
One Piece: Rise of Gray

When he finally wakes up, he is in the world of One Piece. He is now the only successful subjects for marines after their experiement. He was your typical VR-mmo player. He transmigrated while watching a piece in his VR. Before going blank in his VR capsule, he filled out a form.

i_am_augustus · Komik
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18 Chs


Sengoku's concerns about selecting another warlord had vanished with Gray's suggestion. He liked Gray's proposal and thought it was a good method to repel pirates.

Gray had previously told Sengoku and Garp about his plans. The only thing left was to carry it out.

Gray's aim was to meet his first crew member and bring down a legendary pirate whose name is no longer legendary owing to all the bruises and wounds, but his name is more than enough to propel Gray's name to the top of all new generations.

Gray had gone to see his first crew member; he needed to bring him on board so that they could fight the pirate.

"Shiki: the golden lion, you are my future sacrifice."

Gray had sprouted wings on his back and flew into the sky in pursuit of the "Trafalgar D. Water Law."

"According to the reports, he should be in water in a few days. I have to get there before he leaves."

Gray had already arranged all. He intended to build a ship out of Adam's wood on marine budget, and after contacting their informants, they would provide him Shiki's whereabouts.

Gray had arrived at Water 7 after two days of flying. During his time here, he needed to get a lot of things done. This was the starting point of his pirate life.

Gray needed to withdraw funds from a bank account Sengoku had set up for him. He was allowed to withdraw the cash required to make a beginner's preparation.

'Sengoku is certainly considerate, and that's good for me.'

Gray needed to visit the bank first and withdraw some money. He didn't know the location of bank.

Gray entered the resturant to get some food. He needed to have some after such tiring journey.

"Bring me! Everything you have."

Gray decided to eat everything on the menu without hesitation; he had extra bellies to spend.

The order was placed, and the food began to be served. The table was completely covered in meat, fish, and other delicacies.

Gray bit into a large hunk of meat. It was soft and tender, softening in his lips and leaving him with a fluffy feeling.

"This is how food is meant to be. In contrast, a Marine's meals tastes like crap."

Gray had been craving such food for a long time. Food was entirely nutrient-focused, with no regard for flavor, especially for trainees. Gray, on the other hand, ate 15 dishes every time because of his physique.

The waiter was directly next to him. They didn't want Gray to run after having ordered so much food. It was worth fifty dinner dishes.

Gray completed the massive hunk of meat and moved on to the fish.

"It is the meat of the sea king. It's certainly pricey."

Gray bit into the meat of the sea king. In terms of flavor, it was a completely different world. It tingled every taste bud on his tongue, making him feel as if he were in heaven on earth.

'Damn you marines, you kept me from doing this.'

Gray sipped his drink while eating his meal. The most expensive item in the restaurant was the booze.

'How long has it been since I had a drink?' It tastes great.'

Gray started eating rapidly, leaving everyone in the restaurant stunned by the ridiculousness of the meal and his speed of eating.

Gray's eating speed and gluttony shocked the waiter, who remained expressionless as a flawless server.

"Please excuse me, sir. How do you intend to pay for these meals?"

Gray appeared to be a nobleman, with white hair and beautiful golden eyes, but his appetite left him feeling like he hadn't eaten in months.

Gray was eating more than usual because of all of his flying. Gray heard the waiter's words and understood why he asked, but acted as if he hadn't heard a single thing.

Gray chose not to respond, hence the waiter decided to ask the question again.

'Didn't he hear me?'

"Please excuse me, sir." "How do you intend to pay for meals?"

Gray had no intention of leaving with their money, but the waiter was getting on his nerves.

"I have berries to pay for it." So, let me have my meal in peace. "

The waiter was relieved when he heard those words. He had a difficult time since there were pirates in the restaurant every now and then who would create troubles.

Gray was having his meals in peace when he notoced a group of wanna be Whitebeards moving into the restaurant.

A party of ten pirates entered the restaurant and introduced themselves as Whitebeard's crew and one of them declared himself as Whitebeard.

"I am Whitebeard, the sea's mightiest pirate. Hahaha"

He was a 30-year-old man with a pirate crew. His beard had been bleached white and Among of his ten pirate crew members, one of whom had a pineapple-shaped haircut.

"I am Marco: The Pheonix."

Gray dropped a piece of steak from his hand in disbelief. He was astounded by their audacity in impersonating Whitebeard and expecting people to believe them.

'What a bunch of morons!' 'No one would fall for such gimmicks.'

Gray tried to push them out of his mind and returned to his meal. He was far too preoccupied to worry about such wannabe pirates.

"If you want to live, get down on your knees and beg for your life after laying down all your valuables. Since I have such a big heart, I might leave you alive."

Following that, the wannabe Whitebeard fired a bullet to frighten the clients of the restaurant.

Gray chuckled at the aspiring Whitebeard. He could easily kill them, but they hadn't disturbed him until now.

Gray was taken aback by the scene in front of him. He couldn't even begin to explain his disbelief.

Everyone present in the restaurant had knelt down and began to lay down their valuables for that impostor.

"Marco, go get those riches and shoot them if they have any hidden."

"Don't forget, I am Whitebeard."

The crew members began robbing victims of their valuables, as the wannave whitebeard laughed at them and as they begged for their lives. Gray was having feeling of eating his meal while watching a live comedy show.

One of the members whispered something in wannabe Whitebeard's ear, and he turned to see Gray soon after.

'Will he threaten me or what?'

"I am Whitebeard, and you two sitting over there should bow and beg for your lives."


Gray looked around to see someone sitting on the other side. He identified this person based on his attire.

"These guys are doomed to die!"

Wannabe Marco approached Gray, drew his rifle, and threatened him with it.

"Do you wish to die so bad? If not, kneel right now."

Gray ignored him, his attention focused fully on his meal. He didn't care if he was shot or not.

"So you chose for death. Die!"

Wannabe Marco was ready to pull the trigger when he was hit in the face. The moment he was sent flying, other members were alerted.

Gray was preoccupied with his food and did not strike him. The other person seated kicked the fake Marco.

Wannabe Whitebeard was taken aback, but decided to intimidate him by acting aggressive.

'I'll intimidate him and force him to leave, and we have a numerical advantage.'

"You have the audacity to hit one of mine in front of me. My name is Whitebeard."

Customers were even more terrified. They didn't want to die as a result of the chaos. They were all regular people making a living performing regular jobs.

Gray could no longer contain his laughter. He'd been holding it all this time, but it had pushed his boundaries.

"Hehehe, you even call yourself Whitebeard in front of a Whitebeard commander." "You're all brave and don't fear death."

After hearing that, everyone in the area was stunned, especially the phony pirate crew.

'He's got to be lying." "Why would a commander here? Don't get fooled by his words.'

"What do you mean?" I am a real Whitebeard."

Gray was even more amazed by their stubborness; 'How long do they intend to keep acting?'

"Do you not have eyes?" "Take a look at the tattoo on his back and plead for yourself."

Everyone looked at the man's back and noticed the whitebeard sign etched on it. After that, the phony crew was terrified in fear and not knowing how to react.

"He is the 2nd division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates, Fire Fist Ace."

Ace grinned. He was considering several methods for finishing this phony group. He was looking for Blackbeard when he came across these gang of idiots who were bringing dishonor to Whitebeard's reputation.

"You groups that dare to mimic Whitebeard are doomed to be executed by me."

'So the hunt for Blackbeard has already begun. He is nearing the end of his life.'

"Fire Fi.."

"Stop! Do you plan to destroy the restaurant?" Gray cut Ace off as he was about to destroy the building with his move.

The phony group fell to their knees and begged Ace for mercy.

"Sir! Please give us one more chance."

"I have children to look after."

"Allow us to live. We will live honestly."

Gray and Ace were staring at each other with their eyes wide open. They ignored the phony's comments.

"And who exactly are you?"

Gray chewed the steak in his mouth before responding.

"A spoiled brat from a wealthy family who has no idea how to waste his money and tries to waste in anyway possible." Gray was plainly lying, but Ace had no knowledge.

Ace wasn't convinced. He couldn't care less about being spoilt, but Gray's behavior of spending money resembled that of a brat, while his behavior of interacting with him did not.

"Whatever, you lot of fools," "Follow me outside!"

Ace followed the bunch of goons out of the building. Soon after, there was a tremendous quantity of light from the fire outside the structure.

Gray was once again fascinated with his food, excessively preoccupied with little details of taste.

'A war between Whitebeard and the Marines would be exciting.'