
One Piece: Reborn as Eustass Kid Twin Brother

This is the story of a man from earth who dies and reborn in One Piece World as Eustass Kid twin brother. Follow the story of the two brothers as they sail the Grand Line and make a name for themselves. =-=-=-=-=-=-= The mc and Kid will be co-captains of the 'Eustass Pirates' (instead of Kid Pirates). Notes: -No system. -No cheats. -No harem. I don't own anything in regards to One Piece, and I don't plan to make any profit out of this.

Captain_Erebus · Komik
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110 Chs

Krieg Pirates

[Kita Kingdom, Paradise]

Kai and the others had entered the city, casually exploring as they always did, but something felt off. The streets teemed with armed pirates, numbering in the hundreds, and they seemed to roam with unchecked freedom.

'Those must be Krieg's crew. With a fleet that size, he's got to have at least a couple of thousand men under his command' Kai thought, observing the scene.

"Did they conquer this place?" Bonney inquired.

"I wouldn't be surprised" Killer replied.

Approaching a street vendor, Kai and his crew asked about the situation. The vendor explained, "It's a pirate named Don Krieg. He showed up four days ago with a massive fleet and took control of the city within a day. They've been doing whatever they please since….You'd better leave before you get caught up in their mess"

Further questioning revealed that this kingdom was governed by King Alfred and affiliated with the World Government, so the Marines were likely to arrive soon. Kai also inquired about Mihawk giving his description but he received a negative response.

"I don't give a shit about any of this, let's just beat the fuck out of this Krieg guy!" Kid declared enthusiastically, cracking his knuckles.

"Let's not act recklessly, Kid. We don't know how strong this guy is," Killer cautioned. However, Kai appeared unperturbed by the situation. He knew Don Krieg wasn't strong enough to defeat them, although his fleet posed a potential challenge.

While they were discussing their options, about three dozen of Krieg's men, weapons drawn, approached them.

"Hey, you there!" one of them called out, a towering figure with iron plates covering his front and back, known as Pearl the Iron Wall, the commander of Krieg Pirates' second unit. "You must be the pirates we spotted approaching the island earlier."

Pearl remarked, it was evident on Kai and the rest that they are pirates from the captain's coat that the brothers wearing, to the way the crew dressed and the weapons they carry.

Kid couldn't resist a snarky remark. "Who's this clown?"

Pearl's eyes narrowed at the comment. "Admiral Don Krieg has taken an interest in your ship and plans to add it to his fleet. You can either cooperate, show us where it's hidden, and maybe join us, or we'll end your lives right here and search for it ourselves. The choice is yours."

Pearl's words marked the beginning of Krieg's pirates encircling Kai and his crew.

Kai remained unfazed by Pearl's threats, standing his ground but clearly angered by the prospect of their ship being stolen. The Victoria Punk meant more to them than just a vessel.

"The Victoria Punk is our pride, bearing the name of our dear friend. The only way you'll touch it is over my dead body!" Kai declared, his gaze unwavering.

"Very well, you've chosen the hard way... KILL THEM!" Pearl ordered his men, who opened fire and charged with weapons drawn.

"Repel!" Kid used his magnetic power to repel the bullets back at them, effectively killing some of them.

"W-What did you do?!" Pearl appeared shocked but quickly composed himself for the impending fight "You have just sentenced yourself to death!"

"Why don't you try us bitch!" Bonney yelled before she lunged towards him.

Pearl smirked, "A mere six people won't stand a chance against us. Even if you defeat us, there are over 4,000 others here. You'll never escape Don Krieg's wrath—" Before Pearl could finish, Bonney used her power to age him rapidly, turning him into an old man.

"W-Why do I f-feel…s-so weak…"

Bonney then kick him in the stomach sending hurtling back before she closed the distance again and preform an axe kick, smashing him into the ground unconscious.

Killer, Heat and Wire dealt with the rest of them swiftly.

"He talks big for someone as weak as him" Bonney remarked while dragging his unconscious body from the back collar before she dropped him near Kai "What should we do now? These guys will soon find out what happened here and come searching after us"

"That's why we're going after them first" Kai responded.

"Good plan" Kid took out his pistole and was about to finish off Pearl before Kai stopped him.

"Let's get some information from him first" Kai said, and a few minutes later Pearl managed to regain his consciousness and Kai interrogated him. He revealed that Don Krieg is currently at the port with a few thousand men while the rest are scattered across the city.

Kai killed Pearl afterwards and he made his way to the port.

Upon their arrival, a grand fleet of 50 ships and numerous pirates greeted them..

Kai was dragging Pearl's dead body and proceeded to throw it in the middle of the port declaring his presence.

Kai dropped Peal's lifeless body in the center of the port, announcing his presence "Hoi! I'm looking for a guy called Don Krieg!" he declared confidently, scanning his adversaries.

The pirates looked startled by that, and upon seeing Pearl's corpse, their expressions shifted from surprise to shock "That's…Commander Peal!!"

"You bastards, are you the one who killed him?!"

Kid proceeded to shoot the guys who spoke "That's not the answer we wanna hear"

"These fuckers…Kill them!!!"

Inside the Dreadnaught Sabre, the Krieg Pirates Flag Ship,

Don Krieg was inside the ship's captain's cabin before a subordinate barged in and informed him about the situation.

Don Krieg is a large, muscular man, with purple-gray hair and distinct sideburns

"Don Kreig, we have some pirates causing trouble on the port. They are looking for you" Stated a relatively lanky, average-sized man with short, scruffy hair and slight stubble. His eyes are surrounded by dark rings.

He's Gin the 'Man-Demon' and the Combat Commander of the Krieg Pirates.

"Are they the one we spotted approaching the island earlier?"

"It appears so, there is several of them including the captain"

"Several? We have thousands of men, deal with them--*BOOOOM*!!" Don Krieg and Gin's conversation was interrupted by the loud sounds of explosions "What the hell was that?!"

The two quickly went outside to check it out.

What they saw is the scene of dozens of dead people and burning ships.

"Mjölnir Thunderclap!!" Kai used Geppo to fly above one of the ships and used his lightning wrapped hammer to strike down the pirates on board, while causing immense damage to it. He proceeded to use his Flame Dial after that to blast the ship and burn it down.

"Punk Pistols!!"

BOOOOM!! Using his magnetic power, Kid formed a giant harpoon gun out of metal pieces around his right arm, from which he rapidly fired metal spears at Krieg's ships akin to a Gatling gun, sinking a few of them.

"Our ships are getting destroyed!!"

"—They're on fire!!"

"Who the hell are these guys?!...Can't you even take down a few punks?!" Don Krieg looked furious and proceeded to disembark the Dreadnaught Sabre along with Gin and confronted the Eustass Pirates.

Killer cut down several of Krieg's men before he found himself confronting Gin and Krieg "Faffaffa! You must be the boss!"

"Let me handle him, Don Krieg" Gin said as he stepped in front of Killer.

"Don't you dare to lose to this prick" Krieg said as he walked past them.

"Let's see…Time to teach you a lesson" as Krieg spotted Kai in a distance, he wasted no time in revealing his Wootz steel armor, bright gold in color and equipped with a set of ten gun-barrels, two beneath each shoulder-plate, and three beneath each of the carapace's waist-flaps with additional two guns in each hand.

Krieg quickly opened fire, sending a barrage of bullets towards Kai, who was airborne using Geppo.

*GUN-SHOT*-*GUN-SHOT* Kai noticed the attack and deftly dodged and parried the bullets with his hammer. He landed gracefully on the port, facing Don Krieg.

"Foul-Play Krieg, or should I call you Ruler of East Blue?" Kai said while slowly approaching him.

Don Krieg grinned upon hearing those words "You can call me however you please…You look familiar, I think I've seen you in the newspaper before"

"Oh, I'm sure you have, I'm Eusstas Kai. You're trying to miss with me and steal my ship, so get ready to get your ass kicked you imbecile"

"Eustass? As the Eustass brothers?"

"So, you've really heard of me, I'm flattered considering that we hail from different seas"

"Hahahaha! You're quite famous in South Blue, I guess it might not be that simple to subdue even if for the mighty Don Krieg!" Don Krieg laughed arrogantly, his voice toon carried a hint of confidence and superiority at the same time.

"They should call you Fool-Play instead!"

"You think that would work on me? Do you take me for a morron" Don Krieg didn't look bothered by Kai's taunts "I ain't got time to play games with the likes of you! I'll quickly kill you and steal your ship!"

Without wasting any time, Don Krieg attacked Kai with a Morningstar he seemingly conjured out of nowhere. It had a massive spiky sphere head linked to the handle with a chain in the middle.

Kai easily sidestepped avoiding the weapon's spiky sphere before he grabbed the chain with his free hand and pulled Don Krieg towards him while swinging his hammer at his direction.

"What?!--" Don Krieg was surprised but managed to let go of his Morningstar and used his left shoulder-plate to shield himself from Kai's hammer blow.

BANG!! The attack reverberated through his plate, pushing him back slightly, but it showed no visible damage.

"It's time to show you what the real power is!" Don Krieg declared, sporting a cocky grin before firing an explosive shell from his shoulder-plate.

"It's the MH5!"

"Quickly use your masks!" When some of Krieg's crew saw it, they quickly put on gas masks in panic. Kai also remembers this bomb very well, but he also remembers how sometimes Krieg uses it as a decoy that explodes to scatter shuriken instead of gas.

Seeing that he hadn't pushed Krieg back enough, Kai concluded that this one wasn't the gas bomb and threw his hammer toward it while maintaining a safe distance.

BOOOM! The bombshell exploded, scattering shuriken as Kai had predicted. He swiftly dodged the ones flying his way.

"You're quite cleaver aren't you" Krieg remarked looking a little disappointed that his attack had failed.

"You need more than that to defeat me" Kai leaped into the air, retrieving his hammer. Krieg quickly fired dozens of spears from his shoulder-plate, but Kai easily dodged them before using Soru to dash at Krieg.

SWOOOSH!! Krieg couldn't believe his eyes as Kai suddenly disappeared. He quickly covered himself in spiky armor, but Kai's hammer swing shattered it, sending him crashing into a nearby ship.

"Your overconfidence will be your downfall, Don Krieg," Kai declared. As the dust settled, Krieg was back on his feet, clearly battered from Kai's attack. Without his armor, he would have been defeated already.

Nevertheless, he remained confident in his abilities. Don Krieg removed his coat and unleashed his ultimate weapon, Daisenso, by locking his shoulder-plates together and activating internal devices that produced a shaft and a blade from between.

In addition to its long reach, the spear's head explodes on impact with any solid surface, with heavier impacts producing proportionally larger explosions. It is said to weight a ton.

"The ultimate force means the strongest equipment and power!" Krieg declared with confidence before threw a bunch of bombs at Kai "Hahahaha! The strong one is the one who survives"

"You're right about that!" Kai swiftly closed the gap, employing Soru. Krieg attempted to strike Kai with his weapon, but Kai's speed made it impossible, and the ensuing impact of his spear hitting the ground caused a substantial explosion.

Kai appeared before Krieg and clenched his fist, with a mighty punch he easily shattered the Wootz steel armor, causing a powerful shockwave explosion afterwards. For Kai and Kid, who were accustomed to punching through sea stone and using marine ships and mountains as punching bags, mere steel armor posed no challenge.

Don Krieg was sent flying backwards as Kai leaped in the air activating the Thunder Dial attached to his hammer, imbuing it with lightning. Wielding Mjölnir two-handed, he jumped into the air and quickly spun his weapon above his head. He then, while descending, swung his hammer down with great force, smashing Krieg into the ground. "Destroyer of The World…."


*Lightning*-*Lightning* Krieg lost consciousness and lay defeated on the ground.

"That bastard is having fun against their captain all by himself" Kid said while glancing at Kai and Krieg's battle from a distance.

Krieg's crew was shocked after witnessing that "D-Don Krieg…"


Kai slowly approached his unconscious body "Let's see, what should I do with you…I could kill you but that would be a waste…" Krieg is a sound tactician and expert strategist, with incredible physical strength, he can lift an entire boat with one hand and wield a one-ton spear like it's nothing 'It takes some serious charisma, strength and tactic to lead a fleet of 50 ships. He was just unlucky to come across Mihawk and Luffy…With training and humbling, this guy will become formidable. Thought the chance are he will just try to kill me after gaining his consciousness…' Kai thought.

'…I could also convince Gin to join me as well since he has a lot of potential and he's an extremely loyal person'

Somewhere near the port,

A black boat that resembles a coffin could be seen sailing towards the island, it has candles lit on the edges that burn with green fire. At the center is a mast that resembles a large crucifix, with black sails and a seat.

Riding the boat is a tall lean, and muscular man with black hair, a short beard, mustache and sideburns that point upwards, and eyes that resembles the hawk eyes. He's carrying a cruciform and well-ornated weapon with a curved, single-edged, black blade resembling an oversized kriegsmesser.

['Strongest Swordsman in the World' Hawk-Eyes Mihawk]

Some of Krieg's crew boarding the ships docked on the outside of the port noticed him.

"Huh?...How the hell is that?" One of them questioned.

"Is it another one of those bastards?" another asked.

"No, a man sailing on raft is approaching us" someone clarified.

"Just one? Just shoot him down then"

"Are you sure about that?--"

"—Just do it already, what if he's with them?!"


"You're overestimation your worth, weaklings" Mihawk said, as he swiftly pulled out his black sword and used its tip to change the trajectory of the bullets.

"Where are you aiming, are you blind?!" someone shouted.

"I-I don't know, it's weird we we're aiming at him!"

"You're in my way…" Mihawk calmly rose to his feet.

FWOOOSH!! KA-BOOOM!! He then swung his sword vertically, and released an incredibly powerful flying slash that decimated 15 of Krieg's ships in a single stroke, leaving witnesses in shock. He then continued his journey to the port with a calm demeanor.

"Am I dreaming?..." Someone said while rubbing his eyes from shock.

"H-He destroyed our ships with one swing…WHO IS THAT GUY?!!"

Kid who was flying using his magnetic power and engaging with the pirates looked dumbfounded at that display of power "What in the world is that?!" He looked shocked upon witnessing that, before he got a glance on Mihawk "It must be his doing…Hehe, I've been itching for a good fight"