
One Piece : Rocks's Legacy

In the darkness of the night. Forest was burning!!!! Whole town was set ablaze!!! There were corpses scattered everywhere, but in this very horrifying scene there was a shack where a woman was hiding with a small child in her arms.

Play_it_cool · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs


When Arthur and robin stepped into his cabin, she was already starting to wake up.

"So how are you?... are you feeling okay now." Arthur asked as he sat beside her.

"I-I am feeling okay now." little girl stuttered.

Arthur and Robin looked at each other for a moment, "So what's your name?" Robin asked.

"I-Ivy.." Ivy said nervously.

"If you don't mind, can you tell me what happened there ivy?" Arthur gently held her hands.

Ivy stiffened slightly.. but finding comfort in Arthurs hands she slowly began to speak.

"I-I wasn't there I was at the riverbank washing clothes.. bu-but when I-I came back ev-everyone was dead. I 'sniff I 'sniff'." Arthur immediately held her in his arms and started patting her head to make her calm down.

"Onii-chan can I ask you something..?" Ivy asked in slight nervousness.

"Yeah you can ask me anything.." Arthur gently let her go from his embrace.

"Ca-can I stay on your ship...you you don't need to let me stay for free. I-I am super good at cooking and housework. I-I can cook you delicious food and I can also take care of your rooms. I-I can also take care of the ships cleaning." She said nervously as if afraid he will reject her immediately.

"Okay... from now on you are part of the family." Arthur smiled at her. robins expression also became gentle seeing her. She could see her younger self in her.

"Its okay if you don't want to hire me.. wait you AGREED!!" She immediately toppled him down.

"Yep you are part of the rocks pirates family now. and you just need to cook us delicious food, we can handle everything else ourselves." Arthur said.

"Okay now let me introduce everyone to you, this beautiful onee-chan is Robin. She is very smart so if you want to ask anything you can ask her." Arthur said while pointing towards Robin. Ivy looked at robin. Robin gently waved at her smiling. Ivy also waved at her shyly.

"This is kas.. she is a crybaby." Arthur as he materialized kas in his hand.

"mou~ master don't tease me." kas complained.

"WOW!! a talking sword cool~" Ivy said as literal stars shined in her eyes.

"Yep I am super cool." kas said in arrogant manner.

"Aaand I am Arthur, ROCKS D. ARTHUR. Captain of THE ROCKS PIRATES." And Arthur dramatically finished the introduction of the rocks pirates.

"And now I am superrr cool cook of the THE ROCKS PIRATES." Ivy said, trying to look cool but failing miserably. Everyone started to laugh loudly seeing her antics.


Its been a week since Ivy joined the rocks pirates.

"Arthur nii-chan here is your orange juice." Ivy came holding the tray.

Arthur stopped his training and sat on the nearby wooden barrel. his bare chest was glistening with sweat, his glossy red hairs were freely falling on his shoulders. Ivy handed him his orange juice and started to wipe his sweat gently with her sleeves.

"As always your cooking is the best Ivy." Arthur smiled as he gently patted her head.

"Art there is a big ship coming our way." Robin reported from crow's nest.

Arthur stood up, wore his Captains coat on his bare chest and stood on the sunshine's figurehead. He was looking at the coming ship. his coat was fluttering in the wind. he held kas on his shoulder and waited for the ship to come closer.

"KAKAKAKA boys we will have a big haul today. That ship looks brand new and that little girl looks quite tast- " Before that pirate could finish his sentence his head was separated in two.

" 'tch' bug." Arthur clicked his tongue and softly landed behind the pirate as he sheathed kas on his waist. Yep you heard that right he sheathed kas on his waist. one day little Ivy said he would look even more cool If he kept kas on his waist, and how can he ignore his little ivy's complement so from that day onwards he always kept kas on his waist.

"wh-whaat, how did he appeared on our ship suddenly." Pirate extra no. 1 spoke.

"IDIOT look behind him." Pirate extra no. 2 spoke.

"He-He killed our captain.. lets attack him together he can't be that strong can he?" Every single pirate suddenly charged at Arthur with their weapons.

"These extras never learn huh.. One sword style: Lightning Flash...'swish'." Immediately after he turned in red flash and appeared behind the charging pirates and sheathed his kas. Behind him pirates took few steps and fell down...each and everyone cut in half.

"Master look I can do this now." kas slowly floated from her scabbard and hovered before Arthur.

"WOW! you awakened hella of an ability kas.. wait I got some fantastic idea. lay down on the deck." kas was confused but she still followed his instructions. After seeing kas on the floor of the deck he immediately stood on kas. " Now, UP." kas immediately understood what she needed to do. She slowly lifted herself from the deck with Arthur on top of her. and slowly started to increase her speed.

"WOOHOO! WE ARE FLYING.." Arthur shouted loudly.

"LOOK LOOK robin nee-chan. Nii-chan is flying." Ivy looked at the flying Arthur with stars in her eyes. Robin was also amazed seeing him surfing in the sky. Arthur made U-turn and flew towards little ivy and robin.

"Now, who wants a ride?" Arthur asked as he crouched on kas.

"ME ME ME!!!" Ivy literally tore his eardrums out.

"Okay okay stop shouting. Come on up." Arthur stood up and took Ivy in his arms and kas started to fly.

"WHOHHH!!! I AM FLYING..... Look our ship is looking so tiny, hahahah.." Arthur gently smiled seeing her so happy. Seeing her happy also made him happy. After enjoying themselves for a while both of them came on the ship.

" Soo.. robin do you also want a ride?" Arthur smirked spreading his arms inviting her.

"Ara ara~ does my little art teasing me." Robin said in teasing tone. Arthur immediately became embarrassed.

"fufufufu~ not now maybe some other time.. Now lets go and loot those pirates ship." Robin winked at him and made bridge from sunshine to those pirates showing off her devil fruit powers.

"WOW!!! Nee-chan is amazing." Ivy looked at her in wonder.

"I know right..." Arthur soon followed after placing ivy on his shoulder.