
One Piece: Rise of Gray

When he finally wakes up, he is in the world of One Piece. He is now the only successful subjects for marines after their experiement. He was your typical VR-mmo player. He transmigrated while watching a piece in his VR. Before going blank in his VR capsule, he filled out a form.

i_am_augustus · Komik
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18 Chs


Gray took a break after eating and then went to his Haki training.

'Garp should be there already. I should be there as fast as I can.'

Gray had slept in the Cafteria and had run all the way to the training grounds. Garp had inflicted injuries on him. He intended to relieve it with a short nap but ended up sleeping for a longer duration.

'How come they won't wake up someone who slept in the cafeteria?'

Gray walked onto the training grounds.

"I'm running a little late. I hope you don't mind if I say so."

Garp was teaching Coby, Hemeppo, and other new recruits.

All of the trainees shifted their gaze towards gray.

They were all staring at him with piercing eyes. They couldn't stand Gray showing up late to Garp's class.

'Such hateful eyes! 'I'm not going to have an easy time while I'm here.'

Gray had become the center of everyone's attention.

Garp smirked and played the role of a strict teacher.

"Brat, Why are you late for your first day of class?"

Gray was about to reply when Garp cut him off.

"Two thousand push-ups, then tell me your side of the story."

Gray's punishment was well received by the new recruits.

Trainees began with gossip, with no basis in actual truth.

"How is he going to be late on his first day?"

"He must believe that the world revolves around him."

"He's got to be a spoiled brat from a wealthy family."

Gray knelt in a corner of the room and began doing push-ups.

Push-ups were nothing difficult to him. His body possessed an unusual amount of strength, which seemed to overflow.

All of the trainees kept an eye on him, secretly wishing to see him give up.

"100". Gray finished it in record time and without breaking a sweat.

Trainees' frequent glances were not coming to an end.



After Gray didn't appear tired and never stopped during the push-ups, the trainees restarted their whispering.





Gray finished his push-ups and approached Garp.

"I lost track of time because I was so focused on training."

"I noticed you in the cafeteria. You are the only trainee with this type of hair." One of the marines made a comment.

"In the cafeteria, I saw the same silver-white-haired person sleeping."

"He was the one. I also noticed him."

Garp could tell he was lying immediately. It was easy to recognize Gray immediately..

Gray had been sleeping in the café. His unique appearance made it impossible for people to forget him.

Gray had not expecting one of the trainees to speak up in such a way in which others would follow.

"You could have seen another guy. I have no idea where the cafeteria is."

"I'm a newbie."

The marines began to grumble.

"Are you accusing us of lying?"

"How is it that everyone here needs to lie?"

"We saw you eat enough food to feed a squad."

The trainees were all over it.

Gray cursed himself for being too attractive and appealing.

'Why am I so perfect?'

"Do you have any evidence?"

"It appears like you are attempting to bully a newcomer who appears to be serious about becoming a marine and works hard."

Gray's every comment was becoming increasingly irritating to the trainees.

He looked down on every trainee in the room and made it clear with his words bluntly to them. His words made this clear to them.

"You are all wanna be marines that would be no better than meat-shields. I don't want to end up with such a fate and train all day but you are accusing me of such behavior."

All the trainees were now seriously mad at Gray. All the marines present here worked hard every day, and Gray's comment about them made them feel angry.

All of the trainees were newcomers with aspirations of becoming high-ranking marines and serving for justice. Their blood was pumping.

Garp waited for the tension between them to build before making his move.

"Stop talking! I shall begin the teaching. Don't make an excuse for me afterwards."

Gray took his seat, ignoring the hostile stares.

Garp began teaching the fundamentals of arnament Haki. Gray concentrated hard on ignoring all the nasty stares.

Gray's training would be over by the time Luffy reached Water 7.

Gray intended to fight in the battle between White Beard pirates and then leave the marines and would build a crew while remaining in the marines.

Garp's lessons came to an end Garp was focused on advanced haki forms, but he invited Gray to attend since it could assist him.

He tried everything Garp instructed, but it was all in vain. He couldn't even begin to attempt Arnament Haki.

Gray couldn't even feel his haki at this point.

'This is not going to work. First, I need to learn Observation Haki.'

'All of them should know fundamental Arnament haki.' 'I guess I messed up here after insulting them for the time being.'

Gray took all the classes that taught about Haki.

Gray was working out at night. He practiced like the teacher instructed them.

Gray continued with observation Haki training. It was beginner's material, but it was the best he could learn for the time being.

He was diligently practicing at night. He needed to become stronger so he could get out of here as quickly as possible.

"Look if that isn't the smug bastard from before."

While Gray was training, a group of five individuals approached him.

"We finally discovered you after a whole day of searching. You were hiding all day."

Gray realized he was in big trouble when he saw the folks in front of him with meatal pipes. "Five people."

"What do you want? Leave if you don't have any task with me. "

The five began laughing hard. "Hahaha, hahaha."

"Are you this stupid or what? Why would five seniors arrive armed to confront a junior?"

Gray got out of his seat. He knew what was going to happen next.

"Let's get started!" five people surrounded him in all directions.

Two from the front swung their pipes, followed by one from the back. Gray ducked, evading the onslaught.

The third person smacked him in the back, but he endured it.

He leaped and rolled in front to escape getting smacked on the head.

He maintained a few steps' distance between them. Gray knew it wouldn't finish until one side had been battered to a pulp.

'It appears I need to see how strong this physique is right now.'

Gray didn't care what happened. He started an assault on them.

Gray grabbed one of their neck and began pounding them in the face with full force.

The other three were swinging their weapons and hitting Gray at various regions of his body. One who appeared to be their leader was watching the confrontation.

Gray was in pain, but he ignored it. With two punches, he knocked one of them unconscious.

He wrapped his body with the one who had been knocked out. "I told you you were nothing more than a meat shield."

Gray had a stronger body, but he couldn't keep getting hit by the swings. He was still skinny and had very basic knowledge of fighting.

The other three assaulted him all at once from different angles.

With a meat shield and a pipe, he charged at the one in front of him.

The one in front of him was aiming directly at his skull. He hurled the meat shield at him. The pipe hit the meat shield.

He swung his pipe at him and struck him on the head with it. With that, he knocked out another dude.

The other two kept their distance from him after that.

Gray charged at the other two, using the meat shield as a shield against their swings. He grasped each of their heads and repeatedly banged them against the wall, knocking them out.

Gray turned to face the person who had been observing the entire struggle without engaging with him.

"You are the only one left."

Gray swung his pipe at him, but he effortlessly avoided it.

'Observation Haki.'

Gray was hit on the head with a fist. "So fast!"

Gray took a lot of damage this time, compared to the prior attacks.

Gray noticed that the person's hands were blackened with "Arnament Haki."

Gray was now at a disadvantage. He couldn't win against someone who possessed both observation and Arnament Haki at the moment.

Gray was thinking when he was smacked in the face again with little time to respond. He was beaten to a pulp and knocked unconscious.


Gray awoke in the morning with a throbbing headache from the thrashing he had received the night before.

Gray couldn't keep letting this happen. He was certain it would happen again and again if he let it slip.

Gray wanted power right now to put them in their place. Garp's help would be needed for Gray's rise in power.

Gray visited Garp since he had no other options. He was positive that the senior trainees would make his life tough while in camp.

'I'm going to need a devil fruit or they'll kill me one of these days.'

"How did you obtain a devil fruit, Gramps?"

Gray required power to deal with those who attempted to disrupt his training or daily life. He even had to repay them for yesterday.

Gray could beat them if he waited a month for his body to produce more muscles and improved his physique but he was never the type to hold grudges for long periods of time. He wait to do it if the other party was a big shot, but how could he do it for a weakling like them?

He didn't want to complain about being bullied to others, nor did he want to be bullied.

"Why are you asking that all of a sudden, and why is your face so swollen?"

Gray didn't respond to the later but only to former. He wanted to take care of those bastards himself.

"I would need them in future. I think It would be better to get them sooner than later."

Garp scratched his head. He saw fire burning on Gray's eyes with determination. It was fire of revenge but Garp didn't know.

"You can't simply demand it. To obtain a Devil Fruit of your choice, you must have a significant accomplishment or be in a higher position. I believe you should wait."

Gray was well aware that being a successful experiment would not result in him receiving a devil fruit. They questioned his commitment for the marines.

He was left with only one choice.

"Do you meet all of the conditions to obtain a devil fruit of your choice as a Marine Hero?"

Gray proudly rubbed his hands together. "Of course, if that Devil fruit isn't associated with an emperor or marines, I'd get it if it's in a pirate possesion or marine collection."

'Exactly, what I needed to hear?'

Gray wanted Garp to request the Devil fruit, but it would be a difficult task in any case.

'How should I start persuasion?'