
Chapter 3

"Hey who are you coming onto my boat?" shouts Nami

"Sorry, the marines are coming so we got to run."

she looks back and sees the marine ships coming, she hesitatingly nods and opens the sails and we run away.

While she is distracted Luffy uses a mini Rankyaku from his fingers to tear off the sleeve covering her Arlong tattoo just to make a topic of conversation for the future.

After some time after escaping, she begins to ask questions.

"Okay so who are you why did you board my ship," asks Nami

Luffy acts like he is angry and turns his head away not replying.

"Hey I am talking to you," she says.

"Don't talk to me you bad pirate," says Luffy.

"What pirate, I am a thief who steals from other pirates," says Nami.

"Don't lie to me, you have the tattoo of Arlong Pirates," says Luffy pointing to her tattoo

She panics and sees that the sleeve was torn and quickly ties her bandanna on her arm hiding it.

"Hmph, you won't need it much longer anyway. I will beat up your boss before going to Grandline to search for One piece and becoming Pirate king." Said Luffy.

"hmph, so you are a pirate, I hate pirates and what about you defeating Arlong nobody can defeat him" replies Nami.

"Che, a pirate hating pirates funniest thing ever and what about Arlong I can even fight my grandpa to a standstill what is he in front of my grandpa." Said Luffy in a disdaining face.

"Please don't fight Luffy-san, Nami-san," said Coby trying to appease the tensions between them to which both of them hmph and turned their faces away. After some time she talks with Coby who tells her his backstory. Nami tries but fails at hiding her laughter and then there was some silence in their journey, after some 2 hours they landed at shell Island.

During this time he fished using his hand like a fishing rope. Generally covering it with haki so that it would not be bitten off and he would not lose his strength, but also at the same time training his weakness.

Nami was shocked the first time she saw his hand stretching after Coby explained it to her she was still shocked that devil fruits existed but she accepted it.

On shell island they went their own separate ways, while walking through the market Luffy asked Coby "So, where is this Zoro guy" and people around become scared.

"Looks like the name is taboo, "says Coby makes an inference

"I wonder why they have captain Morgan to protect them right?" asks Coby

Again, people around are looking scared

"Ha-ha, these people are also scared of Captain Morgan," says Luffy laughing as he already knew why they were scared.

"What! Why would they be afraid of marines? Marines protect the civilians, why should they be afraid of marines." asks Coby.

"Hmm, Coby do you think I am a bad person," says Luffy

"No, Luffy-san," says Coby

"But I am a pirate right. All pirates are evil" says Luffy trying to sound as if he was convincing Coby.

"No definitely not, you are an exception even though Luffy san is a pirate you are not evil," says Coby confidently.

"So, by your logic, a marine may also be evil," says Luffy smirking.

And Coby opens his mouth to refute but no words come out.

"Let me give you another example. Consider Alvida has a hostage, your only chance of catching her is now and if you let her escape she will become much more difficult to find and cause much more harm. Would you choose to let her get away choosing the safety of the hostage or capturing or killing her right now disregarding the life of the hostage." Asks Luffy.

"I will prioritize the hostage." Said Coby with conviction.

Luffy nods and says "Good. But what if I now tell you at least 1/3rd of marines would choose the second option without hesitation. This is called Absolute Justice and is the ideal of sacrificing everything in the path of justice and this is the motto of Admiral Sakazuki. The other two mottoes are Lazy justice which means he will do only the amount of work necessary and as morally correct as possible and unclear justice which is a more objective approach to justice. Even though they have a personal justice system. If the world government ordered the destruction of an island and its inhabitants they would have no choice but to do it."

Luffy could see the shock in the face of Coby and his anger at the world government. But even though Luffy wanted Coby to join him he knew that it would be better if Coby joined the Marines and tried to change it from the inside. Who knows if he could cut down the number of innocent deaths due to marines after Coby became the fleet admiral so he decided to throw him a bone.

"But maybe you can change it, Coby, after you become the fleet admiral of Marines." Says Luffy

"Me, fleet admiral? I don't think I can do it Luffy san" asks Coby in wonder as he imagines himself in that position.

"Then don't think of it like doing something for yourself. Think of it like doing it for all the innocents that would lose their life to the kinds of absolute justice." Says Luffy trying to motivate him and it seems they were the correct words to use as it seems to have struck a chord in his heart as a look of determination came upon him. Luffy nodded to himself seeing this.

By the time they finished talking they reached the execution ground and Marine base.

"This where we must part Luffy-san," says Coby

While Luffy keeps climbing the wall saying "Where is Zoro?"

"Ah, Luffy-san please don't do that," says Coby trying to stop him.

Luffy sees someone getting a ladder and trying to get into the ground he was about to call out and stop the girl but before he could do anything that little girl climbs over the wall into the ground. He remembers that this little girl was Rika, the little girl who Zoro was trying to protect

Just like in canon Helmeppo comes and destroys the food and orders the little girl to be thrown out and Luffy catches the little girl from falling. After which Luffy goes into the ground and stands before Zoro

"So, you are Zoro," says Luffy

"Who are you? get lost don't disturb me" replies Zoro with an annoyed face

"Are you strong? Luffy asks ignoring his words

He just grunts as if on acceptance

"If you are then why are you tied up?"

"I made a promise to the stupid son not to eat for four weeks"

"But he said you are going to be executed tomorrow, "said Luffy

"That bastard" growls Zoro before cursing himself for believing Helmeppo in the first place

"Say, do you want to join my pirate crew?" asks Luffy

"Why would I want to become a pirate, I don't want to be called evil"

"But you are already called evil," says Luffy as a matter of factly

"By the way where are your swords"

"That bastard took them"

"Yosh I will get you your swords afterwards, in return, you will join my pirate crew," says Luffy

"Oi, Wait a minute, give me that onigiri," says Zoro he remembered the scene in the episode and gave him the onigiri.

as he goes back to the city and then talks with Rika and getting the backstory first hand and punching Helmeppo in the face.

After that, he goes back to the marine base and gomu gomu no rockets himself into the marine base. After breaking the statue and causing a ruckus just like canon he searched the marine base for Helmeppo's room.

When he saw the room he felt like vomiting at the level of feminity in the room and wondered if Helmeppo was gay. He found the swords and jumped backed down to the ground. When the marines started shooting he protected Zoro with his body.

"Just what the hell are you"

"I am a rubber human, I ate the gomu gomu no devil fruit"

"So, are you going to be on my crew?"

"Okay, fine but I have a dream to become the worlds greatest swordsman if you ever stand in the way of my dream I will kill you personally"

"if you want to be on the pirate king's crew that is the minimum, Welcome to the crew First mate"

And Luffy uses the swords to cut the ropes as just in time Captain Morgan appears. Luffy didn't want all the drama so he just threw a haki infused gomu gomu no pistol to Morgan which sent him crashing into the wall and fainting.

He looks back to see Helmeppo approaching Coby with a gun and uses conquerors haki to knock him out. "Oi who is the second in command here," asks Luffy.

"it is commander Ripper, "one of the soldiers says and out of the soldier's commander Ripper comes out.

"Thank you for helping us." Says Ripper.

"It is okay. Can you get a Den Den Mushi which can connect to Hq and please ask for my grandpa, His name is Monkey D. Garp" asks Luffy which makes everyone look at him with jaws agape. Just at this time, he sees Nami trying to sneak out of the base. Ripper follows his Gaze and notices Nami.

"Hey you stop" shouts Ripper

"Don't worry, she is with me," says Luffy

"Yes, Yes I am with the captain" and she comes and stands behind Luffy's back.

After that Ripper gets a big Den Den Mushi and calls Hq.

Pururpuru, Gacha "This is Marine Hq. Please state your business." Asks a Marine.

"This is commander Ripper Marine code 540312152. Please connect the Line to Vice-Admiral Garp." Says Ripper. After some time Puru Puru Puru Puru, Gatcha.

"Moshi Moshi, Vice Admiral Garp here." He shouts.

"Yo Gramps, it's me Luffy," says Luffy. Out of the corner of his eyes, he sees Nami's eyes widen when she hears Garp's voice and then when she hears Luffy calling him gramps her eyes further widen.

"Luffy, Are you ready to join the Marines now. " Asks Garp.

"What Marine? When did I say I would be joining the Marines." Asks Luffy.

"But you will become a great marine and you never complained about it before," says Garp.

"Just because I never complain doesn't mean I accepted it, geezer. I just didn't respond to it. By the way, I am going on an adventure to find the one piece and become the pirate king." Says Luffy while picking his nose.

"What you brat? You dare say you want to become a pirate" shouts Garp.

"Yeah yeah, by the way, the reason I called you was because I found a replacement for me. There is this Coby, he is this wimpy, cowardly guy but he has the will to never break and would become a great person if trained extremely. There is also another thing I beat of the captain of shells town named Morgan who was collecting tributes from the citizens to build a statue of himself. I beat him up. Maybe you can also take his spoiled son and put him through the same training."

"I will see about it. But you wait there I am going to talk with you." Says Garp.

"Sorry gramps, but I am leaving love ya, see ya later hopefully not until after I become the pirate king." Says Luffy as he hangs up. Gatcha.

He turns around to see shocked faces of everyone. When his and Zoro's stomach simultaneously growls.

"Oh yeah, I am hungry let's go get something to eat Zoro, Nami." He said ignoring everyone else and went to the restaurant of the little girl.