
One Piece: Rise of The Orokin

In a harsh world on the brink of civil war where pirates run amok and navy soldiers desperately try to subdue them. Comes a man not from that world but more familiar with it then others will ever know. Aided with a system that bestowed upon him knowledge from beyond the stars. Watch how one man will reshape a well known story to how he sees fit. This is a one piece fanfic with a warframe system. [you do not have to know anything about warframe to read this story] If You like this story please consider reading my origins novel Titled - UNUSUAL WORLD, and CURSED LIBERATOR.

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A New Beginning Part 1

Many hours had passed since the explosion that Ulrick caused raised the town to the ground. In that time the remaining Krieg pirates that survived the explosion including Don Krieg himself defeated the remaining navy fleet and escaped with all the treasure that they looted and a large arsenal of weaponry. By sunrise the the storm had ceased and navy back up arrived on scene. Far to late to save the town, but not to late to save the lives of any survivors of the attack.

In a quickly made medical tent Ulrick was laying on a bed with many other patients nearby. The place was loud and somewhat chaotic. Navy soldiers were running all over to rescue people and give medical attention to those in need. While many citizen were either asking for help, crying, or searching for their loved ones. All that noise was annoying so annoying that it woke Ulrick up from his hard earned coma.

Ulrick opened his eyes and let out a shallow grunt as he tried to adjust his posture. His entire body hurt especially Ulrick's chest, the right side of his body, and his broken left arm. Ulrick didn't like any of the pain he was the kind of guy that spent weeks bedridden after something like a paper cut let alone all the shit that happened to him.

Ulrick tried to be a man and endure the pain in silence but he wasn't like those freaks that got punched through a wall, sufferer multiple fatal external and internal injuries, along with having all their bones broken, yet still managed to walk away like it was nothing. Ulrick screamed and cried like a baby without care he earned the right to shed those tears so he was going to.

As Ulrick was crying in pain a screen popped up next to him. The screen caught his eye and when he looked at it he saw that it was a bunch of information regarding his syfy suit that he was wearing when was brought into the one piece world.

[Operator Suit]

Function: For protection

Resistances: Extreme shock absorption, Temperature regulation, Bullet proof, Slash proof, Puncture proof, Radiation resistant, Self repair, Self cleaning, Auto healing function, Auto respiratory stabilization, Auto equip.

(Author Note:This suit really isn't op nor am I giving it functions that are over the top. These are all thing I believe a futuristic suit should have at the least. The warframe suits are what's op).

The doctors removed Ulrick suit to perform surgery on his left arm. Because Suko through that burning beam at Ulrick it mangled his left arm breaking Ulrick's bones in such a way they poked out of his skin. Ulrick was now mostly naked covered in bandages with a cast on his left arm. When Ulrick saw the healing function on the suit he activated auto equip immediately. Once he did the suit came to life wrapping around his entire body in less then a second. The suit broke the cast on Ulrick's arm, removed the pins the doctors put in them, and removed all the bandages on his body since they were not needed.

The healing function took effect immediately. Ulrick felt as though his body was back inside of his mothers womb. After 30 minutes Ulrick felt good enough to walk around but this did not mean that he was healed. Even with the healing function of the suit it will take months for Ulrick to fully recuperate. The reason Ulrick can move around normally is because the suit provides physical assistance to the user allowing them to move around and fight even if they physically can't anymore.

After Ulrick regained his mobility he started walking around. The suit kept Ulrick from feeling any Unnecessary pain and no one stopped Ulrick from leaving because things were to chaotic for people to notice or care even though Ulrick was a weirdo walking around in a space suit.

As Ulrick walked around he saw the mass destruction everywhere. There were barely any standing buildings left anywhere in the town. Everywhere Ulrick looked was like the aftermath after a war that no one bothered to check up on. It was a disheartening sight but Ulrick was a bit more focused on the void energy swirling around the entire town. There was very small amounts of it but it was colorful and filled his vision everywhere he looked. Ulrick could tell that no one else could see it with just a quick glace at the crowd.

Ulrick wasn't a genius but he was far from stupid. He was able to put 2+2 together and made sure that it didn't equal fish.

"Wait a second warframe system plus void power ... Uhh, could this have possible been my fault and not those pirates".

Not completely certain Ulrick asked around about what happened and was absolute certain that he destroyed the town and not the pirates. Ulrick knew this because he knew the lor of the game warframe and knew that void energy was difficult to control at first for those who aquired it. Those who obtained void energy were cohorst into becoming soldiers of war for the orokin. Who were basically humanoid alians that controlled the galaxy at one point before their empire feel because of harsh ruling and lack of resources.

The only real way as showed in the game to 100 percent control the void energy is when the user is asleep. When the user is asleep they are able to transfer their consciousness into a golem also known as warframes. The warframes were tools of war created by the orokin but the orokin found them to be uncontrollable until an incident happened that created the future operators of those suits know as tenno. Tenno are soldiers warrior ninja of an old era. They sleep for centuries and awake when they are needed.

And from what Ulrick can tell he is one of thses tenno which is weird because at one point Ulrick had a chance to look at himself and saw that he was to old to be a tenno. All tenno are basically children that don't age no matter how many hundreds of years pass. They can still die by normal means but can't be as old as Ulrick is because adults exposed to a lot of void energy all go crazy. Realizing these things for himself are different then what he remembers in the game Ulrick made it his mission to find out all the points his system differed from the game.

As for doing the morally right thing and apologizing for what he did Ulrick said fuck you to all that. What he did was an accident so his conscious is clean but he definitely did put training his void power on the list of shit to do. Since if he was going to wipe out an entire town he wanted it yo be his decision not some accident. Also because void energy basically mad Ulrick psychic and he wanted to see what he could do with that.

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Loyalscumcreators' thoughts