
One Piece: Prince Of The Charlotte Family

Kizaru exclaimed, "His speed surpasses even my light!" Sengoku acknowledged, "He's a true monster with incomprehensible abilities!" Charlotte Linlin commented, "Wilhelm is my greatest creation, albeit a bit rebellious." King of the Beasts Kaido grumbled, "Wilhelm? hic- That fellow is terrifying; he scarred me for life!" Whitebeard declared, "In both swordsmanship and Haki, he surpasses even Roger!" Mihawk conceded, "As the world's greatest swordsman, he deserves the title!" The Five Elders remarked, "His ambition rivals that of Rocks!" _____________________________________________________________ Support me and read additional chapters on my Patreon: patreon.com/ChaosTranslation It will motivate me to upload more chapters :D! ---This is a Translation--- Original Author: Riding A Whale As A Pirate

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33 Chs

CH25: Bounty

The next morning, the sea breeze was blowing.

A medium-sized pirate warship equipped with a large number of artillery was slowly moving forward on the calm sea.

The three sisters: Smoothie, Citron, and Cinnamon, were ordered by Wilhelm to get up early and start the training programme on the first day.

From now on, they had to get up early every morning and practice swordsmanship for more than two hours before they could stop to rest and enjoy a delicious breakfast. Then they could rest for half an hour.

And then... keep training...

Facing the stern Wilhelm, the faces of the three sisters collapsed, and they complained endlessly. It happened that this was a bet they had agreed to with full confidence.

And the executor, their dearest younger brother, couldn't bear to break the contract at all. After two hours, the three sisters were already sweating profusely.

But Wilhelm practised with them, urging them in a disguised form, unwilling to lose face in front of his sisters and that no one cheated or played tricks.

"This is the styles' cultivation method, Sister Smoothie; you can learn it next!"

The four siblings finished their breakfast. Wilhelm raised a palm-sized notebook in his hand and threw it to the three sisters.

This was the loot captured from Ghost Spider yesterday. On it, not only was the six-style practice method written but also his experience and lessons learned from practicing the six-style.

"Hey, Wilhelm..."

Listening to the practice plan that Wilhelm arranged for them, the three sisters all looked at their younger brother in surprise. "You want us all to practice the moonwalk of those guys in the Navy?"

"The 'Six Forms' is an advanced physical skill summed up by the world government after hundreds of years of continuous modification and improvement. It is indeed unique."

Wilhelm shrugged. "Shave, Finger Pistol, Iron Body, Moonwalk, Tempest Kick, Paper Arts, and others are easy to talk about. If you are not interested, you don't need to learn, but you must learn Moonwalk!"

For him, Shave, Finger Pistol, Moonwalk, Tempest Kick, and other physical skills were mastered through years of solitary practice, relying on his amazing talent and monster-like physical fitness. He had also consulted with Katakuri and others who had fought against the Grandmaster's "six styles" in Marines to simulate, try, and master them one by one.

Paper Art, Iron Body, and the like were rather tasteless to him, as he was born with copper skin and iron bones, invulnerable to weapons and guns, and had already awakened Observation Haki. But with his talent and physical fitness, it wouldn't take much effort to master them.

On the contrary, he was very interested in the profound meaning of the six-style "Six King Pistol" and the special skills such as "life return.".

The Six King Pistol was an attack move that could create astonishing shock waves.

With the Life Return, one could freely control their body, hair, and internal organs. As long as one poured their consciousness into it, they could control any part of their body.

Like the dead Vice Admiral Ghost Spider.

Through Life Return, one could manipulate their hair to gather, using it as an arm to perform the eight-sword style. If taken by surprise, the enemy was hard to guard against. Therefore, after finding this damp notebook from the corpse of Ghost Spider yesterday and drying it, Wilhelm read it from beginning to end.

He had already memorized the content related to the Life Return. However, mastering such a skill would require time for study and practice.

He believed that Life Return, to a certain extent, could be said to be the ultimate manifestation of controlling one's muscles, organs, and other bodily functions.

"In this world, except for the Red Line, the sea occupies more than 90% of the area. As pirates, we often fight in the sea. If we have Devil Fruit Power, we may accidentally fall during battle, giving the enemy a chance to take advantage!"

Looking at the three sisters who didn't take it seriously and didn't pay much attention to "Moonwalk", Wilhelm patiently explained, "Don't underestimate such skills. Mastering Moonwalk can make people stay in the air for a short period and give you a certain ability to fight in the air. It may be an indispensable life-saving skill at critical times."

"And after all, as long-legged people, Sister Smoothie, your leg strength is far superior to that of ordinary humans. Mastering Moonwalk skills, I believe it will not be too difficult for you!"

He had already mastered Moonwalk himself, knew the strength of these three sisters, and also understood the advantages of the long-legged family.

Naturally, he could judge how difficult it would be for Smoothie and others to practice Moonwalk. As long as they were willing to put in the effort to train, it would not be too difficult.

It's just that becoming a Grandmaster would depend on their talent and hard work.


"So it is!"

The three sisters suddenly realized. In this way, mastering Moonwalk would indeed be very useful. As long-legged women, it would not be too difficult for them to practice Moonwalk.

In particular, Cinnamon, who was already a Paramecia Fruit User and had a deep understanding of the sea's restraints, had even brighter eyes. They made up their minds to master a skill like Moonwalk.

"Of course, as members of the long-legged family, I think physical skills such as shaving and Tempest Kick are also very suitable for you. It's up to you whether you learn them or not..."

Wilhelm shrugged his shoulders and added slowly, "In the final analysis, the Six Forms are the culmination of the painstaking efforts of countless strong people, continuously summed up and perfected over hundreds of years of actual combat use... Even if you don't want to spend too much energy on learning, you can take them as a reference, absorb their essence, and integrate them into your fighting style!"

He didn't think that the "Six Styles" were some unparalleled "martial arts cheats", but he insisted on forcing the three Smoothie sisters to study them.

Not to mention stubbornly thinking that if they didn't learn the "six styles", they couldn't become strong people or something. He just thought they had something unique.

They could be used for reference, their essence absorbed and learned from each other. This could be seen as a way to quickly make oneself stronger.

If one stuck too much to the path of the predecessors, sticking to the old ways, without knowing how to innovate or having the courage to explore and open up, then they would never be able to walk their path.

"At this time..."

A bird flew by.

Wilhelm raised his eyebrows and flicked his fingers. A coin bounced and landed with perfect precision on the money pouch hanging around the bird's neck.

He caught the brand new newspaper dropped by the newsbird.

Several bounty warrants clipped to it followed and fell.

Suddenly, the attention of several people was drawn.

"Eh? The reward offered by the Marines?"

"Wilhelm's picture, when did those Marines take it?"

"Two hundred million Berries, tsk tsk, those guys are well-informed, The Trembling Prince!"

They saw the bounty. He was drawn on the paper.

The silver-haired young figure was Wilhelm himself!

The words "Trembling Prince" Charlotte Wilhelm, bounty, 200 million berries, dead or alive, and unknown ability were written below.

Below that were the bounties for the three sisters of the long-leg family, Smoothie, Citron, and Cinnamon.

Thirty million Berries was the reward for each.



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