
One Piece : Kisame

Move to the world of One Piece Using World Voice.

Sarutobii_Sasuke · Komik
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World Voice

'Is this the end of me, Ahh looks like I'm going to die'

'Die huh...'

'Reborn into the world of One Piece might be fun'

[ The Destination World of One Piece's Birth Has Been Established ]

'Oh great At the time of the End of My Life I hallucinated hearing the Voice of the world'

'Well what's wrong let's try,Born me with the Body of Hoshigaki Kisame'

[ Born With the Body of Hoshigaki Kisame ]

' Samehada'

[ Samehada's Life Weapon ]

'High Talent In Everything'

[ Supreme Talent In Everything ]

'Manas Athena'

[ Manas - Athena God of Knowledge ]

'3 Ultimate Haki '

[ Haki Observation - God Grade ]

[ Armament Haki - God Grade ]

[ Conqueror's Haki -God Grade ]

'Unlimited Potential'

[ Potency Restriction Has Been Removed ]

'Ultimate Taijutsu '

[ Taijutsu - God Grade ]

'Supreme Swordsman's Technique'

[ Swordsman - God Grade ]

' Almighty'

[ Limit Reached Thus World Voice Sends Soul To Destination ]

' Ahh Dark, ahh My consciousness is starting to disappear'


" Ahhhh..... Ah haa ahh Where is this"

"Ah I can breathe underwater, I feel like I'm at the bottom of the ocean"

Kisame Swim Over the Sea, toward the Land.