
One Piece: My name is Lucifer

Someone moves to the world of One Piece, he was chosen to participate in a certain tournament, but for this he needs to become strong enough. What for higher beings is just fun, for our MC, a chance and an opportunity. One Piece does not belong to me, I write for my own pleasure. This is not my first attempt, but inspiration always left me. I hope I can do better this time. Chapters will not come out regularly.

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8 Chs

Chapter 7

I flew some distance away, used the shadow exchange, and moved to the portal. Well, I guess it's time.

Immediately after I stepped into the center of the portal, I was transported to another place. There was a long corridor, and as I walked down it I entered a bigger space. Immediately the door closed behind me. The only thing else in the room was another larger door on the opposite side of the room. Suddenly, with a creak, it began to open.

Out of the darkness, facing me, came a silhouette, three meters tall, something like a robot. My instincts screamed for danger.

Without warning, this robot moved. A swing of his sword, which I didn't have time to react to, and my hand was no longer mine.

Damn, it really, really hurt. Aura, darkness, light...

I used everything I could. Structures of aura for defense, light for attack and distraction, darkness to replace my hand, shadows also for distraction. But somehow the fight was one-sided. The Guardian was overwhelming me. His parameters were on a very different level. Slash energies cleaved space, another arm separated from his torso.

Shit, what a load of crap. I knew it wouldn't be easy, but this much.

A couple more skirmishes and I'm already missing two hearts. This is bullshit. Another slash, another dodge, and he's hit again.

It went on like this until I had one heart left. All covered in blood, with a tired look in those lifeless guardian eyes.

You bastard machine. Even in the afterlife I'll get you.

Suddenly the guard disappeared from his seat. He appeared in front of me and swung it toward my last heart.

Я... die? What, how to kill this machine? I've used everything, my stamina is not infinite. I don't care about you, I'm not giving up. You think my arrogance isn't justified? You think my faith is weak? Bastard machine, don't you dare mock me. I will definitely become... someone of significance. That's right, I'm gonna be king, goddamn it, Ada. And what are you? A piece of garbage.

A roar echoed off the walls of the room, something from my very soul burst out. It was as if time itself had stopped, truly, this awakening of the future King. Now his words are not empty words.

Lucifer - "Distortions of Space," disappear the piece of garbage.

Space warped. And the guardian just disintegrated. Wandered off into space.

I fell, and then I rolled down the wall, and then I went down the wall.

It was... hard. I almost died. But why do I feel so good. I don't have two arms, I'm missing six hearts. But I feel so easy. Fine, a smile bloomed on my face. Is this the goal. To become the King of Hell? Haven't I said that before. Did I lack confidence? Ha-ha-ha-ha, thank you piece of metal, at least it helped me in some way.

Suddenly one of the doors opened. A beautiful woman entered the room, purple hair, the same eyes, and a black dress.

Lucifer - Who are you?

A hoarse voice that was hard to make out came out of my throat.

??? - Please, don't overwork yourself, Master. You have passed the test, which means you are now the owner of this Garden.

You should rest.

Lucifer, who are you?

??? - Huh? Forgive me, I am the caretaker of the Divine Garden, Adisei. Pleased to meet you, master.

Lucifer is the freaking Gardens of Babylon. I hope you were worth it.

Adiseyah - Master do you know the full name of the Divine Garden? A worthy master indeed.

What, is this garden really called the Hanging Gardens of Babylon? Come on, if this structure is anything like what I know. Then I got a flying fortress the size of an island. Damn, my head is spinning. On that note, I blacked out.

[Somewhere on Marijoa]

Hmm, did someone activate one of the ancient constructs? It's... dangerous. An empty throne should stay that way.

[Somewhere on the back of a mammoth traveler]

Two pairs of red eyes opened.

Has the new king appeared? Who is it this time? Eh, when will I be able to retire. But this fruit. To whom this devilish fruit is destined. Whoever you are, in a thousand years of waiting, get a good one.

[Back in time a little bit]

What was that? The kiss? With him? Why the hell am I so dizzy? I need to get to my cabin on the ship.

Closing the door behind me, I leaned my back against it and rolled onto the floor. That... that bastard. Next time I'll show him... Damn, was that... nice? No, no, that's it!!! Calm down.

If someone saw Nami right now, they'd be sure to ask if she has a fever. Not all tomatoes have that kind of red.

[Out of love for "Cupid" who created her]

Mmm, it's so hard to open my eyes. I hear a noise.

Adiseyah - Master, are you awake? How are you feeling?

Lucifer - Not good, that's how. My head hurts.

Adiseyah - Here, drink some water, Master. You've lost a lot of blood, it's recovered, but you're still weak.

Lucifer - How long have I been unconscious?

Adiseyah - About a week, Master.

Lucifer - A week? That's quite a long time. With my regeneration.

Adiseyah - Actually, Master, you don't usually recover from an injury like that at all.

Lucifer - It's simple, me, that's not all, hmm, have you been taking care of me this whole time?

Adiseyah - I've been looking after you, Master.

Lucifer - I see... Um thank you...

Adiseyah - What, what? Didn't I hear the master?

Lucifer - Nothing!!! I'm all right.

Adiseyah - Mmm, master tsundere, that's a first for me.

Lucifer - What the hell is a tsundere?! All right, that's enough.

Adiseyah - Haha, as you say Master... tsundere!

Aah, they're just laughing at me. She's mocking, hooh, okay. Whatever, I'm maximally lazy right now. Maximum!!! I think I'll get some more sleep.

Lucifer - I think I'll get some more sleep. Can you make something to eat? I think after I wake up I'm going to be hungry a lot.

Adiseyah - Sure master, no problem.

Lucifer - Do you need groceries? If so, what kind.

Adiseyah - Master, this is a garden, here are the ingredients, the best juju of its kind.

Lucifer - Well, don't spoil the "best" ingredients.

Adiseyah - This is a challenge, and I accept it Master.

Lucifer - As you wish.

Closing my eyes, I sank into my thoughts. This girl is surprisingly easy. Innate charisma? Maybe, eh, is she even human? I'm leaning more toward no. But to be honest, I don't really care.

Oh, yeah, what about the quest? The system, ow.


[Quest accomplished]

[All items transferred to inventory]

Oh, huh, okay, I'm really sleepy. Since everything's fine, I'll see later. Caring, one nice feeling.

With those thoughts in mind, our Devil went to sleep. There was a smile on his face until he woke up. Even he is no stranger to emotion.

(Author: Decided to give you another chapter, I know my English grammar is terrible. But little by little I will be editing the chapters. Don't expect much from it. But a couple of mistakes will definitely go away)