
One Piece: My Crew Is Trash!

Crossing into the world of One Piece, possessing the ability to summon for companions from other worlds, it was an exhilarating thought! Then when Zyhark bravely borrows money from the mountain bandit king, to meet the conditions for making a summon, he summoned the wise and intelligent Water Goddess Aqua, he feels that dreaming about punching the Four Emperors and kicking the Admirals it was just that—a dream. Then ridiculous companions like Pokémon's Team Rocket's Meowth and One Punch Man's King appear one after another, Zyhark dares not to even dream anymore. He only hopes to survive well in an era where heroes rise together with this group of troublemakers... www.patreon.com/zaelum [+20 Extra Chapters] [Chapter Schedule: 1/Day]

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220 Chs

Chapter 3

Indeed, Zyhark spared no effort, risking borrowing money from the Bandit King Higuma, and placing infinite hopes on his first companion...

It was none other than the Goddess of Water, Aqua! As the Goddess of Water, Aqua has an extraordinary affinity with water, capable of breathing underwater, moving naturally in water, and unleashing flood-level attacks, as well as drying water quickly.

Sounds impressive, perfectly meeting the conditions Zyhark set for countering Devil Fruit users, and even surpassing them by a margin.


With her intelligence hitting rock bottom, she could easily solve one problem only to create an even bigger one!

Her reliability as a companion, in a sense, was even more trashy than the clown Buggy.

Although Buggy the Clown is also a comedic character, at least he's filled with king-like luck, turning any adverse situation into a great opportunity.

However, with Aqua's luck and intelligence both being poor, any opportunity ends up in a mess! The simplest analogy, she's the type to spend a billion to buy an egg! "You must be Zyhark, right? I've heard about it, don't worry, with this goddess here, you'll soon realize your dream of dominating the world."

Aqua, popping her head out of the wishing well, blinked her blue eyes filled with the aura of wisdom, lazily feeding chips into her mouth.

Speaking of which, Aqua is also quite unlucky.

Because she slacked off and caused trouble while performing her goddess duties in heaven, she was sent to work off her sins in the pirate world, different from her original universe.

In her eyes, as a lofty goddess, dominating such a world seemed too easy, naturally treating this as a paid vacation.

What Aqua did not expect was that, after a brief thought, the person who summoned her...

Stretched out his evil hands towards her nobleness!

"Refund! Hurry and refund! Just get me something else!!"

To avoid turning his pirate adventure into a disaster, Zyhark quickly pressed down on Aqua's head, trying to send this big trouble back.

"Wait wait wait! Don't push me back, not completing the task means severe punishment!"

Feeling the force on her forehead, Aqua's facade of calm and composure vanished instantly.

Revealing her true form, she threw herself at Zyhark's legs, desperately pleading.

"Please, let me stay, going back means death! Please, don't send me away!"

With tears in her eyes, Aqua clung to Zyhark's legs, sobbing bitterly.

Her limitless demeanor and sharp cries not only failed to soften Zyhark but made him even more determined to return her, frantically trying to shake her off.

It was at this moment he realized, the so-called wishing well was not truly at his whim.

Merely 3 million Berries, not even half the value of what Bandit King Higuma had, wishing for a reliable companion with both intelligence and strength was purely wishful thinking!


How could Aqua be worth 3 million Berries!!


As they were pulling at each other, as if reminding them time was running out, the wishing well on the ground trembled slightly, and its bright light gradually dimmed.

Aqua, terrified to her soul, looked horrified, and her struggles became more intense.


"The portal is disappearing, half of my body is still buried, let me out, hurry up!!!"

Driven by a strong will to live, Aqua finally broke free from Zyhark's hands, forcefully kicking and heavily hitting Zyhark's chest.

With a "thud," both fell to the ground in a strange pose.

"It's all over..."

Watching the wishing well disappear in a blink of an eye, Zyhark, lying on the floor, had a gloomy expression, his empty eyes staring at the restaurant's ceiling.

Even with the perfect goddess lying on him, he felt no joy or pleasure.

"Ahaha! In the end, I am the superior goddess!" 

Aqua, successfully getting ashore, immediately stood up, hands on her hips, greedily breathing the fresh air of the pirate world, emitting a proud and mocking laugh.

"Been making noise non-stop since just now, can't you let people sleep, damn it!" A rough voice scolded from next door.

"Sorry sorry, really sorry!"

The proud Aqua instantly softened, waving her hands sincerely apologizing towards the direction of the voice.

While Zyhark on the ground, was still in a state of life questioning silence.

"Hey, don't give me that look of despair, I'm a very powerful goddess, even the most terrifying undead monsters and demons can be easily killed!"

Aqua boasted about her abilities, patting her chest.

"This world has neither undead nor demons." Zyhark murmured.

"I can also purify water, any heavily polluted liquid can be instantly turned into pure water without impurities!" Aqua continued to boast.

"That's actually a nice ability."

Zyhark slowly sat up from the ground, his eyes gradually regaining sharpness.

No matter what, there was no way to return Aqua.

In that case, he could only make her play her part, trying to minimize the losses.

"Hehe, for the Goddess of Water, this is natural."

Aqua, receiving affirmation, immediately showed a proud face.

"Please clean the toilet first."


Aqua dug her ears, wondering if she had heard wrong.

She, a lofty goddess, was supposed to clean toilets, a seemingly meaningless task?

"This is a test of your abilities, I can't just take your word for it, can I?" Zyhark leisurely said.

"Damn, to look down on me, worshipped by the Axis Cult as a sacred god, watch closely!"

Hearing her abilities doubted, Aqua instantly became spirited, determined to cleanse the toilet of all filth.

Spotless, without a single flaw!

Saying so, the Goddess of Water took bold steps towards the direction of the restaurant's main door.

"The toilet is this way..."

Zyhark pointed in the opposite direction of Aqua's steps.

"Eh? I thought toilets were always behind the main door."

Aqua awkwardly laughed, immediately turning direction.

Who would naturally assume toilets should be placed at the entrance?

Seeing Aqua unsuspectingly walk into the toilet and start purifying it earnestly, Zyhark's eyes sparkled with doubt.

From another perspective, such an easily fooled individual with water powers, if trained well, might indeed become a powerful ally?

Zyhark comforted himself with this thought.

At that moment, the wishing well in his mind suddenly rippled.

A mysterious tablet quietly appeared before him.

[Wisher successfully accepts the wished person, this transaction is complete, choose one of the following three abilities]

(End of Chapter)