
One Piece: My name is Lucifer

Someone moves to the world of One Piece, he was chosen to participate in a certain tournament, but for this he needs to become strong enough. What for higher beings is just fun, for our MC, a chance and an opportunity. One Piece does not belong to me, I write for my own pleasure. This is not my first attempt, but inspiration always left me. I hope I can do better this time. Chapters will not come out regularly.

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Chapter 6

Once in the sky, the ship was damaged quite badly. But once everything, more or less calmed down. It showed up, the former Skypie god. Well, a quick chat and one freebie, his call.

I would have stayed longer with the Moogiwars. But, quest. Gotta go on a quest to find information, about this Divine Garden. Before I leave, I leave one of my shadows behind. So that if anything happened, I could make an exchange.

Lucifer - I guess I should go, thanks for the "comfortable" trip.

Luffy - Leaving already?

Lucifer - Yeah, I wanted to stay longer, but something urgent came up. See you soon. Miss Robin, be careful. Reaper...

I took off on the Reaper's back and headed even higher into the sky.

Luffy, Usopp, Chopper - Dad, cool!!!!

Zoro - He had a bird like that?

Sanji - Then why didn't he use it to get here?

Luffy - Maybe he just didn't want one?

Nami - Yeah, or rather Robin.

Robin - Jealous?

Nami - Wha... what?!

It was getting harder and harder to break through the clouds. Then I created a drill of sorts out of the darkness. I didn't know where I was now. But for some reason I felt I had to go higher. From behind the clouds, the head of the sea monster appeared. One precise blow and the monster was gone. On second thought, I decided to retrieve some shadows. An army of shadowy sea monsters.

Got a little distracted from my target and nailed a couple of sea monsters. Then continued to fly upwards. At one point, felt it was time to stop. Noticed the ground after flying a bit. I descended from the Reaper and decided to look around. The island was strange. A pile of ruins, as if it had once been a city. It was on a scale I hadn't seen in the anime.

Walking down a couple of streets, I realized one thing, all the records are in a different language. I wonder if Robin could read them. Okay, where's the most important stuff usually? Right downtown.

The fortress, that's what I noticed in the center of the island, looked intimidating and not at all scary. There was a drawing on the huge door. The sea, from which a piece of land rises. And at the very top was a lonely island.

Hmm, the moment when Skypia rose above sea level and soared to the top? Is the island at the very top the Divine Garden? Perhaps we should look inside as well.

After pushing the doors open, I entered the fortress with no problem. I'm sure there must be traps.

And I was right, walking through the corridors of the fortress, I ran into a lot of traps, from simple arrows, to shrinking walls and walls of fire. The latter, by the way, burned all my clothes. Is that a hint of an image change? Okay, summer look in the studio. Did I go shopping in Mok-Town for nothing? Anyway, this is a great dungeon.

After a while, I got to what I think is the central room. Standing there a construction, looked like a portal from some RPG game. Next to it stood a sign.

Strangely enough, I understood the inscriptions on it without any problems. Although they were clearly written in a different language.

The trials of the Divine Garden. The dangers will be great. But the rewards are just as great. Defeat the Guardian of the Divine Garden and own it. He who passes the test will receive all the riches of the Garden. The rules of the trial. At the time of the trial you will not be able to leave the test room, for this you must pass the trial. To begin the challenge go to the center of the teleporter. Good luck.

Oh, man, the system, did your twin brother write this? There's no "more".

Hmm... the alarm from the shadow I left with the mugivars. Are they fighting with Enel yet? Has it been that long since we've been apart? Have they met him yet? See through the eyes of the shadow I left with them.

Hmm, the orb test. I see, I see. Well, they can do that on their own. I'll do mine later. Here's an idea, Enel, ha-ha-ha, meet you soon, fake "God." "God" versus the Devil, sounds epic.

Yeah, what am I supposed to do in the meantime? I found the Garden pretty quickly. Of course I want to get through the quest faster. But I'm sure it's called Divine for a reason. I'm not afraid, but you never know. What's the rush? Okay, go show off in front of the Moogiwars? (Author: Yeah, exactly in front of everyone, definitely not someone.)

I left the shadow right in the room with the portal, reached the edge of the island, looked down, felt in what direction the shadow was. I summoned the Reaper and raced down. When did the game of survival start? I want to be a part of it, too.

When I got to the approximate location of the mughiwar, I saw destruction. I saw a few silhouettes.

They were talking about something.

Enel - What nerve! А? Who the hell is that?

Saying that, he turned his head in my direction.

Enel - Unregistered member?

Muguivarians - Lucifer? What are you doing here?

Lucifer - Haha, just finishing up my business and having a little fun. Robin-san, I told you. Be more careful.

Enel - How sentimental.

Immediately after these words, the lightning left his finger, heading toward me.

Lucifer - You're kind of slow for lightning. Even with the will of observation it's hard to react, isn't it? Ha ha. Thought I'd leave you to someone else. But, how am I any worse?

I learned something during my training. An aura is like a will, only it's more versatile. So if I use the aura in my attacks. I'll be able to inflict damage on fruitionists.

Lucifer - Show me your power, false "God. Judgment of the Devil.

The sky was covered in spears of light, the aura made them seem even larger. Just as instantly as they had appeared, they struck their target.

Enel - What? How could you hurt me?

Saying this in complete shock and with his mouth full of blood, Enel was perplexed.

Everyone - What? He was able to hurt Enel?

Lucifer - You're nothing but garbage, a powerful devil fruit, that's all your power.

Enel - Oh, you "30 million volts."

Shit, that was fast. This is going to hurt. It did hurt a lot. But after a few seconds, I even got used to it a little. On the outside, I didn't look any better.

Enel - That's a lot of words, and here you are the one I was talking about. Your power, strong devil fruit, ha ha ha.

Lucifer - I'm just "getting used to it.

Activating the dark mark, covering his arms and legs with darkness and an aura, he decided to move into close combat. In an instant he was in front of Enel and launched an attack.

Lucifer - Death Pulse.

A hail of blows fell on the "God. Even with the will of observation, he could hardly dodge.

Enel - "200 million volts.

Using his strongest attack, he transformed into a huge silhouette of lightning.

Lucifer - Playing big? "Judgment of the Devil, punishment for the false God.

Releasing an enormous amount of golden aura, he formed, ten meters tall, a Bodhisattva.

Lucifer the Golden Strom.

All six arms of the Bodhisattva went into motion. The attacks went on seemingly endlessly. I, too, was taking damage from Enel's counterattacks, but most of it was absorbed by the aura.

Enel - Impossible, I'm a God? How could I lose.

Lucifer - And I'm the Devil, how can I not win? Let's wrap it up, "The Devil's Judgment, the Thousand Holy Spears.

Bodhisattva blows, spears of light, it all came down on Aeneel. Under such an onslaught, he did not last long. As soon as Raijin's form ended, one of the Bodhisattva's hands caught it and brought it to him.

Lucifer - Now it's time to serve, Ryden.

The spear of light pierced the false god's heart, wasting no time in using the power of the shadow.

Lucifer - Arise

The shadow from Enel's body rose, looked around, and sank to its knees.

Lucifer - What a malleable shadow, your name is now Ryden, God of Lightning. And, by the way, do you have the abilities of the devil's fruit?

Some lightning flashed through my fingertips. Well, that's good. What's that? Oh, that's right, "Enel's rocket. Ha-ha-ha, that'll come in handy, in the inventory.

Hmm, now that I've stolen Luffy's fight, won't he be weaker? I need to check something. I pretty much went into detail about what Ryden would need to do. Yeah, yeah, I want to replicate the fight from the anime. Make a copy of it.

After Enel, now Ryden, returned but in a slightly different guise, everyone was surprised. They couldn't help but wonder what happened to the guy who fought him. And why is he all black? Ha-ha-ha, Usopp sure does. "Why is he black, he was white" (Author: Judgment, please don't take it seriously).

The fight between Luffy and Enel was pretty quick too. He even seemed epic, original. And it ended with Enel, now Raiden, disintegrating into pieces of darkness from the colacolam shandora hit. At that point, I brought him back into my shadow.

While they were celebrating, I gingerly called Luffy over.

Luffy - OOOOO, this is Lucy. Everyone, look.

Lucifer - Oh my God. I'm leaving Luffy, I wanted to tell you one last thing. I'm going to help you one time. Without asking for anything in return.

Luffy - Hmm, I don't need that.

Lucifer - Maybe not.

Zoro - What happened to Enel, after your fight he came back different.

Lucifer - Ha ha ha, I did something to him. It doesn't matter though.

Zoro - You did all this fighting, all this destruction, didn't you?

Lucifer - What if it was?

Luffy - What?

Zoro - Who are you?

Lucifer - I'm the Devil, the real Devil. Good luck, everything I've done is for your own good. I'll do other things now.

Luffy - Wait! This is all your fault?

Lucifer - Not all of it, just the last fight.

I dodged a punch right away.

Lucifer - Don't Luffy, don't mess with me. Okay, I've wasted enough time already. I'll see you later.

When I got some distance away, I felt someone watching me.

Lucifer - What do you want?

Nami - Leaving without even saying hello?

Lucifer - I already said goodbye to your captain.

Nami - I said goodbye to her too, didn't I?

Lucifer - Ha ha ha, what kind of reaction is that?

Nami - What? What kind of reaction!

Lucifer - Nice... well, since you're so stubborn, I'll give you something.

Nami - A present? What is it? Gold?

Lucifer - Ha-ha-ha, a shadow, I'll give you a shadow. It will protect you from certain dangers. But don't rely on it too much.

Nami - What? A shadow?

Lucifer - That my sweet thief Nami, you can keep the watch as well. I'll take this in return.

Nami - What?

I lightly touched her lips with my lips. And then I pulled away from her, just as lightly. Calling for the Reaper, I took off, leaving the shocked beauty behind. Since you got into the Devil's clutches, I have nothing against it. I've had my fun in contentment. It's time to do my own thing.