
One Piece: Reborn as Yamato?!

Suddenly she wakes up and realises, she was reincarnated into a baby. this baby turns out to be Kaido's daugther yamato. She has to deal with her new reality, will she embrace evil, escape or give in. Follow her on her new journey in the one piece world.

Immortal_Sakura · Komik
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11 Chs

#7 Experiment: #47B

It's been another year with the Beast Pirates, i was almost 5 years old now but nothing exiting has happened during this year—just a few raids, Oden's ridiculous dancing, and some construction in Wano. Some newspaper reporting noname Pirates doing pirate things. Business here was handled by King and Kaido and that annoying Orochi. She had nothing to do but to study and train.

But today was different. Today, she was going to see Queen again. She was getting used to his lessons and even started to enjoy them. Today was special—Yamato was going to help Queen with one of his experiments.

She looked downat the file he had given her that wa sinfront of her.

Experiment Log: #47B

Subject: Lung Transplant of Infected Civilian

Virus: Bio-Virus X-17 (Engineered by Queen)

Lead: Queen

Assistant: Yamato


1. Subject Preparation: Subject, a Wano civilian, heavily infected with Bio-Virus X-17. Sedated and prepped for surgery.

2. Donor Lung: A healthy freshly harvested lung from another Wano civilian, not infected, prepared for transplant. Lung treated with antiviral agents to prevent immediate infection post-transplant.

3. ...

She looked up again and saw Queen, huge and menacing like usual, as he stood at the head of the table. His thick fingers moved quickly over the instruments, ready for the experiment.

"Alright, Yamato, give me the scalpel," Queen ordered.

Yamato nodded, her hands steady as she passed the scalpel. The subject on the table was sedated, his chest rising and falling slowly. His life was hanging by a thread, and this experiment would decide if that thread would hold or snap.

"Subject preparation is complete," Yamato reported, her voice calm. "Vitals are stable, and the donor lung is ready for transplant."

Queen began the procedure. His hands moved with surprising grace as he made the first cut, exposing the infected lung beneath. It was a disgusting sight—tissue blackened and rotting, with the virus eating away at the organ. Yamato, determined, fought back the urge to gag. This was what they'd trained for.

"Yamato, suction," Queen ordered. She responded instantly, sucking out the fluid that pooled around the decaying lung.

With a sickening squelch, Queen pulled out the infected lung, the rotten tissue tearing away. Yamato quickly worked to keep the subject's vitals stable, watching the monitors closely.

"Hand me the donor lung," Queen demanded, his voice steady. Yamato carefully lifted the healthy lung and placed it into Queen's waiting hands. The new lung was bright, full of life—nothing like the diseased one they had just removed.

Queen inserted the lung into the subject's chest, reconnecting blood vessels and airways with precision. Yamato adjusted the machinery to restart the blood flow.

"Blood flow restored," Yamato said, allowing herself a small, relieved smile. "The transplant was successful."

Queen nodded but didn't relax. "Let's get him into the sterile chamber. I want to watch this closely. The real test starts now."

They moved the subject into a sealed chamber, lined with instruments to track everything happening inside his body. Yamato took her place by the monitors while Queen finished securing the chamber.

The first hours went well. The new lung worked perfectly, fitting into the body like it belonged there. The virus seemed stable, not spreading to the new tissue. For a moment, it looked like they'd succeeded.

At the 1-hour mark, Yamato noticed a slight increase in the viral markers. It was small, barely noticeable, but it was there. She told Queen, who frowned but stayed calm.

"Keep watching. Let's see what happens," he ordered.

By the 3-hour mark, the virus had started to spread to the new lung, though slower than before. Queen's annoyance was clear.

"Damn it, another failure. I've only managed to stop the spread through air, but once it's inside, I can't seem to cure it."

His tone shifted from frustration to a twisted cheerfulness. "Yamato, end the experiment. Put that fool out of his misery."

Yamato walked over to the man, pulling out a ridiculously large surgical knife. Without hesitation, she slit the man's throat.

Turning back to Queen with a bright smile, she nodded. "Done."