
One Piece: Nemo's Golden Lottery

The story of a guy who ended up in the world of One Piece. As a bonus, he received the Golden Lottery, in which he can win almost anything from the worlds of the omniverse. To buy lottery tickets, the MC will have to work hard, because the more he uses the lottery, the more expensive the next ticket will cost. Watch the life of a guy in this wonderful and dangerous world, while he has the advantages of different worlds, which at times are too unfair. ---------------------- This is my side story that I wrote to take a break from the main story, so don't expect too many updates. --------------------- Main story: https://www.webnovel.com/book/alexander-benjamin-tennyson_21838734606164605 My patr*eon: https://www.patreon.com/zeckyll11 --------------------- I don't know English at all, so I use Google Translate for translation, so there is no point in complaining about the grammar, but in the future I will try to find an editor like on the main story.

Zeckyll11 · Komik
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35 Chs

21. Ninth Ticket


Go to my pat*reon and you can get 3 chapters ahead.

https:// www.patr*eon.com/zeckyll11


Deciding to postpone my saber training until the evening, I was about to use the gacha again, as I was wondering what I would get this time, but I was interrupted by a very annoying sound.


It was the den den mushi ringtone that Patrick was making, whose receiver was being called. Since this den-den mushi is only meant for talking to the inhabitants of this world, and I gave his number to only two people, I knew perfectly well who was calling me.

- Hallo, Nemo is listening. - I said picking up the phone.

Snail's face changed, she narrowed her eyes and made a very sly smile, like a person I know very well. In the next second, Patrick opened his mouth and spoke in a familiar cheerful voice: - [This is Gin. How are you, kid?]

- Everything is fine. Recently, I figured out the Black Cat Pirates. - I said with a smile, trying not to give out the negative emotions that I now feel for this person.

- [Is that so? Well done, they cost good money, zuzuzuzu…] - the old man praised me, seemingly not noticing anything strange.

- Do you have some new? By the way, how is the emergency, because of which you could not say goodbye to me normally? - I asked, wanting to know what lies the old bastard would come up with.

- [Ah, don't worry, it wasn't as serious as I thought. My help wasn't even needed.] - Gin blatantly lied, and then added: - [And nothing interesting happened to me. All the same normal quiet days on Cozia, with rare buyers, zuzuzuzu. There have been no attacks since Bluejam.]

- I see. The fact that nothing happens is also good. Any interesting information? - I asked as I sat down on one of the chairs.

- [Almost nothing, but I think you'll be interested to know that the Marines have a new Admiral. Green Bull.] - Gin said, obviously trying to interest me in this information, although I already knew this.

- And? What is he? - I asked, playing along.

- [I don't know much about him and his past, but it looks like he ate the Mythical Zoan, Ushi Ushi no Mi, Model: Minotaur]. - the old man lied again, but this time with useful information.

- Understandably. Bull is really a perfect nickname for him. - I said, and wanting to end this conversation as soon as possible, I asked: - Is there anything else?

- [Nothing important, but I have information about one pirate. I think you'll like it, zuzuzuzu. Where are you now?] - the old man asked.

- Halfway to the Gecko Islands. - I lied, since I would have to be in this region now if I used a normal ship.

- [Great, you're just close to where that pirate hid. It's only a few days' journey to Shiki Island.] - Gin said, really piqued my interest.

- Who are we talking about? - I asked curiously.

- [Eldoraggo, a pirate obsessed with gold. It costs 10'000'000 belly.] - Gin said briefly.

'Familiar name.' - I thought, immediately remembering the main villain of the first film, and then asked Gin a question: - Is he strong?

: [Let's just say that the current low bounty doesn't suit him. He deserves much more, especially given his Devil Fruit. But he is a cunning guy and tries not to attract the attention of the Marines, all the time dedicating himself to hunting for treasure in order to get even more gold, which, as I said, he is obsessed with.] - showing his professionalism, Gin said.

- Devil Fruit? ; I asked, since I didn't remember exactly what power Eldoraggo had. Internet access would be very useful right now...

- [He ate the Goe Goe no Mi, a Paramecia-type fruit that made him a Sound Man. Basically, the power of this fruit allows Eldoraggo to emit destructive screams from a concentrated sound.] - Gin briefly explained the abilities of the non-canonical Devil Fruit.

- Sounds dangerous. Just because he's a fruiteater there really should have been a big bounty on his head. - I voiced my opinion, with a slight annoyance that Eldoraggo was worth so little.

- [As I said. With that in mind, I would never send you out to hunt this guy, but with your diamond power, he can't do anything to you, so he's a very easy target. Also very lucrative.] - Gin said, clearly trying to win me over, but he had already ruined any chance of that ever happening.

- Because of his obsession with gold? - I guessed.

- [Right. He has been a treasure hunter for a long time, and since he loves gold, he must have a place where he collects and stores it. His personal treasure. I think when you defeat him, it will not be difficult for you to find out where he hid everything.] - Gin said slyly.

- So Eldoraggo is on Shiki Island now? - I asked readily, taking out a paper map and looking at the path to this island. It's really close, only three thousand kilometers, which is not a problem for the Quinjet to overcome in a few hours.

- [Yes, he's been hanging around with his team for weeks looking for information on Woonan. Although, I don't know the exact place where he is hiding, so you'll have to search the entire island.] - The old man said.

- Woonan? Isn't that the famous pirate who is rumored to have stolen a third of the world's gold? - I asked, also remembering that the search for his treasury was in the plot of the first movie.

- [Yeah, but that's just an exaggeration. 40 years ago, Woonan did rob quite a lot of banks and collected a lot of gold, but this amount can not be compared with a third of the world's gold. From what I've been able to find out, Eldoraggo heard the story of Woonan and is now looking for the place where, after his death, he hid all the stolen gold. Apparently, he is not aware that Woonan returned all the gold.] - Gin shared his knowledge.

- So Woonan, did he just take and return all the gold he had spent his whole life stealing? - I asked with sadness in my voice, while thinking: 'Oh, such a jackpot is gone ...'

- [Yes, I even remember what a commotion there was at sea when it was published in the newspapers. Although Woonan himself was never caught, he disappeared somewhere after that and did not appear again.] - Gin said with a sigh.

- Um, if I find his corpse and hand it over to the Marines, will I be able to get something? - I asked out loud, although it was more of a rhetorical question.

- [I don't think you'll be able to do it, after all, it's been so many years, but since the Marines still haven't canceled his flyer, they'll be required to pay you if you provide Woonan's body and can prove it's him. ] - Gin answered anyway.

- Seriously? - I asked, ready to go looking for the dead pirate now.

- [Yeah, Woonan pissed off a lot of people with his antics, and even after so many years, his flyer is still valid. And since it says 'Dead or Alive', if you provide his corpse, you will receive money, although 30% less. Instead of 60 million, you would have received 40, but like I said, the chance of you finding his corpse is very small.] - Gin explained in detail.

- Yes, I understand, I was just curious. - I said out loud, and thought to myself: 'With Nelson on a leash, no one can refuse me and I can easily get money for the corpse. No cheating and everything is fair. All that remains is to find Woonan's corpse. Just to know where to look for it now? '

- [It's clear. In any case, are you going after Eldoraggo?] - Gin asked, clearly not believing that I would be able to do what I had planned.

- Yes, he really is a suitable target for me. I'll just replenish my supplies on the Gekko Islands first, and only then, I'll sail to Shiki Island. - I said so as not to violate my secrecy.

- [Understood, then when you're done with him, call me and I'll give you a lead on another pirate.] - Gin suggested.

- Okay, thanks for the help. - as if I sincerely said.

- [No problem. I promised to give you information. Anyway, see you soon, zuzuzuzuzuzu….] - Gin said with a laugh, and finally hung up.

- Old bastard… - I said angrily, putting the phone back on the snail.

Frankly, I felt very disgusting during the conversation, and I just wanted to tell this informant everything that I think about him and his plans. I could hardly contain myself. But, as I expected, he was really helpful and gave me a lead on Eldoraggo. I would have been looking for this guy for a long time.

I have no choice but to put up with this old man as long as he is useful. Although, I myself am disgusted with the fact that I am so nice to him. But I hope one day, I can still stop doing it and talk to him frankly. More precisely, I will send him somewhere else.

- Ugh, I need to calm down… - I muttered with still suppressed anger as I fed Patrick.

'I think now is the time to use the second ticket. The new prize will distract me.' - I thought as I opened the lottery and spent 32 kilos of gold to see the familiar message.

[Total amount 40 g…

Buying a lottery ticket for 32 g….

Thanks for the payment! Start of the next draw…



Your prize…


< Headgear: Tarakudo's Mask >

Thank you for participating!!! On your account left: 8 kg of gold. The cost of the next lottery ticket: 64 g. ]

- What nostalgia…. How long ago it was… - I involuntarily muttered, immediately remembering the animated series from which this mask comes from.

< Tarakudo's Mask >

< Type: Headgear >

< Origin: Jackie Chan Adventures >

< Description: An Oni mask originally created by the ancient Japanese Magicians of Good Qi to imprint the spirit of Tarakudo, the powerful Oni, the true ruler of Ancient Japan and the King of the Shadowkhan race, into it demonic shadow creatures.

Tarakudo initially managed to escape the sealing, but eventually Tarakudo was encased in a mask, along with his Oni Generals and all of the Shadowkhan. Now, anyone who wears the Mask of Tarakudo gains his Shadowkhan King powers, allowing them to summon and control all 9 Shadowkhan clans. >

< Abilities: Wearing a mask gains a significant increase in physical characteristics, as well as give the powers of the Shadowkhan King.

Shadowkhan are shadow warriors hailing from the Shadow Realms, appearing as beings with red eyes and blue skin, dressed in black suits. All Shedokhan tribes can travel through the shadows and are deadly in their own way, but they have little durability and one strong blow can send them to the Shadow Realms, where they will regenerate.

There are 9 Shadowkhan clans in total:

Ninja Khan - the most human-like of the Shadowkhan, dressed in ninja clothing and armed with weapons such as shurikens and katanas; They are very skilled in penetration and martial arts, but they also have the lowest durability. In terms of strength, they are superior to trained people.

Razor Khan - Similar to the Ninja Khan, but with sharp legs and sharp blades instead of fingers. They are extremely fast can cling to any surface and cut through almost everything.

Bat Khan - A Shadowkhan with bat-like wings and only one eye. They are able to fly, and are one of the fastest tribes, and can even create lasers or ropes from shadows.

Sumo Khan - Incredibly huge and muscular Shadowkhan dressed like a shinobi. They are the strongest and most resilient of the tribes, rivaling in strength any Bull Talisman user.

Samurai Khan - Shadowkhan in black samurai armor; Equipped with katanas that can cut through most materials, even metal. Their armor gives them the most durability of any Shadowkhan.

Squid Khan - Considered the most feared tribe, they have two tentacle-like arms that can stretch and stretch as far as they want.

Crab Khan - One of the strongest tribes, they also have a crab-shaped pincer arm.

Mini Khan - Tiny leech-like creatures resembling miniature sharks can devour the shadows of humans to grow bigger and stronger. The more shadows they eat, the stronger they become. A person without a shadow falls into a coma.

Mantis Khan - A Shadowkhan resembling mantises. Their claws are incredibly sharp and trance-like.

All Shadowkhan meekly obey the one who wears the Mask of Tarakudo and their loyalty is absolute. They are ready to follow any order. Once the mask is removed, the Shadowkhan disappear. >

< Lottery Note: All side effects and negative effects of this prize have been removed and it is now safe to use. >

- It seems that I just got my hands on a whole army.... - I said the first thing that came to my mind after reading the description, taking out the Tarakudo's Mask.

It's herself was orange in color and looked like the evil face of a tiger-like demon, with thick gray eyebrows, a mustache and a beard. In general, this is how Tarakudo's face looked like when he was, let's say, with the body. And his spirit was not sealed in a mask.

To be honest, 'Jackie Chan Adventures' was one of my all-time favorite cartoons as a kid that I re-watched over and over, even as an adult. And although it was clearly low-budget, especially given those terrible backdrops, the story and characters were incredibly gripping.

And what can I say about the artifacts, the search for which was the main acting force of the plot. As a child, I dreamed of getting 12 talismans of the Chinese Zodiac, which gave incredible powers.

Although, in the end, it can be said that my dream came true, and I received the Tarakudo's Mask from season 4, which, in fact, perfect for my current situation.

The Shadowkhan are, in fact, an army of shadow clones who are completely loyal to me. Although, they have more diverse abilities depending on their clan. Unfortunately, as far as I remember, they still have several drawbacks, and low strength is only one of them.

They cannot speak, and although they understand the owner perfectly, they will not be able to answer or convey the message in any way (unless it is written on paper, of course). Fortunately, they are smart enough to follow orders, and do everything right, and without disobedience.

The same Ninja Khans are not particularly impressive as a combat unit, especially in this world, but they are ideal assistants and will be useful in other, more everyday, matters. Sumo Khans, due to their size, is extremely slow, albeit strong.

Mini Khans are useless unless they are fed the shadows of the people of the target city, which I don't particularly want to do. It seems to me that only Samurai Khans will be the most intelligent in battle, and I will call the rest only depending on the situation.

True, I still need to check whether everything works and I can summon Shadowkhan, maybe this requires some energy that I don't have, or the Shadows Realms does not exist in this world... Okay, enough pessimistic thoughts, it's better to make sure of everything yourself….

- The description says that there are no negative effects left, so I hope I can remove it. I wouldn't want to be like that for the rest of my life. - I muttered, carefully examining the mask and not noticing any problems, I began to bring it to my face.

If my memory serves me right, due to the fact that the spirit of the Oni General was sealed in each mask, they could influence the mind of the one who put on the mask, because of which they became bloodthirsty and cruel, wanting to bring as much destruction as possible.

In addition, the mask itself cannot be removed so easily, for this you need a special potion from a unique ingredient, which was prepared by the inimitable Uncle Chan.

But, the lottery has never failed me yet, so I can, will be confident in what has been written about side effects, but this still does not reduce my anxiety, since I don't want to be captured by the spirit of the ancient Oni.

In any case, my curiosity, as usual, overcame my paranoia, so I put the mask to my face, and it immediately seemed to come to life and clung to me, stretching all over my head.

Fortunately, it was not painful, but just unexpected and unusual. Looking at the reflection on the table screen, I saw that the mask had become like my new face and now it does not look like a lifeless mask at all. To be honest, it was creepy. On the other hand, this way I can pretend to be a mink…

- Shadowkhan, come to me!!! – immediately deciding to use the main power of the mask, I proclaimed pathetically, trying to get through to the hidden force, but when I heard my voice changed because of the mask, I involuntarily added: – Wow, cool voice.

My command seemed to be immediately heard, and the shadows on board the jet stirred, and as if it were a liquid, ten human figures dressed in black ninja costumes emerged from them. They quickly gathered in an even formation in front of me, kneeling, apparently waiting for an order.

- Um, I don't know, wash the Quinjet? - I said hesitantly, deciding to check how they perform this task.

The Ninja Khans just nodded obediently, after which they concentrated in sync, each with their own task. One went to draw water, the second took out detergents, which, fortunately, Bobby bought back in Cozia, the third began clean the dust, and the rest went outside, apparently to clean the outer skin of the jet.

'They have amazing teamwork and coordination...' - I thought as I watched the ninja khans' perfect work. It seems that the whole household is now carried on their shoulders....

Out on the street so as not to get in the way of my new cabin boys, I tried again to use the power of the mask, this time by summoning all nine clans of Shadowkhan at once. And it turned out to be surprisingly difficult to do.

I felt my strength suddenly begin to run out when Mini Khan appeared. I decided not to risk it and stopped so as not to be completely exhausted.

'Looks like summoning the Shadowkhan still comes at the cost of my own energy. And it seems that the expense depends on the clan of the khan and the number of summoned servants.' - I thought as I sat down on the ground and called off all the Shadowkhan except those who were cleaning the Quinjet.

- Eh, it won't be as easy as I initially thought, and I won't be able to get a whole army of fighters and servants so easily… - I complained aloud, and then I thought: 'Although something like this was to be expected, still nothing in life is free and everything has to be paid for, in this case for calling the Shadowkhans into this world.'

After a short rest, I decided to conduct an experiment and learn everything in practice. As a result, it turned out that at the same time, at the moment, I can summon the most Shadowkhan from the Mini Khan clan, about a thousand.

But, this is due to the fact that they are now weak and useless until they are saturated with shadows. I think when they get stronger, I won't be able to summon as many of them anymore.

Next up are the regular Ninja Khans, which I can summon about five hundred without fainting from exhaustion. At least, only ten, I can summon Samurai Khans, and a little more, fifteen, Sumo Khans. The number of calls for the rest varies, but mostly no more than a hundred at a time.

- I think this is not such a big problem now, after all, this amount is quite enough. But everything again rests on my strength, because when I myself become stronger, then I will have more energy to summon more Shadowkhans. - I muttered as I finished checking, drawing a logical conclusion.

''But still, which time I can't help but admire the Golden Gacha. The Tarakudo's Mask is the perfect prize for me as it solves my lack of people problem. And with the Shadowkhans, I don't have to worry about food, the place they occupy, and betrayal on their part.' - I thought at last.

Further, I decided to personally find out the level of forces of my new troops, and began to call different Shadowkhan to battle one at a time. At the same time, it will be a good workout.


< Name: Nemo >

< Gender: Male >

< Age: 17 >

< Race: Homo Superior >

< Gold: 8 g >

< Lottery tickets: 0 >

< Next ticket price: 64 g >

< Prizes:

1. (Free) [Character card: Nightwing];

2. (Free) [Vehicle: Avengers Quinjet];

3. (Free) [Character card: Emma Frost]:

4. (1 g) [Weapon: Element Guns];

5. Bonus (Free) [Additional Item: Interdimensional Ring];

6. (2 g) [Special Skill: Outsider's Mark];

7. (4 g) [Ally Card: T-1000];

8. (8 g) [Additional Item: Stark Industries Fabricator];

9. (16 g) [Weapon: The Darksaber];

10. (32 g) [Headgear: Mask of Tarakudo.] >

< Assimilated characters: Nightwing (100%); Emma Frost (100%). >

< Special Skills: Outsider's Mark. >

< Superpowers: Telepathy; Organic Diamond Form; Blink; Dark Vision. >

< Skills: Nightwing; Emma Frost (full list below…). >

< Vehicles: Avengers Quinjet; Wingcycle. >

< Weapons: Escrima Sticks; Element Guns; The Darksaber. >

< Costumes: Nightwing Suit; Emma Frost dress. >

< Inventory: Nightwing's Equipment; Tarakudo's Mask. >

< Interspartial Ring: Mera Mera no Mi; Cloth. >

< Allies: T-1000 (Bobby). >

< Additional Items: Stark Industries Fabricator. >
