
Chapter 9: North Blue

Standing at the helm of the ship I kept it on course.

While my eyes focused on the Red Line directly in front of us.

Looking at I have to say neither the anime nor the manga did it justice.

The thing is fucking massive.

It's so tall I can't even see the top of it.

Seeing this and remembering how Fisher Tiger will climb this thing in the future just makes me realize how much a GOAT and a fish-man of focus, commitment and sheer fucking will he is.

Which is one of the reasons I'll save his life in the future.

Because Fisher-Tiger could do a lot of good for the fish-men race. Not to mention if he stays alive Arlong won't leave the Fishmen pirates and end up in the East Blue to terrorize Nami and her village and kill Bell-mere.

I mean sure that could potentially cause Nami and Luffy not to meet.

But do I care? Absolutely not.

Besides, I'm sure with Luffy's plot armor those two will meet anyway so in the long run what I'm doing by changing the timeline will be negligible.

And if it isn't. Well once again I don't give two fucks.

As the ship got closer and closer to the Red Line I turned my gaze away from the massive continent and instead focused it on the port I was sailing the ship towards.

The port which will allows us to cross the Red Line and get from the East Blue to the North Blue.

Looks like those rumors I heard weren't fase.


Since I would've been really irritated if they were.

In no time at all the ship reached the port, and I docked it alongside numerous other ships that were there. Some pirate ships, others government ships, while some were merchant vessels. It was a broad assortment.

Once the docking was complete I went below deck and woke up Atalanta.

Then after doing so I left her to watch the ship while I went and made the arrangements for our crossing from East to North.

Which didn't take nearly as long as I thought it would have.

Though I did have to pay a hefty amount for the people running the operation to transport the ship across to the North Blue along with me and Atalanta.

But it's like they say 'You have to spend money to make money'.

Atalanta and I needed the ship. It was the only one we had at the moment. So I didn't complain and simply paid the fees.

Then once I did so things moved quickly.

Atalanta, our ship, and myself were taken to the top of the Red Line using one of those same elevation systems that were shown during the Reveverie Arc.

Then as soon as we reached the top we were transferred over to a large cart being pulled my giant animals.

Once we were we began crossing the top of the Red Line, which took an entire week, until eventually we arrived at another station.

When we did so the same elevation system was used to lower me, Atalanta, and our ship to the bottom of the Red Line once more.

But now we were no longer in the East Blue but the North Blue.

Having completed the crossing successfully.

The moment we were on the water Atalanta unfurled the sail and we set sail.

Me ready to explore the brand new sea we had just arrived in.


Sitting in a café Atalanta and I enjoyed a nice lunch.

It's been two weeks since we made our way to the North Blue and things have been going well.

We've visited several islands, and clashed with and defeated several pirates that have attacked us. 

Namely because they wanted to capture Atalanta.

The pirates who attacked us having said so themselves.

But none of those bastards ever laid a single finger on her. Atalanta herself and I made sure of it.

Since there is no way I was letting any of those bastards harm my crewmate. I've also come to learn that those who touch Atalanta without her permission are in for a world of pain and misery.

So it must've really sucked to be those guys.

Not that I feel sorry for them in the slightest.

Finishing up my food I dabbed my mouth with the napkin I had laid over my left knee. Since although I am a pirate there is no reason for me not to practice proper table manners when I can.

Unlike certain people.


Atalanta finished her food shortly after I did. "So, what's our next move?" She asked me.

Since recently we haven't really been doing anything constructive. We've just been sailing without any destination in mind.

"I'm not sure." I replied. "Ideally I would like to get a proper ship while here in the North Blue and maybe recruit some more crewmates before we move onto our next destination." I explained. "But we're in no rush so let's just keep doing what we're doing. Unless you have something you would like to do in mind?"

"No, just checking is all." Atalanta replied.

Then right after she did a man stopped in front of our table. "Excuse me?"

I turned to face him. "Yes, can we help you?" I asked.

"Sorry, I couldn't help but overhear your conservation. You say you are looking for a place to acquire a ship?"

"That's right. Why?" Atalanta spoke to the man.

"Well if that is what you are looking for then there is no better place in all of North Blue to get one but Craft Island." He told us.

"Really?" I questioned.

"Oh yes." The man replied. "That's where I acquired my own vessel from some ten years ago and it's seen me across the North Blue and even to the Grand Line and back a couple of times." He told us.

"I see. Well thanks for letting us know." I said.

"No problem." The man replied. "Now I'll let you two kids get back to your date." He spoke.

The man then walked off.

As he did I noticed Atalanta get a hint of pink on her cheeks, and her tail started waving back and forth rather vigorously. "D-date. What nonsense, is that man on? This isn't a date!" She denied.

"Well it can be, if you want it too." I spoke.

Which caused Atalanta to look directly at me. 

The moment she did I flashed her a charming smile. "Anyway, looks like we have our next destination. Craft Island." I spoke.

Which in turn caused Atalanta to drop the embarrassed look from her face and give me a deadpan look instead. "Haha, very funny Achilles." She dryly spoke.

"Eh, I try." I replied. "Also, who said I was joking?" I asked.

Since Atalanta is a very beautiful girl and I wouldn't mind our relationship becoming something more.

Hearing my words Atalanta changed her expression to one of surprise once more. She then stuttered for a few seconds before finally replying to my words.

"Whatever." She retorted.

The two of us then paid for our lunch and returned to the ship.

Setting our next destination as Craft Island.

Where hopefully we could acquire a proper ship.

As we set sail I noticed Atalanta glancing at me.

Which tells me she's not closed off to the idea of our relationship evolving past its current point.



A/N: Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Advanced chapters of this story are available on my Paetron.

Here is the link: patreon.com/ArifuretaForever