make sure it's tied up tight and look for Johnny and Yosaku. Usopp the Marry's your baby come with me."

Usopp then looks up questionably, "Eh why?"

Zoro then snorts annoyed, "Because your the only one that actually knows how to maintain the thing so come on."

Usopp sighs, "Fine. I'm coming."

With that, the two of them leave the restaurant in direction of the docks. After a moment of silence, Sparrow looks Nami up and down, Nami is wearing a orange mini-skirt with two white rings on each side filled in with orange or brown in their centers and a white shirt with short sleeves and blue spiral patterns.

Nami's cheeks turn red, noticing his gaze, but she smiles before asking, "So Sparrow, if you're also a pirate, where's your crew? Don't tell me you also don't have one."

Sparrow chuckles at her statement before replying, "Of course I have one. Well, a first mate and a decent force.

He told me he found a good island to set up a small shipyard I purchased so I'm going to meet him there and take a look at it after this. I've been busy these past three years preparing for the grand line. I've also been trying to stay under the Navy's radar. I want my first introduction into the world to be memerable!"

Nami raises her eyebrows in surprise, "You bought a shipyard?"

Sparrow nods, "Yep. Though it's not as luxurious as it sounds. Shipyards if you buy one that's already out of business only costs around 1,000,000 Berry and to transport the equipment would usually cost another 500,000 Berry at least, but my first mate is handling that. The supplies and workforce is where the cost is at."

Nami nods, "I see. That makes some sense. So, why do you want to be the Pirate King?"

Sparrow then pauses a minute before thinking, "Well, that's obvious. Because the Pirate King is the the freest man in the world."

"Then why strongest man?"

This time Sparrow responds immediately, "Because after I become Pirate King, I wish to start a family and sail the world with them. But I fear that others may want to harm them through greed, fear, or other reasons.

Because of my father's legacy I had to hide on a small island for my entire life up until now. I don't blame my father, but I also don't want to force the same thing onto my children.

If I become the world's strongest man, then non would dare harm my family. And if they do, then I would be strong enough to protect them."

Nami looks surprised at this reason. She was not expecting such an answer from a pirate. "I see."

Sparrow then smiles, "So, why don't you tell me how you met Luffy?"

This causes her to chuckle, "Um. Well. It's a long story." After a moment, she begins to tell the tale of their encounter with Buggy.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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