
One Piece: Rise of Gray

When he finally wakes up, he is in the world of One Piece. He is now the only successful subjects for marines after their experiement. He was your typical VR-mmo player. He transmigrated while watching a piece in his VR. Before going blank in his VR capsule, he filled out a form.

i_am_augustus · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs


The banquet had ended, and now straw hats were creating trouble. Battle was practically guaranteed. Being Mc and all, they were justice heroes.

"Did you see the dragon and that god complex guy?" Luffy looked at Gray after finishing his steak and meal.

Gray was more than prepared. If Luffy came after him, he didn't care about the plot.

"You're staring at the Dragon and I refuse to tell you about Eneru?"

The mood was strained, and the indicators were not promising.

"How come? He almost killed us all. "

By the second, Gray was losing his cool with them. If it came down to a battle, he would not back down.

"He is done for and will not disturb the people of Skypiea again, so don't annoy me or things will not end out well."

When Luffy was threatened, he didn't back down from a challenge, and he had no plans to back out now either.

Robin tried to calm the scenario in front of her; the fight was senseless, and who knows if the island would still be intact if they fought.

"There's no reason to get fired up. Luffy simply wanted to confirm that he was well taken care of."

Gray's mood was ruined, so he took another portion of meat to calm himself down, and Luffy did the same.

"You are completely imitating me."

"But I grabbed the meat first, and you followed suit."

"It doesn't matter; you're the one who copied me."

Logic didn't work against Luffy, and wouldn't work in the future either.

"I was about to send you all to hell because you weren't going to back down any time soon."

Luffy laughed as he finished the meat.

"I had the same thought. I assumed I'd have to kick your a$$."

"That was a funny joke. It will not happen in a million years."

"I can do it right now. I'm ready to battle."

Law, like the others, just ignored them. They realized it was pointless to get involved any longer.

Luffy stretched his punch and aimed at Gray.

"Gum Gum Gatling!"

Law saw that Luffy was going to attack Gray.



Luffy's arms were severed, and the fight started as they saw Luffy's arm in two halves.

"My arms! It's been sliced in half."

"Three swords style!"

Sanji kicked Law while Zoro attacked Gray, with Robin utilizing her devil fruit powers to keep Law from using his blade.


With the quick attack, Law was kicked in the stomach and thrown flying a few meters away.

Zoro slashed Gray with his sword, but he didn't even get a scratch.

"What! Not even a scratch."

Nami saw Luffy's fallen arms were still moving about without bleeding, like living cut-off arms.

"Luffy's arms are moving. It's moving."


Everyone turned to look at Luffy's arm, which had just fallen off but was still moving as if it was still attached to his body.

"I can feel and move my arms."


Gray knew the situation was getting out of hand and that he needed to intervene to put a stop to it.

"Slow down! There is no reason to fight.

None of them believed him, so Zoro attacked him again with his swords.

"Three sword style!"

'They're as reckless as they've always been.'

"Shambles!" Law from the sidelines after standing again from the kick.

Zoro was high in the air heading for Gray, and Sanji jumped to attack Law, when Zoro reversed places and appeared ahead of Sanji, their kicks and swords clashing.

"What was it for, Mosshead?" "Do you want to kill me?"

Gray was already annoyed, but he appreciated Law's efforts to protect him, given that he was his Captain and all.

"Don't get me wrong, I said Luffy's arm would be returned, and it was your captain who made a move for no reason at all."

They backed up their attacks because Gray made logic. They decided to pay attention to him for once.

"Law, fix him! I don't want to kill for a misunderstanding."

Law joined Luffy's arms like It was never even severed, Luffy was totally fixed up.

"As the captain said, Eneru won't disturb the citizen in the future. That is it and if you all want to fight then bring it on."

"You all should leave, I let you have the banquet as it didn't seem like you were fighting Eneru but that's it."

The situation was getting more tense, Luffy didn't want to leave just yet.

"Why should we leave? we will stay here for few days."

Luffy was pissing Gray off for no reason, he didn't like when logic didn't work at him.

"Do you really want to fight? I can't believe a captain that would endanger the life of his crew by fighting against someone that is completely out of their league."

"How do you know about that? I will become the King of pirates."

'He has always survived due to plot armor, Who the hell would be able to go up against a Yonko at age of 19, fight warlords when just beginning their pirate Career just at 17.'

"You are too cheeky about your plot armor, I could destroy it all this very day and take your Devil fruit, It is very interesting one."

"Plot armor?" None of them understand what type of armor was that.

Robin had a feeling that Gray knew something that they had no idea about.

"Luffy's devil fruit turns him to rubber, I don't see anything interesting in that."

'It's not like I can tell them about all these.'

"Yeah, right. Just think of it that way."

Gray got up, he felt too annoyed by them to talk anymore for now.

"Law, Was the surgery successful?"

"He is alive for now, and we will know after he is waken up about the results."

"Throw him in the sea, I don't want to wait anymore."


Gray nodded giving signal he heard it right, while the Straw hats didn't get what he meant.



Eneru switched places with a chair, and he was lying down unconscious on the ground before everyone.

"There he is, Is your curosity satisfied?"

Law threw a rock over at the white sea.


Eneru switched positions with the stone, and fell right into the white sea.

"Huh! He has a devil fruit, he can't swim."

"I plan to keep him barely alive anyways, he deserves it anyways."

After twenty minute,


Eneru switched positions again, this time he was on Gray's foot.




Gray was about to throw up water on Gray's foot, He got kicked on his cheeks and threw after the other direction.

"How dare you do act such way? do you know who I am?"

Gray smirked lightly and looked at Eneru.

"Tell me, Just who are you?"

"I...I, just who am I? I don't remember who I am?"

Gray had a wide grin, he had succeed on his plan, and he could have a new member on board.

"I can tell you who you are?"

"Who are you to act so high and almighty Infront of me?"

'His personality is still the same, I have to make do with this.'

"You are nobody, just a servant of mine that has sworn loyalty to me and would serve me until the moment you die."

"Huh! Why would I do that to someone as weak as you?"

"Law! Send him where we picked him up from."



Eneru was in water another second, he tried to swim but all in vain. He was having difficulty breathing.



"We will explain things to you, I don't think you mind that."

"Yes, how could I dare to defy your orders."


"We will be leaving now, just don't cause trouble here and I believe you won't for some reason."

"It hasn't been too long since we came here."

"Hehe, It doesn't matter anyways."

Gray turned into a huge purple dragon, that flew in the sky.

"Get up, I won't make it hard this time around."

Law and Eneru got on Gray's back, and took their seat.

"Hope our paths never cross again, Straw hat."


Gray flapped his wings in full force and started to make their way back to Water 7 in full speed.