
Chapter 123 A Big Ship Falling From The Sky

Luffy sitting on the Going Merry sheepshead.

Pointing to the one behind him.

Data provided by Nami.

Hand-painted map by Usopp.

Saliva splattered everywhere.

Then talk freely from his mouth.

A blueprint for the future.

Described sentence by sentence.

"Everyone, keep watching."

"There are only 15 countries joining now."

"There will be more franchisees in the future."


[This straw hat boy is so ambitious!]

[Will you control more countries in the future?]

MR.1 Dartz Bones refreshed our understanding of Straw Hat Luffy.

[Looks like this straw hat boy. ]

[The seemingly simple-minded appearance is used to confuse outsiders. ]

[But this behavior is undoubtedly playing with fire. ]

[interesting. ]

[Maybe on this ship, I can really realize my dream. ]

[Completely analyze the historical truth. ]

Nico Robin also put away her playful smile before.

Started to listen quietly to Luffy's story.

She wanted to see how far Luffy could go.

"We don't need to worry about Marine."

"Because their business is legal on the surface."

"On the surface, there is the Corgi Kingdom providing delicious food."

"The kingdom of Goa provides fine wine and more."

"The Kingdom of Glazed Carat provides jewelry, clothing and other luxury goods."

"There are other countries that will offer their own excellent industries."

"And the superpower Alabasta."

"Alabasta can provide a large amount of cheap labor."

"As a country that needs to rebuild after a war.

"Alabasta, requires a lot of resources."

"For example, a large amount of wood, stones and other building materials."

"They also have fresh water resources."

"This can also be used as a trade product,"

"What's more profitable than selling water?"

"On the Grand Line, I believe."

"Alabasta won't be the only desert country."

"These are our potential trade partners.

"Form a qualified industrial chain."

"In addition, we have the Straw Hat Sakura Flower Kingdom on Drum Island."

"Use your own superb medical technology."

"Come to trade special commodities.'"

"We will also design some specially."

"Items worthy of the identity of Celestial Dragons."

"Make Celestial Dragons money."

"These are all on the surface."

"Of course these are just business activities on the surface."

"The money earned is also huge."

Luffy stopped to take a sip of Chopper's cold tea.

Also set aside some time.

To the members of the Straw Hat Pirates.

Digest what Luffy said.

Nami was using a calculator on the side.

Biliba's calculations.

Trying to figure it out in Luffy's mouth.

The profitability of that great business empire.

Kaya was also there to explain what Luffy said.

Quickly put together a plan.

Mr.4 Beib, touched MISS. Christmas Dorothy with his elbow.

He lowered his head and said to Dorothy: "I am stupid."

"I listened for a long time, but I didn't seem to find anything I could do."

"Am I out of a job?"

MISS.Christmas Dorothy curled her lips.

He cursed: "Pig! You are just a pig."

"Don't forget they are pirates!"

"No, now that we have joined them, we are also pirates.

"There will be a lot of shameful things for you to do."

Mr.4 Beib "I am used to MISS. Christmas is expensive.

This way of swearing.

In addition, he has a good temper and doesn't have much resentment.

I heard that I will not lose my job.

Standing in the corner scratching his head and smiling silly.

Former cadre member of the Baroque Working Society.

I felt a little unsure and panicked.

It's all in Luffy's eyes.

This was also what he, Luffy, had calculated.

After Luffy drank the cold tea in one go.


He kept coughing, bringing everyone's attention back to Luffy.

"Since ancient times, money has moved people's hearts."

"You said such a huge wealth."

"Are the pirates around me tempted?"


Mr.4 Bebu, the first person raised his hand to answer.

"Those Marines at the corpse table."

"Don't you want to get a share of the pie?"

"Yes, they absolutely will."

Nami also raised her hand to speak.

She knew the character of those Marines very well.

Like Colonel Mouse.

There are countless such people in Marine.

Luffy nodded.

Nami is an old partner.

It was normal to interact with him.

As a new member of the Straw Hat Pirates.

MR.5 Beib can interact and cooperate in time.

Luffy is very satisfied with this.

See Luffy's attitude.

MR.5 Mr.5 and MISS.Christmas Dorothy et al.

They all found confidence.

They seemed to have simply figured out their status.


"Here comes the main event!"


Luffy bangs on the wood of Going Merry.

Make a loud sound.

Distract everyone's attention.

Gathered again.

"To stop these people from coveting."

"We just need to cut off their claws."

"And to cut off their claws, we need military force."

"We need military arming."

"That's why Sakura Flower Co., Ltd. exists."

Luffy pointed at a point on the map with his finger.

"This is our secret deal.

"We're going to take over, Crocodile is in this area."

"All casino business."

"I guess there's no problem with that. Do you want to be a doctor?"

"No problem, I know where those places are."

"I have always handed over their work before."

"Crocodile, he rarely gets involved in these matters himself."

Nico Robin answered Luffy's question with a smile.

"very good."

"We would use the casino business as a cover."

"In this location, it is openly controlled by the Kingdom of Oiket."

"Secretly serving as one of our strongholds."

"We will sell high-tech military weapons here!"

Nico Robin smiled and asked Luffy: "Where did this high-tech military weapon come from?"

Luffy opened his hands and shook his shoulders.

For Nico Robin, I have always wanted to explore the behavior of the Straw Hat Pirates' trump card.

Luffy smiled helplessly.

"To reassure you, and to let you know my strength."

"I can show you one of the production lines."

"These high-tech military weapons are produced by the Belis Kingdom on Clockwork Island."

Nico Robin suppressed his shock.

[It seems that this straw hat Luffy has already started planning. ]

Darz Bowness is not as deep as Robin.

It's just that he has never smiled.

It's easier to hide your thoughts.

Daz Bowness has begun to move Luffy.

Same status as Crocodile.

He is a hero to follow.

"We can go through the underworld."

"Selling these high-tech weapons."

"To those clients in the underworld who need it."


Nico Robin couldn't help but laugh out loud.

She finally caught the innocent side of Straw Hat (dbfe) Luffy.

Sure enough, he is a child with no hair at all.

Luffy looked at Robin-chan in confusion.

Don't know why she is laughing.

Zoro also frowned and looked at Robin.

Nico Robin said in a sinister tone: "Lovely Captain Luffy, you think of the underground world too simply."

"I bet you can't sell a single weapon."

Zoro asked with a cold face: "Why?"

"I survived in the underground world for so long."

"I know more than you, but no one recommends me."

"You can't even touch the door to the underworld."

Nico Robin said with a smile.

Luffy touched his chin and said, "That's it."

"I want to keep it simple."

Nico Robin smiled and looked at Luffy.

He thought secretly: [He is still a little boy after all. ]

Zhepu came out and stroked his golden braided beard.

"Don't worry little Luffy."

"In the underground world, I and Sanji both happen to know some ways."

"Do you know the way?"

Nico Robin didn't believe it.

The gateway to the underworld.

Except for a few big pirates, it can be mastered.

That's all that's left.

The secret power CP organization of the world government.

It is almost impossible for others to have access.

If it wasn't hidden so deeply.

Nor would it be called the 'underworld'.

And the whole 'underworld'


It is even controlled by six underground 'kings'.

Their sphere of influence and strength.

In fact, it is on par with Shichibukai.

This chef actually knows the way to the underground world.

It can't be an ordinary person!

Nico Robin squinted his eyes and carefully looked at Zhepu's appearance.

Thinking about the characters she knew.

Each face is like a photo.

It kept flashing through her memory.

Until a wanted notice suddenly appeared.

Golden beard, same smile.

"You are Red-footed Zep!"

"A pirate who once lived in the 'underworld'."

"Haha, I didn't expect anyone to know my name now."

"Ashamed, ashamed, the original 'Red Foot' Zhepu is dead."

Zhepu said with an afterthought look on his face.

[Red-footed Zhepu!]

Daz Bonis and Zala couldn't help but widen their eyes after hearing this.

This old man wearing a chef's hat is actually 'Red Feet'

I was almost recruited by the World Government.

Become the great pirate of Shichibukai.

"Great! Uncle Zhepu is still reliable!"

"Otherwise, I can only package those high-tech military equipment and sell them to Bello Betty.

Luffy knew that Zhepu had access to the underground world.

Smiling happily.

Now Luffy's plan is clear.

[Bello Betty!]

[I heard the name of a big shot again. ]

[Could he be the commander of the Revolutionary Army, Eastern Army, and Legion!]

[It is said that the backup strength is comparable to that of Marine Admiral. ]

Daz Bones couldn't control his paralyzed expression.

"Bello Betty? Luffy, are you talking about Bello Betty from the Revolutionary Army?"

Nico Robin stood up and asked Luffy.

We can't blame Nico Robin for not being calm.

Because no one here knew it better than her.

Admiral level combat power is terrifying.

This is also what Nico Robin fears most in his life.

Three Admiral Aokiji has been secretly observing Nico Robin.

Will kill her at any time.

Like the sharp sword hanging in the air.

Let Nico Robin feel anxious all day long.

And the commander of the corps, Bello Beti.

It is an existence close to this kind of combat power.

"Yes! Is there any problem?"

"I'm fairly familiar with Bello Betty.'

"They've been a big customer of mine."

"I had been selling weapons to Bello Betty.'

Luffy pretends to be innocent on the outside.

Answering Robin's question.

But he secretly thought in his heart.

[More than familiarity, Laozi will be there sooner or later. ]

[We must capture the great beauty Bello Betty. ]

[And the Queen of Clockwork Island is one of my wives. ]

Nico Robin suddenly lost his strength.

Slumped back into the chair.

She no longer wanted to question Luffy's plan.

Because Nico Robin discovered that this Luffy was too abnormal.

Daz Bowness was stunned.

At this moment, he felt that Crocodile was completely defeated.

Luffy has no problem meeting Nico Robin.

Then talk about his plan.

"Ding ding ding!"

"Our main fleet will continue sailing."

"For the great secret treasure of One Piece [and the title of Pirate King."

"So this is Sakura Flower Co., Ltd."

"I plan to leave the main person in charge to Uncle Zhepu himself."

Luffy clicked through again.

Point at them and call out their names at the same time.

"Mr.1. Daz Bowness and Mr.5 Mr.5.'

"MISS. Many Christmases cost money, Mr. 4 Beib."

"You all must obey Uncle Zhepu's orders."

Luffy hasn't finished speaking yet.

"Boom! Boom!"

Suddenly a big ship fell from the sky.

Just pass Going Merry directly.

Just a little bit closer.

Going Merry will be sunk to the bottom of the sea by this big ship. .