
One Piece: Reborn as a D

A young man is fortunate enough to be reborn into the world of One Piece after his untimely demise and with the mysterious name of D. no less. Follow him on his journey to become pirate king. Assembling the strongest crew to ever sail the seas as he does so. Notice: This story will be slightly AU.

ArifuretaForever · Komik
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79 Chs

Chapter 12: Wishing Well

A week passed before we set sail from the deserted island.

All so Alfia could get a handle on her new devil fruit abilities.

But once she managed to get the basics down I decided it was time for us to get back to our journey.

As my crews ship sailed across the ocean blue I stood at the front of look. My gaze pointed at the distance in front of me. Where I soon spotted an island where many ships were docked.

"Looks like we've finally reached our destination." I said.

Wishing Well.

The crew and I sailed the ship into one of the islands many ports and docked. Paying a small docking fee after we did so.

Once we did all of us de-boarded and started exploring the island.

As we traversed through the streets of the island we saw numerous shops, as well as vendors selling intricate wooden carvings, and last but not least quite a few marines.

While taking an interest in the first two I did my best to ignore the last sight, nevertheless I told my crew to be on guard.

As they took my warning seriously the four of us continued traversing the island. Until finally we decided to stop at a nice restaurant for lunch.

A smile on my face I swallowed the delicious food in my mouth. "Man, this is good."

"Sure is." Alfia agreed.

"It's the best." Bepo happily said.

"It's ok." Law mused.

The four of us continued making small talk until we were finished eating.

"Ok, now that our bellies our full time to get down to business. Finding a place where he can buy a ship, or finding a person who can build us one." I spoke.

Then an unfamiliar voice spoke up.

"Oh, looking to get a ship are you?" A male voice asked me from behind.

Turning around I saw a young man about my age with messy dirty-blonde hair and dark-colored eyes. A smirk plastered on his face.

"Well if you are, then I can be of assistance to you in that regard." The man said.

"Did your parents ever teach you its rude to eavesdrop on others conversations?" I asked him.

"I wouldn't say I was eavesdropping I was just merely sitting close by and happened to overhear what you are your companions were discussing." The young man replied.

"That's the definition of eavesdropping." Alfia deadpanned.

"Let's agree to disagree gorgeous." The young man replied to Alfia. Giving her a wink and a charming smile after he did so.

In response Alfia gave him a smile that didn't reach her eyes in the slightest. She also started radiating a dangerous aura. "Keep to the topic of conversation you blonde cockroach, or the next time you speak to me like that I'll cut off the thing between your legs. Since there only one man I will ever allow to look at me like you are." She said.

Alfia is absolutely serious by the way.

Seeing her sudden change in personality the blonde man's entire body visibly shuddered. Meanwhile I noticed Law and Bepo were hugging each other, some fear etched onto their faces.

"Alfia, that's enough." I spoke.

When I did she reigned in her aura and gave me a curt nod. "Yes, understood."

"Good, thank you." I told her.

I then reached across the table and gave Alfia a gentle head pat. Which brought a smile to her face.

That's good.

Oh and if you're wondering what that was just now over the years Alfia has developed some slightly yandere-ish tendencies in regards to me.

But she's not a full-blown yandere mind you. Alfia is nothing like Yuno Gasai from Mirai Niki.

Thank Oda for that.

No, her yandere personality is similar to the likes of Albedo from Overlord or Kurumi Tokisaki from Date A Live.

Who by the way is one of my top five favorite waifu ever.

But back to what I was saying.

Alfia won't try to kill me or any women who looks at me. But she will threaten to disembowl any man that hits on her, and if anyone speaks ill or talks shit about me in her presence well...let's just say I almost feel sorry for them.

So like I said, a mild yandere.

But one that I care for so I'm fine with her just the way she is.

Once they all Alfia was calm Bepo, Law, and our mysterious eavesdropper settled down themselves.

"So, you were saying you could help us with our ship issue?" I asked the blonde man.

"Am, yes. I can." He spoke.

But thanks to my observation haki I knew he was lying.

Alfia definitely did as well, but since I am the captain and we are not in any immediate danger she has decided to let me take the lead. Like she usually does in situations like this.

Which we have been in once or twice before.

"I know a guy who builds quality ships her on the island for low prices." The blonde whispered. "If you want I can introduce you to him."

"And what do you get out of this arrangement?" Law asked.

"Usually a finders fee for introducing this associate of mine to new clients just like yourselves. So, how about it?" The blonde spoke.

"Sure." I replied.

Even though this is likely some kind of trap.

The reason I am agreeing to walk straight into it is twofold.

One, I want my crew to get some actual combat experience and taking down the bastards who set this trap up will allow them to do that.

Two, I am curious about this guy in front of us. My instincts and observation haki are telling me overall he's a good person, yet there is something weighing heavily on him. I want to discover what this guy is truly all about.

Call it a whim I don't care, I'm going to follow the path I chose.

Oh, and on the off chance we aren't getting ready to be led straight into a trap and actually do meet a shipbuilder then my crew and I will have obtained a way to procure a proper ship without too much hassle.

So in my mind no matter what happens it's a win-win situation.

Hearing my reply the blonde man smiled. "Excellent, please follow me then."

"No problem. Also, my name is Roberts, and you are?" I asked.

"It's Weisz." He told me.

"Then lead the way Weisz." I said.

The others and I then paid for our meal and began following Weisz.

He led us deeper across the city, until eventually we reached some warehouses along one of the ports.

One that looks abandoned.

"So, you're associate works all the way out here in an abandoned part of town. Strange. Doesn't he want to make money?" Law spoke.

"Oh he makes money alright. He does custom orders that earn him a lot of belli. The thing is he likes his privacy so he bought a couple of these warehouses for himself where he can work in peace and quiet. Away from prying eyes and the noise of town." Weisz explained to us.

Lying like a pro.

"I see." Law mused.

"Yep." Weisz replied.

He then walked up to the entrances of one of the warehouses and opened it. Heading inside after he did so.

My group followed him inside.

But then once all of us were inside the warehouse the door slammed shut behind us, and I heard a loud clicking sound. Most likely the door being locked.

The pitch blackness of the warehouse was suddenly canceled out as multiple lights came alive, giving my group a lay of the land.

Which was littered with a number of men and women pointing either guns or swords at us.

"Hey sorry about this, nothing personal just business." Weisz spoke.

He then walked over to stand by the side of the man who looked like he was in charge of this whole thing.

So it looks like I was right.

It's a trap.