
Chapter 10: Craft Island

A book my in my hands I sat in a chair on the deck of the ship and read it, while Atalanta took her turning in steering the ship.

Since until we get a proper helmsman, and other crewmembers, I've decided to cross-train my crew to fulfill various duties onboard the ship until we can find individuals to fill the open positions.

Though I know that is really only a stop-gap where certain positions on the crew are concerned. Like navigator and doctor.

But while in the Blue Seas that won't really be an issue.

No, the issues will begin to appear when we enter the Grand Line.

Good thing I already have a solid idea of who I want my crews navigator to be. Now all I need to do is convince them to join us.

Though as for a proper doctor for my crew I don't have any leads yet.

But I'm sure something will come along.

Which is why I'm not despairing.

However I do hope to get a doctor on board my crew before entering the Grand Line. Since that will definitely be the difference between life and death for me and my crew at times.

'Damn. Who knew being a pirate captain would be this hard?' I thought.

Now I slightly envy Luffy and his damn plot armor for being able to assemble his crew relatively easily.

Lucky bastard.

But that's not to say I hate the work it takes to build a proper crew. For I know my hard work and efforts will be rewarded in the long run.

I hope.

Flipping to the next page in my book I continued reading it.

Even when I visually spotted Craft Island in the distance.

I continued reading until we reached the island. But then once we did I put a bookmark in my book and put it away. I then helped Atalanta dock the ship.

Once I did the two of us left the port and started making our way towards town.

Arriving in it Atalanta and I found ourselves surrounded by numerous stalls where people were selling wooden statues of birds, bears, and other animals. As well furniture.

We also noted various individual walking around with different kinds of wood and tool belts around their waist.

"Looks like that man was right. Craft island is the place for us to find a ship." Atalanta spoke.

Me nodding in agreement with her words.

Once I did the two of us went to work and tried to find someone willing to build us, or sell us a ship. Yet we had no luck whatsoever.

Whoever we asked either gave some flimsy excuse or outright denied us. Which was strange since the people we asked to help us in acquiring a ship looked like they would enjoy doing so. But it seems something was holding them back.

This behavior of course began setting off alarm bells in my head.

Making me wonder just what the people of this island were hiding.

After getting denied again after three hours of trying to acquire a ship Atalanta and I decided it was time for a break.

So we headed for a local bar, got a table in the corner, and then ordered some food and drink.

At least the people of Craft Island weren't denying us that.

Finishing off the last of the beer in her mug, making it her third since we entered the bar, Atalanta slammed it down on the table. A slightly irritated expression on her face. "So annoying. Why won't anyone help us get a ship?" She asked. "It doesn't make any sense."

"You're right." I replied. Eating some of my food. "It doesn't make any sense. Telling me something else is going on here. The only question is what."

"Well maybe if we solve the issue then these people will finally stop tiptoeing around us and give us a ship!" Atalanta spoke loudly enough for everyone else in the bar to hear here.

Definitely doing it on purpose.

Raising her mug in the direction of the waitress Atalanta spoke. "Hey waitress, get me another!" She said.

"Yes, coming right up mam." The waitress replied.

She then came and retrieved Atalanta's mug and then went off to re-fill it.

Just as this happened a guy about mine and Atalanta's age, with short dark-blue hair and matching dark-blue eyes, walked over to our a table.

[Image Here]

Eyeing him I saw a friendly smile on his face. But that didn't mean I was going to immediately trust him. Since some people can smile and stab you in the back as easily as breathing.

"Can we help you?" I asked the guy.

"No, but I think I can help you. You came here looking to acquire a ship right?" He asked.

"Yeah, we did." I replied.

"Well I can help you with that." The guy spoke.

But immediately after he did so the atmosphere inside of the bar changed.

"No don't!"

"Stop Wave."

"You know what will happen if you help them. Don't do it."

One after another all the patrons in the bar told the guy, who I now know is named Wave, not to help Atalanta and I acquire a ship. As they did so I saw looks of annoyance and fear on their faces.

'Interesting.' I thought.

Taking a sip from my mug.

"Oh be quiet all of you!" Wave suddenly shouted. Silencing everyone in the bar. "Aren't you tired of living like this? Having your hard earned money taken away by that lazy bastard and his goons? Not being able to work on what you love? Don't bother answering, I know you all are. And so am I. Which is why I'm going to help these two." He passionately spoke.

Just as he finished the waitress returned with Atalanta's re-filled mug. Which she took without even batting an eye and took a sip from before turning her attention to Wave.

"Hey, Wave is it? Do you mind explaining to us what all that was just about?" Atalanta asked.

Turning towards her he nodded. "Sure, I don't mind." Wave replied.

He then sat down and began explaining to what why the people on Craft Island were reluctant to help us acquire a ship.

"You see a few weeks ago numerous pirates began showing up on Craft Island looking to acquire ships after Rogers' final words during his execution. And when some of the people on the island refused to either build or sell them ships they didn't take it too kindly and got violent. Though they were quickly suppressed by the marines who are stationed on the island. Which made the people relieved. Until the bases new commander, a captain by the name of William Moody showed up. When he did so that bastard started charging people on the island a fee for any ships they sold or built. And if you don't pay it then he and his marines will stop you from doing business. So that's why people have been denying to help you two acquire a ship." Wave explained.

"They don't want to pay any money to Moody for the work they do." I spoke.

Wave nodding at my words.

'Well, at least now I know what's going on.' I thought.

A couple of corrupt marines are standing in the way of Atalanta and I acquiring a ship.

Well, we certainly can't have that.

As I started mentally plotting on how to deal with those marine bastards, the door to the bar were violently thrown open and then who should enter but several marines.

Giving the them a wide berth the other patrons in the bar moved out of their path, or even left the bar. While the marines surrounded the table Wave, Atalanta, and I were sitting at.

"You three, come with us now. Captain Moody would like a word with you." The lead marine spoke. A big guy who tried to use his size to intimate the three of us.

But it didn't work in the slightest.

It also made me even more impressed with Wave.

Seeing none of us were moving the big marines brow twitched in annoyance. "Hey brats, did you not hear me? I said lets go." He spoke.

The three of us continuing to ignore him.

Which made the guy more infuriated.

So infuriated he reached out and grabbed my orange cloth/scarf.

Having just forfeited his life in my eyes.

Time for some violence.


A/N: Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Advanced chapters of this story are available on my Paetron.

Here is the link: patreon.com/ArifuretaForever