
One Piece : Rocks's Legacy

In the darkness of the night. Forest was burning!!!! Whole town was set ablaze!!! There were corpses scattered everywhere, but in this very horrifying scene there was a shack where a woman was hiding with a small child in her arms.

Play_it_cool · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs


'Master we have arrived.' kas said after port of Croco island was in sight.

Arthur slowly opened his eyes. Standing up he strapped kas to his waist. 'Master I can turn into a locket if you want' Kas said.

'Oh!! you can do that, then please do.' When Arthur finished talking Kas immediately turned into a beautiful red anchor and hung herself around Arthur's neck.

'Are you comfortable kas?' Arthur asked.

'Yes master. Your neck is very warm~' kas said in playful tone.

'Are you teasing me.' Arthur said in mock anger. Arthur and Kas started to tease each other until ship docked at the island's port. After giving money to ships captain, Arthur jumped from the ship but miscalculated his strength and flew from the ship like rocket.

"What the HELLL!!!" Arthur screamed as he landed heavily on the port ,scaring the nearby people. Arthur stood up while dusting off his clothes. "What happened..?" Arthur was confused.

"HIhihihihi!!! Master did you forget I boosted your physical attributes by more than two times." kas laughed while explaining.

"Ohhh!! right, you should have told me....but it still doesn't explain how my strength increased by that much?" Arthur questioned still somewhat confused about his enormous strength increase.

"Master you were already plenty strong and I doubled it making you plenty plenty plenty plenty strong" kas spoke in sagely tone.

"I don't get it..." Arthur said neutrally.

" 'sigh' master what will you do without me. Its like this if you double 2 it becomes 4 but if you double 50 it becomes hundred. That means if I double normal human's strength he will get only slightly strong but you were already strong because of your good genes I guess... Because of that you got considerably stronger after the boost."

"Yeah I got it now, Grandma had told me that grandpa was very strong.... I guess I inherited his talents." After speaking Arthur suddenly got much quieter.

"What happened master." kas asked worriedly.

"Nothing, lets find a restaurant I am starving." Arthur said and started heading towards the town.

"Okay..." kas spoke still somewhat worried about her master.

{ Author's note: plz note that both kas and Arthur speak through their mind link. Because of which their conversations happen within seconds....that's it ADIOS }


After wondering the whole town they finally found the restaurant. Entering it they were instantly hit by the loud chatter and laughter of the people dining there. Scanning the whole restaurant Arthur finally noticed an empty table. Sitting on the table he ordered some Food. When waitress arrived with his order. He asked her where he can buy a medium sized ship. "Ohh you want to buy a ship then you should go to the north dock, there you can find plenty of ships and shipwrights willing to make you a ship." she said. Arthur thanked her and gave her a generous tip. Her expression instantly lit. She sent a flirtatious smile towards him. He ignored her and focused on his food.

" Kas we will go to the north dock after I finish eating.." Arthur said.

"Yes master." kas said, while focusing on the conversation ongoing between two extras.

"Heyy did you hear that Nico robin was spotted on the island today." extra no. 1 said.

"WHAA! did you mean devil child Nico robin." extra no. 2 almost screamed.

"Shuuu!! idiot do you want us to be taken by the marines." extra no.1 immediately placed his hand on extra no. 2's mouth.

"Master I heard something interesting.." kas said in eager tone.

"What?" Arthur asked while he was stuffing his mouth with meat.

"There is a devil's child on the island should we go and kill it." kas asked. Seemingly very exited about killing a devil.

"There nothing like devil in this world." Arthur immediately popped her bubble.

"Mouu!! master you are no fun" kas spoke in depressing tone.

"Enough fooling around for now, lets go get us a ship and then we will find a new family member." Arthur stood up after having his fill and started walking out of the restaurant.


Arthur arrived at the north dock and started to inspect the ships docked there after a while particular ship caught his eye. "Old man what is the name of that ship." Arthur asked the nearby shipwright while pointing towards the ship which caught his eye. it had two masts and sun on the mermaids hands as the figurehead.

"Ohh!! you have quite an eye young man. That is one of our finest ship. Its name is Sunshine." Old man said in proud tone.

"Okay, I want that ship Name the price old man and I want that ship coloured in red and black. I want the sails coloured in red skull with two horns potruding from its forehead and my kas crossed behind it." Arthur said while kas materialized in his hand to show how the sails should be painted.

" You are a pirate!!" Old man screamed.

"So what...? I will come tomorrow to get my ship. Make it ready before then." Arthur said neutrally and started to head towards the town to find the lodging to get some sleep.


Sunrays were peeking through the window. Gentle wind was blowing. Underneath the window Arthur was taking his beauty sleep. Because of the brightness Arthur's beauty sleep was broken making him groggily open his eyes.

"Good morning~ master." kas cheerfully greeted Arthur.

"Yeah, good 'yawn' morning" he started heading towards the bathhouse to prepare for the long day.


Arthur was sitting in the restaurant waiting for his breakfast when he heard a commotion outside.

"Master lets go check it go. my intuition is telling me that something interesting is going on." Arthur was also curious about the commotion, so like everyone else he also left the restaurant to check what's going on.

There was a huge crowd outside the restaurant Arthur pushed through the crowd to get a better look at the commotion.

A hooded figure was being surrounded by the marines. All the marine soldier were pointing their guns at the hooded figure. Atmosphere was very tense.

"Surrender Nico robin, you have nowhere to run now. We have already contacted the headquarters this island will be filled with marines soon. So don't resist and surrender." Marine extra said.

"Mil Fleur~: Clutch." Nico robin said and suddenly two arms appeared on marine extras shoulders twisting his neck.

"kas.." Arthur said in somewhat excited tone.

"Yes master....?" Arthur intently looked at the devil's child Nico robin who was fighting multiple marine extras at once.

"We have finally found our new family member." Arthur started to walk towards the ongoing fight while kas started materialized in his hand.

"Yoo~ how can you gang up on my family like that ?" Arthur said in cool tone, while subtle red aura was oozing out of him, pressurizing the marines.