
One Piece: Reborn as Eustass Kid Twin Brother

This is the story of a man from earth who dies and reborn in One Piece World as Eustass Kid twin brother. Follow the story of the two brothers as they sail the Grand Line and make a name for themselves. =-=-=-=-=-=-= The mc and Kid will be co-captains of the 'Eustass Pirates' (instead of Kid Pirates). Notes: -No system. -No cheats. -No harem. I don't own anything in regards to One Piece, and I don't plan to make any profit out of this.

Captain_Erebus · Komik
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110 Chs

The Final Stop in Paradise

*Click* Kai slowly sheathed his sword while majestically landing beside the unconscious Moria who shrunk back to his normal size.

Crocodile and Daz watched the fight from a safe distance, and they only approached Kai after the battle ended.

"Nice show…what are you planning to do with him? I doubt he has that many treasures hidden around here. This freak was only into playing with dead people" Crocodile addressed Kai while pausing to take a couple of puffs from his cigar. He was curious about what he was gonna do with the defeated Warlord.

"Well, he has a pretty useful devil fruit ability that I would like to have" Kai grinned mischievously while thinking about the army of zombies he could make with the Kage Kage no Mi.

Crocodile raised an eyebrow at that statement, it was the first time he hears someone talking about taking a devil fruit from a person "You speak as if you can take it from him?"

"Because I could. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that…I can steal devil fruit powers from other people, I might teach you how to do that in the future" Kai stated before their conversation was interrupted by Kid who approached the three, still in his gigantic robot.

Kai's eyes gleamed in excitement when he saw it "Wooow!! You really did it!!" It was his suggestion for Kid to do this, using his knowledge from his previous life he's always helping Kid to use his devil fruit power to its fullest "That's so cool, you should let me drive it sometimes!!"

Kid smirked as he jumped out of the robot, and it broke down to metal scraps "Hehe…not a chance"

"Why not?! I was the one who taught you to do it!!"

"Maybe if you say 'Pleaaaaaase' I'll let you ride it for a few minutes"

"It seems like you have missed you brother's fist of love…maybe I have to remind you" Kai said, rolling his fist with an evil laugh.

"Huh?! You wanna fight?!"

"Sigh…forget it, I'll build my own robot if I ever get the chance. What did you call it anyway?"

"Punk Gunman!! Cool right?"

"Lame, you should go with Gurren Lagann instead…or Lancelot sounds cool as well…"


Somewhere else in the Thriller Bark,

"The noises and the quakes stopped" Gin remarked. He along the rest of the crew took care of the Mysterious Four and some general zombies.

"It's finally over" Killer said while resting a foot on the back of the bloody and unconscious Absalom. The fight between the two didn't take long and Killer managed to overcome Absalom's Clear-Clear Fruit and defeated him easily.

The invisible human could've caused some trouble for other crewmembers, but with the Goro Goro no Mi, he had no chance in defeating Killer.

"Are these guys really part of a Warlord crew? There are very weak" Bonney said while eating some snacks and sitting on top of a large boulder near the defeated Perona.

Krieg was dragging Hogback by the leg before he threw him next to Absalom "This guy is pathetic as well"

"Let's go take a look outside, Kai should be done by now" With a cigarette between his teeth, Wyper suggested.

The crew reunited a few minutes after that. With Kai's order they thoroughly searched Moria's mansion and managed to find his riches.

"Hey, Kai! Look what I found!" Bonney grabbed an armband that consist of two glass orbs and showed it to Kai "Looks pretty strange, it might be valuable"

When Kai saw the object, he instantly recognized it 'Captain John armband!' Kai totally forgotten about it, in the manga Luffy got it from here as well and gave it to Buggy later when they were escaping Impel Down.

It is an extremely valuable object, a map to John's fabled treasure.

"Good job" Kai took the armband and put it on his pocket before patting Bonney's head with a smile 'I know that the treasure is hidden in an island with a skull, and there is only one place with that description that I could think of where its most likely hidden…' he thought.

"…There is plenty of things to do in the New World. I'm excited for what's about to come"

Once they took all of valuables, Kai brought Moria back to the ship and extracted his Devil Fruit power. For now, he decided to hold into the Kage Kage no Mi until he decides to whom he's going to give it to.

He also made sure to take Ryuma and John's corpses and kept Moria's as well so he could use them as zombies if he needs.

As for Absalom and Perona, he just left them there since he wasn't interested in their fruits.

While roaming the island, the crew met some pirates who were trapped in the Thriller Bark when Moria stole their shadows and among them is Charlotte Lola, Big Mom's daughter.

After they finished, the Eustass Pirates and the Crocodile Pirates boarded their ships and left the island.

With a bit of luck and the navigational skills of Heat, the Victoria Punk and the Sea Scourge which was following it both managed to escape the thick mist of the Florian Triangle and its bizarre waters, heading to the direction where the Log Pose needle pointed.

A Week Later,

After fighting powerful storms and surviving aggressive waves and sea monsters for the past few hours, the ship finally made it to its final destination in Paradise safely.

At this moment there was one thing that could be seen other that the blue sea, and that is an incredibly tall, red mountain that stretched high up in the sky and way beyond the clouds. It's the Red Line, and it's still a sight to behold.

"The Red Line…It's been a while" Killer raised his gaze up while marveling the mountain. He stood in front of the helm while remembering how he steered the Victoria Punk through Reverse Mountain.

"We're half the way" Kid stood cross armed beside Kai at the front of the ship. The winds billowed their coats.

"We still can't laze; The real challenge will begin now" Kai said with a serious face before he smiled. It was a long journey for the crew and the two brothers to reach here.

Kai, Kid, Killer, Heat and Wire grew up as street urchins and became gang bosses back in their home island in South Blue. Doruyanaika's death was the reason they united their forces and took over, and their ambitions was what motivated them to set sail and become pirates.

At 18 years old the Eustass brothers began their journey and now they are 21, it took them almost three years to reach their current status, being one of the most feared pirates in the first half of the Grand Line.

"Hoi hoi, are you serious? That's damn huge!" Wyper exclaimed, his first encounter with the Red Line leaving him both awestruck and shocked. Living up in the Sky Island, who would've thought something so colossal existed.

"Stay sharp, the Navy Headquarters is just around the corner and the holy land of the World Government, Mary Geoise, sits right on the top of the Red Line" Kai cautioned. Continuing their journey, an island soon appeared on the horizon.

"There it is!" Bonney exclaimed through her spyglass "Wow, Those trees are crazy huge! And what's with all the bubbles?"

The island they had now reached was Sabaody Archipelago, the final stop in Paradise.