
Chapter 122 The Straw Hat Pirates’ Utopia Plan.

"Rebuilding the Baroque Work Society?"

Luffy's bold statement.

Not to mention the original members of the Baroque Working Society.

Even the original partners of the Straw Hat Pirates were surprised.

Nico Robin also seems to be very interested in this topic.

Roll up the newspaper in your hand.

His hand dragged his chin.

Look at Luffy.

Look what this little boy in a straw hat is trying to do.

17-year-old Luffy in the eyes of Nico Robin.

He's just a little brother who plays pirates and runs a family.

"Luffy! Just forget about your usual stupidity."

"What are you planning to do now?"

Nami was the first to jump out.

Although she trusts Luffy 100%.

But Luffy does all kinds of weird and sexy things.

Still very worried.

Now in the Straw Hat Pirates.

Dare to question Luffy openly.

Also just Nami, Zoro, etc.

Several 'old men' who first joined the Straw Hat Pirates.

Luffy chuckled.

His white teeth.

Under sunlight.

It doesn't matter if it flashes or not.

"No, beautiful."

"Maybe Luffy has the right idea this time."

Zoro thought for a moment and put forward his opinion.

"I also agree with Green Algae Head."

"This time we make a big fuss Alabasta."

"Defeated Shichibukai's Crocodile again."

"I guess we're on Marine's blacklist."

Sanji also stood up and spoke.

"Luffy can have this idea."

"For us, the time for the Straw Hat Pirates to become a group is still too short."

"I want to form a big force in a short time."

"Obviously unrealistic."

"And currently we do need a lot of intelligence."

Zhepu nodded happily.

As an old pirate, he is also the head of the Straw Hat Pirates.

Zhepu's opinions are often very meaningful.


"Uncle Zhepu still understands me."

"Nami-chan, now is no longer the time for us to avoid it if we want to."

Luffy said to Nami with a smile.

Because he also knows that Nami is doing it for his own good.

"Luffy! Do you know how much it would cost to form an organization like this?"

Nami still wanted to dispel Luffy's idea.

"As for money, are we really in short supply?"

Luffy said with a smirk.

After all, they have found Wunan Golden Island.

I really don't know what the concept of lack of money is.


Nami was afraid that Luffy would tell her, so she quickly warned him!

Since ancient times, wealth has not been exposed.

Unan's big secret is more terrifying than any Shichibukai.

Luffy then scratched his head in embarrassment.

The other members looked at each other from left to right.

You can see it from the conversation.

The Straw Hat Pirates seem to have a lot of wealth.

Just can't see the light.

And is.

These are the newcomers who have just joined.

There is nothing that cannot be known.

Nico Robin held his cheek in his hand.

Tilting his head.

Use your fingers.

Constantly banging on the glass round table.

After thinking for a while.

Interjected: "Although I don't know how much money you have."

"But what I want to say is."

"Money shouldn't be an issue."

"I know where the money is.

"I want to know more, Straw Hat boy, what do you want to do?"

As soon as I heard the news about the money.

Nami perked up.

Quickly ran to Robin-chan.

"Are you talking about the president's money?"

MR.1 Daz Bowness was a little unhappy.

Although he's now bending over to Straw Hat Luffy here.

But he didn't betray his former boss.

Crocodile information.

MR.1 Darz Bowness's reaction.

Falling in the eyes of Zoro, Sanji, and Nami.

[Sure enough, they still cannot be trusted easily. ]


"Though I don't know the location of all his treasures."

"But in the past few years."

"He used Baroque's bounty for catching pirates.

"The money from Alabasta is still there."

"Money from the underground arms trade and so on."

"I know it's there."

Nico Robin said with a calm and calm tone, smiling.

"Nico Robin!!!"

MR.1 Daz Bowness is angry!

Nico Robin paid no attention to Daz Bowness.

Instead, he smiled and looked at Luffy.

She even fell out with Crocodile.

All have reached the point of life and death.

How could you keep these secrets?

It's just different from Nami's eyes.

Luffy's expression.

Just a little happy.

But not to the point of surprise.

The green-haired swordsman wearing three swords next to him was also very calm.

The two chefs with blond hair and blond beards also acted very calmly.

This made Nico Robin surprised.

Originally she proposed to provide funds.

I just want to find out the background of the Straw Hat Pirates.

[I underestimated the Straw Hat Pirates. ]

[Judging from their performance. ]

[They have more wealth than Crocodile. ]

[A pirate group that has just been established. ]

[How is it possible to have such funds?]

[Sure enough, the pirate group that can defeat Shichibukai cannot be calculated using common sense. ]

Of course Luffy is happy.

Cute Nico Robin-chan.

Put him in charge as soon as he comes out.

Simply skip the part of developing feelings.

Upgrade the relationship to a wife.

Luffy must be responsible.

Now I even bring my own 'dowry'!

Can Luffy not laugh?


Such a caring wife.

Except Kaya and Princess Morty.

there is none left.

Kaya is carrying a Going Merry worth 100 million.

Bring another 300 million cash dowry.

Princess Morty even took Wu Nan's great treasure!

All goes to Luffy.



Zoro punched Luffy on the head.

"Why are you so dazed!"

"Money is not an issue now, why don't you go on and tell me your plan.

Luffy had a big bag on his head.

Look to the sky.

Found many stars spinning.

"You bastard Zoro! You hit me on the head with your armor!"

"This is what I'll do if you beat me into a fool!"

Luffy yelled.

"Luffy, you are an idiot to begin with. I can't help you."

Zoro looked at Luffy with contempt.

"Yeah! I agree."

"The green algae head can't hit you on the head Luffy."

"It doesn't change the fact that you are an idiot."

Sanji was fanning the flames.

"You ganged up to bully me!"

"Stop playing tricks and tell me your plan!"

Zoro attacks with his iron fist again.

Nico Robin was a little surprised.

Other members of the Baroque Working Group were also surprised.

A captain who is so mingling with his men.

They were also the first to see it.

Nico Robin handed Nami a bag of jewelry.

Asked: "Do you usually act like this?"

Nami opened the bag with a smile.

Count the number of jewels inside.

"Yes, it's always like this."

"Why are you surprised?"

"Kinda, after all he is the man who defeated Shichibukai."

Nico Robin said with a wink.

"Don't worry, you'll get used to it in the future."

Nami looked as if she was used to it.

At the same time, I am very satisfied with Nico Robin's performance.

Decided to pull her over.

Talk to Kaya and Kuina another day.

[This Robin-chan is okay, unlike the other girls. ]

[I thought that since I had a relationship with Luffy, I would treat myself as the royal palace. ]

[I don't even look at this ship, who has the final say usually. ]

"Is such that."

Luffy took out a large map.

Hanging on the back.

"We have captured the town of Whiskey Peak."

"We also captured Prehistoric island and Xiaohuayuan.

"We also captured Drum Island."

"He also established the Straw Hat Sakura Flower Kingdom."

"We also defeated Crocodile.

"With the addition of Robin-chan."

"We could easily take over all of Crocodile's territory."


Luffy drew a big red circle on the map.

"Our sphere of influence has come out."

"From the entrance to Upside Down Mountain."

"Just go through this sailing and get into the Grand Line.

"It will inevitably pass through our territory."

"So is the area under the red circle."

"The scope of activities of our newly established Sakura Flower Co., Ltd.

The members of the Straw Hat Pirates began to surround the area drawn by Luffy.

Become critical.

"I have questions?"

"How to manage such a large territory? Who will manage it?"

"And how does this organization make money?"

Still Nami raised her hand and had other questions about Luffy's plan.

Luffy just likes this about Nami.

If there is no praise.

A person's speech is boring.

It's also easy for people underground to not understand Luffy's plan.

Luffy drew another blue circle on the map.

"This is the entrance to Upside Down Mountain."

"This is East Blue.

"I will notify East Blue."

"Build a military town in this area."

"Build a super trading city in this area."

"Build a tourist city in this area on the surface, but actually a hidden underground location."

"It is also the East Blue base of Sakura Flower Club.

"Become a tripartite posture."



Robin interrupted Luffy.

What Luffy said was somewhat ideal.

Robin didn't quite understand.

Where did Luffy get his confidence?

"Straw Hat boy, you are making such a big move."

"World government and Marine will not sit idly by.

Robin points out the big flaw in Luffy's plan.

Luffy laughed.

Open your arms as if embracing the sea.

Say in an exaggerated tone: "Pattern! Pattern! Pattern!"

"You are too small!"

"You need to enlarge the situation!"

"Don't just look at one area, one location."

"This military town will be established by the Kingdom of East Blue Goa."

"This trading metropolis will be established by the Kingdom of Liulikara.

"This underground city was managed by the Kingdom of Ouikot."

"These three countries are taking the lead in forming an economic and military alliance.

"The number of participating countries is as high as 15."

"They are all World Government member countries."

"Marine will only protect them."

"And these

The country prospered.

"Submit a Celestial Dragons' heavenly gold and you will be guaranteed."

"So Robin-chan, your worries are unnecessary."

Just when Luffy was still boasting.

Nico Robin interrupted Luffy again.

asked the former Baroque Works member.

All curious questions.

The Straw Hat Pirates are a country that has only been established for a short time.

Where does the confidence come from.

"Straw Hat, those countries you mentioned."

"Why should I take orders from you?"

Nico Robin asked this question very sharply.

Luffy was about to answer, because these queens were all his wives.

Zoro interrupted Luffy.

"Why do these countries obey Captain Luffy? You don't have to worry about it."

"Luffy, as the superior one."

"There's no need to tell everything.

As the vice-captain of the Straw Hat Pirates.

Zoro needs to keep some of his intelligence hidden.

Not entirely out of necessity.

Zoro currently doesn't trust these new members enough.

Especially since they were enemies before.

Sanji also pulled Luffy's ear.

"々, for some things, we can have a small meeting alone."

"Don't be loud and say everything to the outside world."

Luffy was educated by Zoro and Sanji.

Calm down.


Robin-chan is not yet his official wife.

There are also some members of the Baroque Working Society.

Nor was she completely devoted to him.

Sure enough, it's good to have reliable teammates.

Always remind Luffy not to make mistakes at critical moments.

"The specific reasons are very complicated and I won't be able to explain them for a while."

"Anyway, these countries will probably agree with me.

After Luffy reorganized the language.

Said to Robin-chan and the people from the former Baroque Co., Ltd.

This shocked Nico Robin.

Judging from the reactions of Zoro and Sanji.

Everything Luffy said was true.

The three countries in East Blue are the first.

A major league of 15 countries.

He actually listens to the orders of a little pirate!

And the world government doesn't know this news!!!

And I still plan to.

Organize a Sakura Flower Co., Ltd.

Secretly connecting these countries together.

MR.1 Daz Bowness was also shocked.

He followed the Baroque Works Society over the years.

You know, Sir Crocodile.

A veteran pirate.

The kind that challenged the Whitebeard Pirates.

With the legal status of Seven Warlords of the Sea.

In pursuit of Alabasta.

How much energy and planning went into it behind the scenes?

In the end it was all in vain.

This straw hat boy actually has such a big strategy.

It also successfully controlled 15 countries.

Is he the one who realizes the legendary Utopia?

MISS.Finger Zala with both hands.

After listening to what Robin said on the way.

Now it's all in my head.

Something buzzes.

I'm starting to get confused about the current situation.


She is now committed to Luffy.

Be his woman.

this life.

There is probably no way to get away from Luffy.

But these are entirely for self-preservation.

She had heard of MISS. Valentine's experiences.

(Zhao Qian's) The Downfall of Crocodile.

And that Kuina who keeps trying to hack her to death.

All of the above reasons.

As a result, Zala desperately wanted to find someone who could protect her life.

But Zala didn't expect it either.

This Luffy's power.

Actually with Sir Crocodile from Seven Warlords of the Sea.

There is no difference.

Oh no.

With help from Nico Robin.

He will definitely take over some of Sir Crocodile's forces.

Then the forces behind Luffy will definitely surpass him.

This kind of pirate is not a Shichibukai?

This kind of pirate is still unknown!

Then there is only one reason!

The world government does not know that this character exists!!!

He seems to have a carefree personality.

I didn't expect the city to be hidden so deeply.

MISS. Valentine Michita, MISS. Golden Week Mariano.

Looking at each other, they saw the shock in each other's eyes.

[She doesn't know either!]

Because they don't have access to high-level information like Robin.

So like MISS. Valentine and MISS. Golden Week they were surprised.

More like.

Works for a well-known large company called Baroque Works.

The boss is the famous Shichibukai.

This kind of big shot has a name on the rich list.

I thought I could sit back and relax.

Of course I try my best to help my boss.

The result was sudden poor management.

The boss was overthrown by his opponent.

The entire company was affected.

Fortunately, the new boss isn't too bad either.

Don't bear any grudges against them as hostile forces before.

Didn't give them to Marine in exchange for money.

He is also willing to let these old employees continue to work for him.

As a result, the new boss announced plans for the new company today.

Found this new company.

The scale is actually not much different from the previous companies.

Although there is no list.

But it is also a hidden rich man.

How can other members do this?

Not surprised!

Not shocked!

Their future is still bright, Chun!

"This new job doesn't seem too bad."

"I don't know how much treatment I'll give.",