
One Piece : Rocks's Legacy

In the darkness of the night. Forest was burning!!!! Whole town was set ablaze!!! There were corpses scattered everywhere, but in this very horrifying scene there was a shack where a woman was hiding with a small child in her arms.

Play_it_cool · Komik
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11 Chs

9.Sweet Angel

Next day ,On The Rocks pirates ship.

Arthur was holding kas in his hands. He took a deep breath, closed his eyes and sent a flying slash in the sky

"Huu~ I think with the second boost, my swordsmanship has increased the most." After the second boost, Arthur was 6 feet and obviously taller than robin now, which he was the most happy about. He now looked like a Greek god with lustrous red hair and well toned body.

"Okay that's enough training for now.." Arthur laid down on the beach chair to take a nap.

"One newspaper please.." Robin said to the news Coo as she handed him the money. News coo handed her the Newspaper and took off.

Robin sat on the chair beside Arthur and started to read the newspaper. When a flyer dropped down from the newspaper landing in front of ivy. she curiously picked the flyer and started reading it.

"EHHHH!!! NEE-CHAN look at this." Ivy showed her a flyer.




| Dead or Alive

| 1,000 Berrie


"Ohh! Congratulations little ivy." Robin smiled.

"Th-thank you nee chan." Ivy nodded her head shyly.

"lets see if your bounties also increased or not " Ivy said excitedly.




| Dead or Alive

| 80,000,000 Berrie





| Only Dead

| 150,000,000 Berrie


"WHAAAT!!! NII-CHAN, NII-CHAN WAKE UP" Ivy started to shake Arthur.

"Let me sleep ivy.." Arthur grunted.

"NO NO YOU NEED TO GET UP" She started to shake him more heavily.

"Okay okay I am getting up so just stop shaking me." Arthur said.

"Now tell me what happened.." Arthur asked as he yawned.

"Nii chan look at this." Ivy handed him his bounty poster.

"150 million...that's huge." Arthur gasped seeing his bounty.

"Yep its HUUUGE. but why is there 'Only dead' written on your bounty poster." Ivy cutely tilted her head in confusion.

"Maybe its a printing mistake... Anyway lets PARTY." Arthur shouted.

"YEAHH!!!!" Both ivy and kas shouted on top of their lungs. Robin started to smile gently at their enthusiasm.

After whole day of partying Whole Rocks crew was resting on the deck of their ship. ivy was sleeping on top of Arthurs chest. Robin was resting on her beach chair holding a book in her hand, and as always kas was on the lookout.

"Kukukuku, quite a mess you have got here." A tall pale man commented as he magically appeared on the sunshine's deck without anyone noticing.

Kas was alarmed by his sudden appearance and immediately charged at him, but he blocked all of her attacks quite effortlessly using his walking cane.

"Woah woah easy there sword-san." Seeing his easygoing attitude kas attacked more fiercely.

"Stand down kas. You can't defeat him... So what do you want 'Mad sheriff' Laffitte. You can't be coming here without any motives." Robin said, as kas relented but still kept close eye on his moments.

"Kukukuku, as expected of 'Devil child' Nico Robin and first mate of sword demon." Laffitte said as he lifted his black hat using his walking cane.

"I am his second mate not first. His first mate is behind you... anyway get to the point." Laffitte glanced at the flying kas curiously.

"I wanted to talk to your captain but.." laffitte said as he glanced at the sleeping Arthur despite the commotion.

"I-I can wake up nii-chan, joker san but I don't think that's a good idea. instead of listening to you he might beat you to pulp" ivy said trying to show a serious expression but again failing miserably.

"O-Okay I will wait then little miss. Please excuse me." Laffitte sweated.

Few agonizing hours later... Finally Arthur stirred awake.

" 'yawn', ivy did we reach any island yet." Arthur rubbed his eyes as he asked ivy.

"No Nii-chan. But there is someone here to meet you." ivy said as she pointed at laffitte.

"Its pleasure to meet you 'Sword Demon' Rocks D. Arthur." Laffitte bowed elegantly.

"Hmm.. So what do you want with me?" Arthur asked as he looked him over.

"I want to join your crew.." Laffitte bowed even deeply.

"Welcome to the family then." Arthur grinned, as he gave his hand for the shake.

{ Author's Note: Arthur can sense peoples intentions and he knows what will or who will be good for the future of his crew that's why he directly accepted lffitte without any hesitation...that's it ADIOS. }

"Thank you... I will try to live up to our family's name captain." Laffitte also grinned as he firmly grasped Arthurs outstretched hand.

"Welcome laffitte san." ivy smiled sweetly.

"Kukukuku...Thank you ivy-chan." laffitte said as he twirled his walking cane.

"So what can you do laffitte?" Arthur asked as he munched on the food that ivy brought him. Since his second boost his appetite has increased a lot.

"I can navigate fairly well captain." Laffitte replied.

"Okay then you are our navigator from now on." Arthur said.

"Now.... its time we head to the grandline. So let us go to the grandline laffitte." Liffitte immediately took the helm.

"Aye aye captain.." Lafitte grinned anticipating the great adventures that lay ahead of them.

Few weeks latter sunshine finally stood before the awe inspiring red line and mind boggling reverse mountain. This place was unique in that rivers were flowing up the mountain.


"AYE AYE CAPTAIN... EVERYONE SIT TIGHT." Laffiitte started to wheel the sunshine up the mountain.

As the sunshine started to rise up the mountain wind currents increased.. waves started to crash on the sunshine. sunshine almost crashed on to the mountain wall sometimes.

"AHHHH!! NEE-CHAN SA-SAVE ME." Ivy was fluttering like a flag on the flagpole, wile holding the railing of the ship. Robin immediately made a net using her devil fruit and caught her.

"Hold on tight little ivy" ivy nodded her head like pecking hen.

"HAHAHAHA.....Now the real adventure begins..." Arthur started to laugh boisterously.

"Robin we have come a long way right.." Arthur grinned at robin.

"Yeah... you are right art.. we have come a long way but our journey is just starting." Robin smiled at him as her hairs fluttered in the wind.