
One piece: Reborn as villain

A class was summoned by a being who claimed himself to be a god. A total of sixteen students were summoned. They were sent to the world of one-piece with one lucky spin that contained skills and Items. But one of the students was chosen to be a villain that needed to be killed to gain one more wish. All students would be capable of learning conqueror haki as a bonus to all by God, so the world government would be in deep trouble. There is more to it. The villain gets three spins as he is at a disadvantage from the beginning. "Who wishes to play the villain?" The god asks. None of the students raised their hand.

i_am_augustus · Komik
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14 Chs


Sasaki had already been cornered and was unable to speak up or bargain. In such a world, he knew that the greedy bastards would gladly kill him for the reward.

"If power combined, they may bring down the world government, and I am forced to fight against them."

Ignoring the injustice, he started reading the book, which included rules and many functions.

He read the entire book, even though it was just a few pages long, It contained the competition's rules.

"To get the item, I need to say."

"Call Item!"

He suddenly got the spring of youth in the palm of his hand and drank it all in one go. In comparison to drinks in the actual world, it tasted ln a whole different league with all the flavors making his taste buds go crazy.

Sasaki had not yet been sent to the real world; he was taking his time. There was no rush because everyone else was discussing their plans, except him, who was reading the guidebook.

As soon as he was labeled as the villain, his friends abandoned him to suffer alone.

"There are NPCs who can trade products or other items for commodities with Belly."

Other rules, in short, told do whatever you want either wreck havoc in the world, destroy civilization, or live peacefully, any way you will be transported in a forced quest that has rewards from time to time.

Sasaki stood up and approached the figure. He was eager to start his new life in the new world.

"I am prepared. Just send me!"

"When you reincarnate there, your entire power will be added."

"I got it! Simply send me there."

He was transported to another realm at the snap of the figure's finger.

'If the book is correct, then all of us will be the same age as Ace, six years old.'

When Sasaki opened his eyes, he saw himself laying on the ground. Nothing seemed peculiar at first. He rose off the ground.


He slapped himself on the face to make sure he wasn't dreaming, and to his surprise, he wasn't.

He sat on the ground trying to remember the activities of this life in order to find his origin. He concentrated hard but had no luck. His mind was completely blank and he was pretty sure this character was created from scratch to make him look like him, as the book said something like that. So, with no origins, that means no family.

He walked out and picked up a piece of metal that was laying on the ground, wounding his arm.


There was a bigger wound than he expected, but it healed quickly, almost miraculously; this was the effect of the fountain of youth, which resulted in God-level Regeneration.

"So that wasn't a dream, either way, and that's concerning."

Sasaki noticed a fountain nearby and decided to gaze at his face for the first time. He peered down at his reflection in the fountain water.

He noticed that he looked just like his previous self, with long black hair and dark black eyes, but he was only a child at this time.

At the very least, I still have my nice looks, but this could be a drawback. I look like my previous self and It makes It easier for them to recognize me.

Sasaki turned his sight and began to carefully investigate his surroundings, noticing the flag of Whitebeard and Fishman's roaming the streets, not humans but Fishman.

He was transmigrated to Fish-man Island, the point where all pirates go through to travel in the new world.

'Be optimistic, Fishman Island is a more secure spot to power up than human settlement.'

He still had one suspicion as he was transmigrated to Fishman island, and tried to confirm his suspicion.

Sasaki dipped his head in the fountain to confirm his suspicion, and it proved to be correct.

"I am a Fishman who does not resemble a Fishman in the least."

'Unlikely, I could be half-Fishman and half-human.'

Sasaki remembered receiving a report card with his information, he would receive one every year, and he should have one with him right now.

Sasaki reached inside his pocket and found a folded report card inside.

He opened the report Card that had his details.


Name: Haise Sasaki

Race: Half-Fishman, Half-Human

Abilities: Flying thunder god.

Ten shadow Technique.

Immortality, God-level Regeneration, Undead.

Belly: 0

Bounty: 0 belly

Disease: None

Items: None

Class: None

Rank: F


"I already used Fountain of Youth, therefore the Item became an ability."

Sasaki didn't mind being Fishman because he could breathe underwater. It was an added advantage for him. He would have been pleased to receive any race but also hoped for the Lunarian race, but he was not fortunate enough.

After he finished reading, the report vanished into thin air. It was a one-time use item.

"I am here in this world but I won't be concerned about the storyline, I'm already at a disadvantage, and I don't see straw hats ascending to power, because those cretins won't let Luffy and Zoro rise because they might be a throne in their path."

Sasaki closed his eyes, trying to calm himself; his heart was racing as he panicked after being summoned.

"Things never go as planned on Earth, and even here. Who would have believed I'd be summoned, or that such a thing existed?"

Sasaki took a deep breath. As an orphan, he had no money, no food, and no method of surviving.

He took a glance at his outfit, which was all black with a black T-shirt and black pants.

He still had the scar on the side of his lips from before. He was a carbon copy of the preceding guy.

'I'm not going to get anywhere like this, so I'll just get a job for now.'

Sasaki began to sort through his priorities. He was still too young and frail to delve into the world of pirates.

"I'm hoping none of the students were born here."

He stood up and began to walk in search of a suitable home and a source of income.

He looked around at the city. He seemed to be well-off based on his attire, but he was totally broke.

Sasaki walked into a store that offered fish food to both fishmen and humans.

He had no idea how he was going to get a job.

He had no idea how he was going to get a job.

He walked up to the reception.

"Do you have any open spots? I'm looking for a job."

The receptionist literally laughed it off at Sasaki, making him frustrated.

"What can a kid like you even do? In any case, we're already full."

"We don't need a kid; it would just complicate things," Another place.

"We need strong labor, not a kid who just learned to walk," Another place.

"This is no joke, kid, go play some games with your friends," Another place.

Sasaki felt it would be difficult to make a living in a normal way as he was never given the chance to prove himself and was simply disregarded.

"It's difficult to make a living properly."

Sasaki had already finished looking for a job. After all of the rejections, he reached a conclusion.

"I'm a bad guy. Simply grab what you need. There are far too many walking money sacks wandering about to rob."

"It's only that I don't have the skills to even rob a regular human."

Sasaki was lying on the beach when he realized he didn't need to work when he could go sea fishing.

'I need a way for refining my skills and I have no clue where to begin with my training.'

"I would have been grateful if someone could have thrown me in a nice training place and managed me a good teacher."

Sasaki dove into the water and began looking for fish; he needed to survive, at the very least, to crush or be crushed.

Underwater, he could see, breathe, and move normally. It was as though he had instinctively known everything from the start.

He began diving far beneath the surface in search of fish.

He observed a swarm of fish and went straight for them. He caught two of them and returned them to the surface.


"It doesn't feel any different from being outside."

Sasaki lit a fire and began to cook and consume his hard-caught fish.

"I wish I had more spices on hand. That way, it would have tasted much better."

Sasaki completed his meal and went to bed, intending to wake up in the middle of the night. He slept on the beach without a care in the world.

After a few hours,

Sasaki awoke because he had slept for too long, and it was completely dark. His drenched clothes had dried in the sun.

"Way to go, I can now train in private."

He started to let chakra flow out of his body training his chakra control, he needed some amount of chakra control to get Flying thunder god working.

He sat in meditating position and began feeling his chakra Inside his body.

He tried to get It outside but failed every time, he had no control over that at all.

After an hour of trying, he understood why he couldn't do it.

"Maybe, this is a restriction."

He picked up a chunk of metal from the ground and used his thunder god seal on it.

It took him five minutes to get a single seal done.

"It is hard, Super hard but I managed to pull it off."

He took the metal piece and saw his seal on it that confirming his suspicion.

"So, I can just use the thunder god Raijin to improve my chakra control and nothing more, I can't even move my chakra for anything else."

He threw the piece of metal around twenty meters far and tried to teleport himself there.

He focused very hard for ten minutes this time and the seal on the metal glowed and Sasaki got teleported. It created a black flash resembling his hair.

"It's super hard, I can't even feel the seal without hard concentration, and making the seal is super hard in itself although I know how to make it."

Sasaki at least knew his ability worked, and now he tried his second ability.

He made a sign of the dog and focused his cursed energy, he felt short in breathing but his two divine dogs that looked like wolves got summoned and his cursed energy ran out.

"This is my limit but at least It doesn't take time like the other."

"I don't need to worry about the abilities from the fountain of youth, all of them are passive."

That's when he remembered that his third ability made him impossible to die thus he could just train all day and night and remain hungry for eternity but he won't die.

"Why did I even bother with food? I can just train daily every day without them, I am too used to the old lifestyle that I keep forgetting it."

Sasaki smirked lightly as he remembered those details, he had no worry about living but just he needed to find a way to get stronger.

"I can train flying thunder god at night and focus on increasing and controlling cursed energy on the day."

Sasaki started to command his divine dog to test just what were they capable of doing, he didn't want them to get killed.






Sasaki recalled the divine dogs and started with Flying Raijin, He needed to fight to train.


He tried using his seal but It was s always late due to his worst chakra control and he couldn't teleport instantly, thus he tried working on that to improve his abilities.


He made marks on different metals and sent them tried on teleport himself, but he just couldn't do it fast.

"This is hard, but they say training makes a man perfect."

Sasaki was drained from all the training he had done, It was almost next to impossible to improve his skills.

"I will try to focus on teleportation, for now, It's better that way."

He began to sense his marks from his chakra and started his teleportation.

"7 minutes!"

"6 minutes!"

"5 minutes!"

"It's slow but better than before."

It was already morning after all the training he did.